DC Database

"Himon!": Himon, a master escape-artist and inventor who "pioneered" the Boom Tube and the Mother Box and linked the latter with the Source, is the partner of Metron, the mentor of young Scott Free and a group of underground Apokolips youth, and the eternal target of Darkseid, whose agents conti

Quote1 Yes, Scott! Darkseid fears you, too! Because, you, too, can dream of things beyond Darkseid! What is the dream released inside Scott Free? Quote2
— Himon

Mister Miracle #9 is an issue of the series Mister Miracle (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1972. It was published on May 11, 1972.

Synopsis for "Himon!"

Himon, a master escape-artist and inventor who "pioneered" the Boom Tube and the Mother Box and linked the latter with the Source, is the partner of Metron, the mentor of young Scott Free and a group of underground Apokolips youth, and the eternal target of Darkseid, whose agents continually find and execute "Himons" only to learn that they have only destroyed robot decoys. Big Barda helps capture Scott and his small band, but, like Scott, is aghast when she sees that her superior, Wonderful Willik, has murdered all the prisoners except Scott. But Himon rescues Barda and Scott and kills Willik with a bomb. Later, Scott is stripped of his rank, but breaks out with Barda's help and crawls towards a Boom Tube set up by Himon and Metron. Darkseid appears, and declares he will not interfere, giving Scott the choice to remain with him and become a warrior of Apokolips, or seek his destiny at the other end of the Boom Tube. Scott cries, "Let me be Scott Free--and find myself!", and leaps into the tube. Just before they phase out, Metron and Himon vanish, and prophesy that "we shall be in Armagetto when it ends! For it is here where you will face Orion!" Darkseid sneers that he will face Orion wherever Fate decrees, and that someday he will shut down all free will in the universe save his own, with the power of Anti-Life.

Appearing in "Himon!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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