DC Database

The organization known as Leviathan was formed by five Jarhanpurians when they landed on Earth after their planet; Jarhanpur, was destroyed after years of civil wars. It is led by an elder known as the Anointed One, with the other members being [[R

Quote1 Leviathan is everywhere. Leviathan is everyone. And Leviathan is coming. Quote2
—Margot Morrisonsrc

Leviathan was a secret organization founded by the Jarhanpurian Anointed One after her ship crashed to Earth.


Early History

The organization known as Leviathan was formed by five Jarhanpurians when they landed on Earth after their planet; Jarhanpur, was destroyed after years of civil wars. It is led by an elder known as the Anointed One, with the other members being Rama Khan, Gamemnae, Tezumak, and Sela. Over time, they recruited Margot Morrison and an unnamed old man. Each Jarhanpurian has a unique power; Rama Khan is geokinetic, Gamemnae is technokinetic, Tezumak is pyrokinetic and Sela is electrokinetic.[1][2]

Leviathan was responsible for several extinction level events throughout history. Each time Leviathan's symbol has appeared, catastrophe has followed, like:[1][3][4]

It is possible that the Leviathan symbol has evolved over the ages.[4]


When Eve Teschmacher's parents died, she became depressed, desperate, and piled with debt. Due to Eve's academic brilliance, Leviathan recruited her, promising to fix all of her problems if she joined them and workes for Lex Luthor.[5]

When Andrea Rojas found the Medallion of Acrata in an ancient Mayan ruin, she is approached by a member of Leviathan, who makes her take the Medallion so the organization can use her services. The Medallion allows Andrea to teleport into the shadows. Years later, Margot appears to Andrea and tells her how to activate her enablement, to kill Governor Harper, or they killed her father Bernardo. Andrea then becomes Acrata and kills the governor.

When her boyfriend Russell Rogers found the Medallion, Margot and other members of Leviathan wanted to kill him, but Andrea convinced them that he would be useful to the organization. So they turned him into Rip Roar.[6]

After Lex Luthor was defeated, Eve Teschmacher tried to leave National City, but she was intercepted by Margot, who states that her job isn't done yet.[7]

In 2019, Leviathan hired Caroline O'Connor to kill Dr. Niles Jarrod and Dr. Andrew Stern. O'Connor managed to kill Jarrod in a nightclub but was prevented from killing Dr. Stern by Supergirl. When O'Connor was going to reveal who hired her, she was killed by Acrata.[8]

Leviathan also hired Breathtaker to kill Elena Torres in Mexico City. Without knowing that Elena had already been murdered, Breathtaker went Elena's apartment, and found a woman there whom she thought was Elena. Breathtaker so then threw the woman out through the window using her powers, but she was detained by Supergirl and arrested by D.E.O.[9]

For unknown reasons, Leviathan hired an unknown man who could detach most of his fingers. At Leviathan's behest, Rip Roar stole the Marathon Laser from Lex Luthor's vault at Fort Summit. Margot then met with him and told him to "change the world" with it. He then went to the Socorro Satellite Station in New Mexico to steal a particle amplifier. Rip Roar then took the laser to Lake Vostok to create a massive tidal wave. He blasted it into the frozen lake, setting off a massive flood. After creating the flood, he was detained by Supergirl and Martian Manhunter and imprisoned by the D.E.O., where he was rescued by Acrata with Lena Luthor's help. In return, Lena asks her to give her the Medallion of Acrata. Rip Roar was later killer by Leviathan, and they used his body as a bomb.[10][6]

Margot and Rama Khan later tried to get the Medallion back from Lena, but they failed. The planets were coming into alignment for the first time in nearly 2,000 years, since the Pompeii catastrophe, so Rama Khan and Gamemnae decided that they should remake the event and activate a volcano in National City, 10,000 times more powerful than Pompeii. Rama Khan used the Staff of the Shadow World and Acrata to activate the volcano, but he was stopped by Supergirl and Martian Manhunter. Khan then lost his mantle of "Guardian of Earth" to Gamemnae.[1][3]


After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Leviathan's history was slightly changed, along with the entire multiverse. All the Jarhanpurians retain knowledge of the original universe. In this version of the story, Gamemnae (or "Gemma Cooper") was the college mentor of Andrea Rojas, who still worked for Leviathan, but never became an assassin.[4][11]

In this new universe, Eve Teschmacher's parents had not yet died, and she was approached by Leviathan as a teenager to become a killer and spy for them. She refused, so they killed her father and threatened to kill her mother in response, so she decided to join the organization and became one of their main killers. Also in this universe, Dr. Niles Jarrod was not killed by Caroline O'Connor, but by Lex Luthor, who wanted to bring Eve to his side.[12]

 Main article: Obsidian Platinum

At some point, Leviathan hired a Morae. Leviathan also targeted Obsidian North, who was projecting V.R. lenses that could link its user to a virtual space where he could enjoy a fake reality without real life problems. They sought to use the new technology to simultaneously control every human minds, assurring the dominion of the entire world. To cover his tracks, Lex killed Margot, inside the Leviathan's warehouse where she kept the Obsidian V.R. users she kidnapped.[11][12]

Lex managed to infiltrate Leviathan when he retrieved a weapon that was theirs from the Fortress of Solitude and gifted it to Gamemnae. She then frees Rama Khan for him to kill Supergirl. With the Staff of the Shadow World, Khan goes to Portland and starts an earthquake. Supergirl and her team manage to track him down and trap him in the D.E.O., but that was her plan all along. He managed to break free and grab his staff, stealing a piece of Kryptonite and destroying the D.E.O.[4]

Andrea organized the launch of Obsidian Platinum in the Worlwide Unity Festival, so every human on Earth could upload himself to the virtual world and be left at the mercy of Leviathan. When the Festival began, billions of people linked themselves to Obsidian Platinum. Khan then teams up with Tezumak and Sela to kill Supergirl, but they are tricked by the Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian, who had disguised themselves as the heroine. Before Gamemnae could kill the V.R. users, Supergirl entered the reality and asked everyone to disconnect themselves as she explained the danger. They listened to the heroine and left the reality, averting the Leviathan's plan. So Gamemnae ordered Andrea to kill Supergirl, but Lena made her give up. After a fight with the heroes, Brainiac 5 manages to defeat Khan, Tezumak and Sela, imprisoning them in a Coluan bottle, which is later stolen by Lex Luthor. Lex manages to absorb the powers of the imprisoned Jarhanpurians and Supergirl finally manages to kill Gamemnae using the Anti-Life Equation, destroying the Leviathan forever.[2][13]


Equipment: Medallion of Acrata: It is an ancient Mayan Medallion which represented the shadows in the night, allowing its user to be able to teleport once she entered a shadow. The Medallion consists of letters that translates into the words "Leviathan".[6]
Transportation: Leviathan ship[2]
Weapons: Staff of the Shadow World: It is an artifact associated with ancient Mesopotamians, but can also be found in Herculaneum. It is capable of activating dormant volcanoes and causing earthquakes, destroying entire buildings.[3][4]



  • The only known living members of Leviathan are the Anointed One and the unnamed old member.

See Also


  • None.


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