Apiary BeekeepingHoney Bee FactsMale BeeDrone BeeRaising BeesBee ColonyHoney Bee HivesBee FarmBee KeeperApiary Beekeepingbee mating flight54
Honeybee TattooBee PosterMale BeeDrone BeeHoney Bee TattooStingless BeesGround SlothAesthetic HealthTattoo HealthPromiscuous Queen bees more likely to be executed by their coloniesScientists said queens which mated with more than one worker were more likely to produce infertile offspring, otherwise known as diploid males. Stingless bees are found in Brazil.132
Bee Hive PlansBackyard BeeRaising BeesWorker BeeBackyard BeekeepingWild PhotographyHoney Bee HivesBees And WaspsBee GardenBee Hive PlansFemale vs Male Honey Bee59
Bee CharacterHumor IllustrationCharacter ModellingMale BeeCartoon HumorCartoon BeeWorld WaterBee CraftsKid CharacterBeesCharacter bees for Honey's World Water. Series of bees with different occupations. Character modelling, texturing, posing, lighting and rendering. Done during employment at Studio Liddell.6
Male BeeDrone BeeApis MelliferaRaising BeesInsect SpeciesHoney Bee HivesWild PhotographyBee FriendlyHoney BeesMale BeeTrue or False... The male honey bees (also called drones), have no stinger and do no work. All they do is mate. #bees #nature #drone #life8
Tawny Mining BeeWool Carder BeeDifferent Types Of BeesMale BeeDrone BeeBee Life CycleTypes Of BeesSolitary BeesHoney Bee HivesAll buzz, no bite: the fascinating truth about male beesBecause a male bee lays no eggs, it doesn't have an ovipositor. And without one, it doesn't have a stinger. However, some have other armor.13
Drone BeeApis MelliferaTypes Of BeesRaising BeesWorker BeeBee ColonyWild PhotographyInsect PhotographyBees And WaspsHoney Bees & Beekeeping - Alex WildCastes of the western honey bee Apis mellifera: worker, queen, and drone.37
بيوت ملكيةMale BeeCarpenter Bee TrapBee TrapsBee Hive PlansBackyard BeeRaising BeesBackyard BeekeepingCarpenter Beeبيوت ملكية1.5k
Honey FactsGround BeesHoney Bee FactsMale BeeDrone BeeBackyard BeeBeekeeping For BeginnersBee ColonyCarpenter BeeDrone Honeybees: Top 10 Weird Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!Did you know a drone bee (male honeybee) can't sting? Or that drone bees mate in the air? Here are the top 10 weird facts about drone bees.60