DC Database

"The Isle That Time Forgot": On Dick Grayson's birthday, Bruce Wayne gives the kid his own small Batplane and after a quick change of gears, Batman and Robin ride the sky on the new vehicle. During their small trip, a storm strikes

Quote1 How brave and strong he is! If only he would team up with me-- Nobody would be able to stop us... Nobody! Quote2
— Catwoman

Batman #10 is an issue of the series Batman (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1942. It was published on February 7, 1942.

Synopsis for "The Isle That Time Forgot"

On Dick Grayson's birthday, Bruce Wayne gives the kid his own small Batplane and after a quick change of gears, Batman and Robin ride the sky on the new vehicle. During their small trip, a storm strikes and they are dragged away from Gotham City to an abandoned island. Upon descending, Batman and Robin are confronted by some tribesme led by an old archaeologist, who wants to eliminate the dynamic duo. Batman and Robin manage to escape, but they are soon confronted by a dinosaur, which they also manage to defeat with great effort. However, they are attacked by some hostages of the archaeologist and they take each of the heroes in different directions.

When Batman recovers he is about to be devoured by a giant boa constrictor, but he is saved by an unknown person, who shoots the reptile. Meanwhile, Robin is placed inside a saber-tooth tiger's cage and he calls Batman for help. Making his way across the old achaeologist and his men, Batman saves Robin, but realizes that the saber-tooth from the tiger are fake and after one final fight with the tribesmen, Batman and Robin learn that the whole scenario is a movie setup and they have been turned into the main starts of the film. After learning the truth of the mysterious island, Batman and Robin return home, hoping to see the film when it is released.

Appearing in "The Isle That Time Forgot"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Professor Moloff (Single appearance)
  • Dan (Single appearance)
  • Dolores (Single appearance)
  • "Big Guy" Markham (Single appearance)




Synopsis for "Report Card Blues"

A kid runs away from home, fearing his report card might cause his parent's anger.

In the meantime, Batman and Robin try to stop a trio of criminals from stealing some "protection money", but the gangsters manage to get away. Batman puts out word to the police about the criminals and they start looking for three thugs on a meat truck. Knowing that they are being looked, the thugs take the runaway kid into their truck to fool the police and once they're out of danger, they put the kid in the back of the truck. The kid starts leaving a trail of meat from a hole in the truck and using the Batmobile, Batman and Robin follow the trail to the thug's hideout, where they almost capture them all, but they allow themselves to be captured to prevent the thugs from harming the kid.

Batman and Robin manage to escape and with a little kid, they capture the entire gang, sending them to jail. Batman and Robin take the kid to his home and from that day, the little kid became a good student, much to his mother's delight.

Appearing in "Report Card Blues"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Muggsy (Single appearance)
  • Milo (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "The Princess of Plunder"

At the mansion of Marguerite Tone, she is hosting a party and she invites her guests to participate in a scavanger hunt. After she gives the guests the items they must find, she goes into her room, revealing herself as the princess of plunder, the Catwoman and she gathers her gang, giving them instructions about what to steal and to use the scavanger hunt as an alibi if they are captured.

Various criminals get away with their alibi, but a couple of them are spotted by Batman and Robin, breaking inside a house. After a short struggle, the thugs use the alibi and Batman calls to Marguerite Tone's home, where Catwoman answers and confirms the version of the thugs. However, Batman recognized the voice and he decides to investigate on the next party held by Tone.

The second party is a costume theme party and Bruce decides to go dressed as Batman. However, upon entering, he is shocked to see that there are more people disguised as Batman and one of them talks to him in a very suspicious way. After a while, Bruce is invited to join the rest of "Batmen" to go to the roon where Catwoman would give them instructions. Batman plays along and learns that Catwoman's plan is to send her gang on a stealing quest disguised as Batman to frame the vigilante for several crimes. However, when Catwoman asks for everyone of his thugs to take off their masks, Batman is discovered for his reluctance to do so and he is forced to fight his way out of the situation with some help from Robin.

The last of Catwoman's scheme was to disguise one of her thugs as a butler for one of her wealthy acquaintances so he can provide the rest of the gang an easy way inside the house. Bruce Wayne notices something strange and soon learns the plan. Bruce knocks out the fake butler and disguises himself as the man in order to trick the rest of the gang and capture them all at once.

Knowing that her situation is not safe anymore, Catwoman decides that it's time to leave Gotham and she tries to round up the last members of her gang to get out of town. However, Batman and Robin find them and her henchmen turn of them for causing the downfall of the gang and one of them tries to shoot her. Batman saves her and captures the entire gang, except for Catwoman, who kisses Batman after his heroic feat.

The police arrive soon and they take the criminals away, but Catwoman has already escaped. Back in Wayne Manor, Dick tells Bruce that it was obvious that he allowed Catwoman to escape, but Bruce tries to convince Dick otherwise, without much success.

Appearing in "The Princess of Plunder"

Featured Characters:


  • Catwoman
    • Silky Davis (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "The Sheriff of Ghost Town"

Sunshine City is an Western-looking town that has been abandoned for decades. When the elder people finally decides to settle back in the city, they are discouraged by a group of bandits who take away all they have worked so hard to get. The only kid in town decides to get help from the bravest man he knows: Batman.

The kid reachs to every single media available and not long after this Bruce finally gets the message, which causes Batman and Robin to get on their way towards Sunshine City. Upon arriving, they take away all of the the bandits and the people want Batman to become the new Sheriff in town. After the voting for new sheriff takes place, Batman is elected as Sherrif and he names Robin the Deputy Sheriff.

The city is renewed with law and order, but the bandits want vengeance on Batman for ruining their plans. When Robin was travelling along a chariot to guard it, the bandits strike and they steal the content from the chariot and they kidnap Robin. When the news reach Batman, he decides to go looking for the bandits and the people of the town, despite their old age, tag along with an unexpected strength.

After tracking down the bandits, Batman finds their hideout and with help from the elders, they rescue Robin and capture all of the evil doers. However, the leader of the gang is currently in town, trying to take the opportunity now that Batman is out of town. His plan fails when Batman arrives and captures him with no effort. When all the bandits are in prison, Batman decides it's time to leave town, knowing that the people of Sunshine City will take good care of their beloved town.

Appearing in "The Sheriff of Ghost Town"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Five Aces" Frogel (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Cactus Tom (Single appearance)
  • Joe Jeffers (Single appearance)





  • In "The Isle That Time Forgot", Batman and Robin confront a mechanical dinosaur, which would become an iconic piece of memorabilia in the Batcave.
  • In "The Isle That Time Forgot", it isn't said which birthday Dick Grayson is celebrating. Bruce Wayne spanks him at least ten times (though there could have been further spanking in between panels), which could mean he is turning nine, but there are fourteen candles on his birthday cake. Later comics will confirm that on Earth-Two Dick was born in 1928 and was therefore fourteen.[1]
  • In the third story, there's a reference to the events of World's Finest #5

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
