DC Database

Quote1 The city can't be saved, Batwoman. It's a cesspool of crime, filth, and pollution. Let it go. Start fresh! Quote2
— Poison Ivy src

Pamela Isley is the girlfriend of Renee Montoya and the supervillain known as Poison Ivy.

Pamela originally attended Gotham University, where she studied botany and fell in love with the criminal law student Renee Montoya. They started a relationship, but Pamela was abducted and experimented by her rival and classmate Marc LeGrand using several different types of plant toxins. Pamela survived the poisoning and as a result, she became the eco-terrorist known as Poison Ivy. However, Batman buried Ivy in the tunnels under the Batcave for the next 10 years.[1]

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  • Unique Physiology: Pamela was originally a botanist student from Gotham University, until Marc LeGrand experimented on her and gave her nature-based powers, also turning her insane in the process.
    • Toxic Immunity
    • Chlorokinesis: Ivy is able to manipulate and animate plants. She also can cause plants of all kinds to grow at a rapid rate simply by commanding them to do so.[2]
      • Pheromone Control: Ivy is able to secrete pheromones from her skin that can cause men and women alike to become infatuated with her, making them subservient to her every will.[3]
    • Infection: Ivy can infect others with her vines, changing their personalities and turning them into metahumans with plant-based powers.
      • Power Distribution: When Ivy infects someone with her vines, they gained several new abilities such as; chlorokinesis and pheromone control.
    • Telepathy: Ivy can talk telepathically with her "sporeling" Mary Hamilton.
    • Power Absorption
    • Superhuman Senses: Ivy has the ability to expand her hearing range, giving her the ability to hear sounds before the sound waves actually reaches her.
    • Superhuman Strength



  • Desiccation Serum[4]
  • Pheromone Blocker[5]

Other Characteristics



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Batwoman Villain(s)
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Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."
