DC Database

Nabu is one of the Lords of Order who inhabits one of the artifacts of fate, the Helmet of Fate. Those who bear his helm become the entitiy known as Doctor Fate.[1]

Nabu was born during the dawn of mankind. He and others discovered a secret of the universe that would one day become known as magic. With their almost infinite powers, Nabu and the other men and women became the Lords of Order, peacemakers obsessed with maintaining order. Soon enough the magic the Lords contained grew too strong for their bodies, forcing them to find a new way of existing. Nabu forged a helmet and imprinted his soul on it, anyone to wear the helmet would be possessed by Nabu, making them a servant of order. This helmet would become known as the Helmet of Fate and whoever wore it would take on the moniker of Doctor Fate.[2]


  • Through the Helmet of Fate: After losing his body from his ascension into a Lord of Order due to it eroding his body, Nabu forged the Helmet of Fate in order to preserve and continue his existence. Despite this, he still possess powers through it.[1]



  • Vulnerability to Magic: Nabu's breanth of power can be disrupted by other powerful forms of magic, including those from both fellow Lords of Order and his enemies, the Lords of Chaos.[3]
    • Vulnerability to Chaos Magic: Due to Nabu is no longer able to control his own power after a binding spell casted by numerous powerful sorcerers and backed by Chaos Magic created the condition of the helm's power being operated only by a willing host.[7]
    • Vulnerability to Atlantean Magic: Nabu is seemingly vulnerable to powerful forms of Atlantean magic, proving powerful enough to server his connection between his given hosts and himself.[3]
  • Cost of Magic: Due to the magic of order being pulled from a dark source, Nabu's original human body eroded overtime from the use of magic, forcing him to forge a helm and imprint his own soul into it.[2] (Formerly)

  • Nabu favors Khalid as Doctor Fate.[8]
  • Xanadoth described Nabu as the fiercest of all the Lords of Order.[9]



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Justice League Villain
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was primarily an enemy of the Justice League, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Justice League Villains."
