DC Database

"Tomahawk: "The Doomed Stockade"": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Quote1 You see, the cat tail plant is known to absorb any ores present in the soil! This settler must've accidentally opened one of the cat tails and realized then that there's gold in the soil! Quote2
— Tomahawk

Star-Spangled Comics #119 is an issue of the series Star-Spangled Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1951.

Synopsis for Tomahawk: "The Doomed Stockade"

Appearing in Tomahawk: "The Doomed Stockade"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lux Brissom

Other Characters:

  • Chief Okoniac (Mentioned only)
  • Silver Feather, son of Okoniac
    • Sioux braves
  • Hogarth, settler
    • Spotted Rock people


  • American Wilderness Frontier, 18th Century
    • Great Central Plains
      • Spotted Rock, frontier settlement
      • Rushin' River
      • Fort Appenox (Destination only)
      • Bright Lake, frontier settlement (Mentioned only)
      • Deer Lick Meadow, frontier settlement (Mentioned only)


  • Wagon Train

Synopsis for Manhunters Around the World: "Guardians of the Coastline"

Appearing in Manhunters Around the World: "Guardians of the Coastline"

Featured Characters:

  • Special Agent Lon Grey

Supporting Characters:

  • Chief Agent Powers


  • Joe Long
  • "The Chiseler" (Dies)
  • Captain Teague (Dies)
  • "Gunner"

Other Characters:

  • Mr. Wells
  • Captain Hardy
  • Mr. Vedenal
  • Lon


  • Belvin's Paint Store
  • Vedendal Ship Yards


  • Queen Elsie
  • Shark
  • Pequot (Destroyed)
  • Pinetop (Destroyed)
  • Cloud Clipper (Destroyed)

Synopsis for Captain Compass: "The Killers of the Deep"

Appearing in Captain Compass: "The Killers of the Deep"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Penny Steamship Lines (Mentioned only)


  • Captain of the S.S. Perry, hijacker
    • Crew of the S.S. Perry, blubber robbers

Other Characters:

  • Whalers, Inc. executives, two
  • Captain Avery
    • First Mate Ferson (Mentioned only)
    • Harry
    • Barney
    • other crewmen



  • six Greyback Whales (Dies)


  • S.S. Avery A., whaling ship
  • S.S. Perry, much bigger whaling ship

Synopsis for Robin: "The Syndicate of Crime"

Dick Grayson takes a job a messenger boy for a new company to investigate what seems to be a network of criminal information and intelligence.

Appearing in Robin: "The Syndicate of Crime"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bill Saunders
  • Tommy Warren
  • Howard Brestor


  • "Pearly" Vogue
  • "Grudge" Snyder
  • "Hi-Jack" Benson
  • "Nugget" Reeves
  • McNeil Syndicate/Jiffy Delivery Service, "Syndicate of Crime"
    • "Ferret" McNeil
    • "Happy" Winters
    • "Peeper"

Other Characters:

  • Bill Saunders
  • Tommy Warren
  • Edwards
  • Jones
  • Howard Brestor





  • Captain Compass introduces his new fake identity, "Paul Anderson."


See Also

Links and References

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Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.