DC Database

Quote1 Barry isn't going to Hell. But like all runners must eventually, he's reached his finish line. Quote2
—Speed Force

Finish Line is an episode of season 3 of The Flash. It premiered on May 23, 2017.

Synopsis for "Finish Line"

Appearing in "Finish Line"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Allen Family Ring
  • Cerebral Inhibitor (Mentioned only)
  • Facial Transmogrification Device
  • Hermes' Helmet
  • H.R. Wells' Drumsticks
  • Killer Frost's Cure (Single appearance)
  • Philosopher's Stone (Destroyed)
  • Pulse Rifle
  • Savitar's Armor (Flashback and main story) (Destroyed)
  • Speed Force Bazooka
  • Vibe's Goggles




  • This episode takes place on 23 May, 2017, the day that this episode was originally aired.
  • In an alternate reality of a local Multiverse, which was born as a consequence of Barry Allen never creating the Flashpoint Timeline, Savitar never came to exist so the H.R. Wells of the alternate Earth-19 never had to sacrifice himself and continued being a member of Team Flash.[1]
    • H.R. Wells' presence also helped the alternate Team Flash easily defeat their version of Clifford DeVoe.[2]
  • Barry and his future daughter XS will travel back in time to this point in time in "What's Past Is Prologue".
  • Hunter Zolomon is referred to as Black Flash for the first time in the Arrowverse continuity.


See Also

Recommended Media

  • None.

Links and References

  • None.

