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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 I think we can put Major Disaster and his Injustice League to good use Quote2

--Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth)

Quote1 No anger? No fear? Too much respect for the honored dead to fight them? Quote2

--Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth)

Quote1 She's calling from Hell? On her cell phone? Quote2

--Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth)

Quote1 Yeah. I know it seems like an awful lot of work just to kidnap one of you, but I was killing two birds with one stone. Well, killing a lot more than just two birds, but you get my meaning. Quote2

--Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth)

Quote1 You'll forgive me for saying this Princess, but you do look good on your knees. Quote2

--Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth)

Quote1 Be ready to kill, my legions! Kill for the love of killing! Kill for the love of Kooeykooeykooey! Quote2

--Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth)

Quote1 Yes, Wanda. I'm not just billionaire/playboy Max Lord! I'm Maximum Force! Quote2

--Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth)

Quote1 Beetle and Booster? After all this time? Those idiots are still alive? Quote2

--Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth)

Quote1 Ask yourself, how much harm do they bring about? How many crazed psychopaths spin plots just to entangle or destroy them? It pains me. So much promise. So much power. And it seems to go wrong. That is why I have taken it upon myself to watch them. If they choose to put on these uniforms, claim to protect us, then they should be held accountable. Quote2

--Maxwell Lord IV (New Earth)

All items (9)
