DC Database

Ally Allston was the feared dictator of the Inverse World.[1] She attempted to fuse her world with the main universe.

On Superman's world the Allston family had been aware of the inverse world and trying to reach it for generations.[1] Ally's counterpart developed a way to allow her followers to temporarily possess their counterparts on Ally's world and carry messages between the two Allys, allowing them to co-ordinate.[2]

Like her counterpart, Ally assembled a cult of followers, although unlike Ally-Prime she was able to attract members of the rich and famous, even after they were linked to riots in Star City. One of her followers was a young starlet named Misty, who was dating Jon-El, the son of the famous superhero Kal-El. Jon was seeking meaning in his life and so Ally was able to manipulate him into joining them. Jon also arranged for her to meet his uncle and aunt Tal-Rho and Lana Lang, who also joined her.

Ally used Green Kryptonite to give some of her followers superpowers and stole X-Kryptonite weapons from Project 4377 to fend off Kal-El. She seized control of the government and told the world about the other Earth and her plans to fuse the two realities together.[3] The plan was for Ally and her counterpart to merge the two worlds with the pendants they each possessed, which dated back to when their worlds split apart. Kal-El stole Ally's pendant before they could put their plan into action and fled to the other world, hoping to destroy the pendant and to kill Ally's counterpart.[4]

Ally's pendant eventually ended up in the hands of Mitchell Anderson, who joined up with Ally's counterpart. Ally-Prime intended to cross over through the interdimensional rift Kal-El had left behind with several of her followers, but only Anderson came through, carrying both pendants.[2] Ally was waiting on the other side with some of her followers, including Jon-El, Lana and Anderson's counterpart. When Anderson arrived alone she demanded to know what was happening, as her counterpart would have never willingly given up her pendant, but she and Anderson could not understand each other as his speech was reversed compared to theirs. Anderson fused the two pendants together and began to merge with his counterpart, and Ally ordered Jon to kill their Anderson as she refused to let anyone "ascend" before her. After a moment's hesitation he did so and Anderson fled. Ally put out a bulletin ordering anyone who saw Anderson to turn him in, but he had seemingly disappeared.[3]

Ally-Prime later managed to cross over and join up with Ally. She explained that when she initially tried to go through the portal, her followers were destroyed by the rift's energy and she had only managed to get through using Kal-El's containment suit to protect herself. It appeared that only people with powers like Kal-El and Anderson could cross through unprotected.[5] When Kal-El's counterpart Superman followed Ally-Prime through the portal they suspected he may be able to lead them to Anderson and so sent Jon-El, his counterpart's son, to meet him and gain his trust. Jon took Superman to his family home, where, unbeknownst to him, Anderson was indeed hiding out along with Jon's mother, brother and grandfather. When Jon did not report back the Allys went to Bizarro's farm, taking Tal-Rho and Lana Lang with them. Tal-Rho, Lana and Jon fought Superman and Anderson, and eventually took the pendants. The Allys began to fuse together, and then gave the pendants to Jon-El, telling him to go to the other world, merge with his other self and prepare for their arrival.[3]

The Allys successfully fused together, gaining great power. Superman destroyed the Oblivion Stone but the Allys gained the power necessary to merge the worlds by draining the energy from the inverse Tal-Rho, killing him;[6] and Superman, rendering him powerless.[7] They attempted to fuse the worlds but were foiled by John Henry and Natalie Irons, who managed to stop the merge from inside the space between worlds by detonating an X-Kryptonite bomb between the portals. In a rage, Ally attempted to kill them but was stopped by Superman, who had regained and supercharged his powers by diving into the heart of the sun. The two cosmically powerful beings fought and Ally attempted to drain his energy again. However, the amount of energy she absorbed was so great that the bond between her and her counterpart was destabilised. Superman was able to forcibly split them apart and undo the merge by simply striking the two worlds with an almighty blow.

Now powerless, the Ally's were arrested and imprisoned in a military black site. Lois came to visit them in prison and asked them if they had ever truly felt complete when they merged. They admitted that they had felt a moment of joy when they first started to fuse together, but then it turned into something darker as they became a Parasite. Lois asked why they had tried to make the entire world like them if the merge had not been what they hoped for, and they told her they didn't want to be the only ones, and couldn't bear to be alone. As Lois left, she told them they would never be alone again.[8]




  • Pendant: (Formerly) Ally's pendant is an "oblivion stone", an artefact dating back to when her world split from the other world and is a duplicate of the one worn by her counterpart. It can be used to fuse a person with their shadow self to achieve godlike power. Bizarro stole it and fled to the other world.[4]



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