DC Database

Tempus belongs to the Fuginauts, a race of cosmic beings tasked with preventing intrusions from other Universes, and especially from the Dark Multiverse into the normal one.

Tempus was tasked with the protection of the Prime Earth's universal boundaries, fighting off creatures from the Dark called the Inverses. After the invasion of the main Earth by Barbatos and his Knights, he decided to kill the would-be dimension-hopping hero Sideways.

However, Tempus proved that he was more than a drone when he decided to enlist and train Derek in the use of his new powers. Likewise, he spared residents from the Dark Multiverse who crossed into Prime Earth when they revealed that they were friends of Sideways. He however admitted that he would have to convince the Order of Fuginauts to ensure their safety.

Ultimately, Tempus' duties caused him to investigate other worlds within the Dark Multiverse, exploring worlds where certain critical events happened differently and things went badly. Upon watching the universe where Barbatos was victorious in consuming the Prime universe, he was attacked by the Duke Thomas of that world, who had slain the last living beings and sought to kill the dark gods lurking around the Dark Multiverse.[1]

When Black Adam's battle with the Unkindness sent him hurtling through space and time to the present day, he killed Tempus.[2]



Other Characteristics


  • Fuginaut's Scepter: This scepter has the ability to nullify rifting powers in its vicinity; the range of the effect seems to extend to several hundred meters around the scepter. Tempus also uses the Scepter as a weapon when fighting opponents, discharging powerful blast of energies through it.

  • The expression Tempus Fugit is latin for "Time flies".


