DC Database

"The Nightmare Maker!": The Abomidable Snowman awakens and walks off as Superman contends with the menace of a ghost star that is threatening to engulf the solar system. Superman discovers that the star is an illusion and immediately returns to earth. In the meantime it is revealed that the Dr P

Quote1 Now to sweep away my horrible dream-world with a wisp of thought! Quote2
— Doctor Phoenix

Superman #266 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1973.

Synopsis for "The Nightmare Maker!"

The Abomidable Snowman awakens and walks off as Superman contends with the menace of a ghost star that is threatening to engulf the solar system. Superman discovers that the star is an illusion and immediately returns to earth. In the meantime it is revealed that the Dr Phoenix is really the abominable snowman in disguise. The snowman had been in a state of animation until he was awakened by the alien rocket that brought baby Ka-El to earth. The snowman uses his device to make buildings disappear and erase civilization but he also wants to get rid of Superman because he believes that Superman's presence on the planet keeps him trapped in this planets reality. During their confrontation, the Abominable snowman succeeds in freezing most of Superman's body but Superman uses his right foot to kick the Abominable snowman in the eyes and render him unconscious. Once the snowman is unconscious, all the disappearing buildings return back to normal. Superman returns the Abominable snowman to the Himalayan Mountains where he fashions a device that suspends the snowman slightly off the ground so that he can dream in peace without being disturbed by Superman's presence.

Appearing in "The Nightmare Maker!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Gloria



  • Mirage-Projector


Synopsis for "The Face on the Falling Star!"

Krypton 10,000 years ago, two teenagers observe a falling star as it crashes near them. The teens race through the Flaming Forrest on Krypton to reach the crash site. When they reach the location they find that the falling star is actually an alien probe with a face depicted on the front. They decide to take the probe to their tribe patriarch but they get trapped by flames. Jaki, the female teen decides to ask the probe to help them escape. She manipulates the probe and is knocked out. When she revives she claims to know the pathway out of the flaming forrest. As the teens run, they trip and fall over a cliff. The alien probe then launches a net over the teens and rescues them. The teens return to their village and agree not to mention the probe for fear of not being believed. The story switches to earth where Atlas, the imperial ruler of Atlantis decrees that he is discontinuing the practice of sending probes to other planets. He feels that the practice is useless since he doubts that there is life on other planets.

Appearing in "The Face on the Falling Star!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






  • The Abominable Snowman is also known as the Yeti.
  • A Yeti appears in the 1964 movie Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
  • The Old Man of the Mountain Rock formation featured in the second story collapsed in 2003 and no longer exists.

See Also

Links and References
