DC Database

Quote1 I was perfectly happy waving a wand. Now the thunder-clouds talk to me. Begging me to let them rain. Quote2
— Weather Wizard src

Marco Mardon is the Weather Wizard. Using his Weather Wand to commit crimes, he has acted as an enemy of the Flash and member of the Rogues.

Marco Mardon was the uninspired of two brothers. He never dreamed of owning a big estate or of being a cartel leader like his brother.[1] Marco was born into a rich family. When his father died, his brother Claudio started operating the cartel business. Claudio secretly arranged for a treaty with the competing cartel by offering them a large area of territory. However, as Marco was called in to assist his brother, Claudio was murdered and his body taken. The evidence of a ransom note and the blood splattering indicated a murder even though with police officially stated it was a kidnapping. Patty Spivot began investigating Marco for Claudio's murder as a personal vendetta.[2]

Marco later discovered that the murder of Claudio was orchestrated by Claudio's wife, Elsa. He killed her with a lightning bolt, avenging his brothers death.

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  • Weather Manipulation: Marco Mardon can manipulate the weather in a variety of ways, preferably in the form of lightning blasts.[2] He was also able to manipulate Typhoon's body after the latter turned himself into a typhoon.[3]
    • Electro-Blast: Marco is able to harness the weather in order to create lightning blasts from the electrical storms he creates.[2]
    • Aerokinesis: Weather Wizard can generate tornadoes that he can bend and twist at will.[4]
    • Enhanced Senses: Weather Wizard can sense the level of ionization of the air and sense if Flash is nearing his location.[6]
    • Hydrokinesis: Weather Wizard can create fog and cause intense rain.[4]
    • Cryokinesis: Marco was able to create a blizzard that could generate an absolute zero temperature with winds at 100 mph that could stop a speedster like Johnny Quick.[7]


Other Characteristics

  • Mental Disorder: Marco's mental health has been steadily declining to the point that he is now showing clear signs of instability.
  • Power Instability: Weather Wizard's emotions are tied to his powers and reflect the weather he is making. For example rain will make him gloomy and sad while lightning will make him angry.[8]




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