DC Database

"Worlds Collide": On Earth Omega, Doctor Multiverse tells Justice League Incarnate the history of the Multiverse. In the beginning there was only darkness. Then the light appeared, and grew until it had consumed the dark. The darkness tried to destroy the light, and created a tiny crack in the i

Quote1 ...in the beginning nothing and everything were the same thing. A single black infinitude. Cold and dark for so very long that even the birth of the burning light was imperceptible. But the light grew and soon everything was no longer nothing. And the darkness... screamed. Quote2
— Doctor Multiverse

Justice League Incarnate #4 is an issue of the series Justice League Incarnate (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 2022. It was published on February 1, 2022.

Synopsis for "Worlds Collide"

On Earth Omega, Doctor Multiverse tells Justice League Incarnate the history of the Multiverse. In the beginning there was only darkness. Then the light appeared, and grew until it had consumed the dark. The darkness tried to destroy the light, and created a tiny crack in the infinite brightness from which the Multiverse was born. Since then, the light and dark warred as the light tried to maintain the Multiverse and the Great Darkness tried to destroy it, culminating in the Crisis on Infinite Earths, with the Monitor and Anti-Monitor serving as the champions of each side.

Thanks to the valiant efforts of the Multiverse's immune system, superheroes, the Darkness was vanquished, but the infinite Multiverse contracted to a single universe, weakening the light. The Great Darkness attacked and almost destroyed the new universe, but the Swamp Thing brokered a truce between the Great Darkness and the Presence. However, even as the Darkness retreated into slumber, it continued to influence others to undermine the new universe, unaware that they were serving a larger plan.

When the Multiverse of 52 Earths was created, the truce between the Great Darkness and the Light was broken and the Darkness began to rise again. The prior incarnation of Darkseid was aware of this and, since the Darkness was an enemy of all things both good and evil, triggered the Final Crisis to try to stop it, but was defeated himself. Mandrakk, under the influence of the Darkness, tried to destroy the Multiverse but was also foiled by the superheroes, who the Darkness realised were its true enemy.

The Darkness tried to weaken the heroes of Earth 0 by manipulating Doctor Manhattan into removing years of their history, meanwhile it created the Empty Hand as an extension of itself to attack the surrounding universes. Once again the heroes of the Multiverse foiled the Great Darkness' plans, so the Darkness again turned it's attention to Earth 0 by unleashing the forces of the Dark Multiverse on it. Although Barbatos was also defeated, the Darkest Knight's actions fundamentally changed the Multiverse and created Earth Omega, a fragment of the Darkness where Darkseid drew Barry Allen to him and planned to crack open the Multiverse and take control of the Darkness. However, the heroes ruined his plans and doomed all things, and now the only way to save the Multiverse is to let Darkseid win, as he is the only one with the power to fight the Great Darkness.

Superman refuses to believe that evil is the answer, and Batman says they need to get away from Darkseid and talk things over, but Darkseid recalls his forces to Earth Omega to prepare for war. Grail and Kalibak report that the House of Heroes crashed on Earth 7 and is in the hands of the Gentry. Darkseid announces that they will take the fight to the Gentry and asks Justice League Incarnate if they will help. Batman tries to kill Doctor Multiverse to remove the threat of the crack but Superman stops him. Thomas is possessed by the Great Darkness, and despite Superman's attempts to help his friend break its influence, Darkseid annihilates him, then pulls the crack out of Maya and departs with his army to Earth 7. Captain Carrot rouses the other heroes, who agree they will go to Earth 7 and rescue their teammates, then defeat Darkseid after he has exhausted himself destroying the Darkness.

On Earth 7, the force of Apokolips battle the Gentry. Darkseid drives the crack into the Empty Hand's chest, but rather than kill him, this provides the Hand with the final piece he needs for the Obilvion machine, and he seemingly crushes Darkseid. Doctor Multiverse transports Justice League Incarnate to the wreckage of the House of Heroes on Earth 7 and they begin looking for their friends, but they are attacked by the other Leaguers, who have been possessed by the Great Darkness.

Appearing in "Worlds Collide"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






  • This issue retells many events from the history of the DC Comics Multiverse.
    • The story reveals that the Great Darkness was active during major events in the DC Universe by manipulating others.
      • The events of Dark Nights: Death Metal #1, which also retold events from the DC history, revealed that Perpetua was actually the mastermind behind each Crisis as she whispered from her cage in order to escape her imprisonment behind the Source Wall.
  • The Pre-Crisis version of the Monitor is referred to as Mar Novu despite having never been named in the Pre-Crisis continuity. However, this is coherent with that version just being a reborn aspect of the original Mar Novu from the Sixth Dimension.
  • For the first time, the Dark Multiverse invasions from Dark Nights: Metal and Dark Nights: Death Metal are referred to as the Metal Wars.
  • Despite his apparent death, Thomas Wayne's story is continued in Flashpoint Beyond (Volume 1).


See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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