Batman: Prey is a five-part storyline written by Doug Moench and illustrated by Paul Gulacy, taking place in Batman's earlier years. Hugo Strange attacks Batman psychologically while working with the Gotham City Police Department's new anti-vigilante task force, contributing to the creation of a brutal new vigilante named Night-Scourge.
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #11
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #12
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #13
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #14
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #15
- Batman: Terror is a sequel also written by Doug Moench and illustrated by Paul Gulacy, featuring the return of Strange as he strikes at Batman again by teaming up with Scarecrow.[1]
- Batman and the Monster Men is later written as a prequel to this story by Matt Wagner as part of his Dark Moon Rising series. This retcons several details about the story because of the different interpretations of Hugo Strange. Strange is shown to have trained himself to the peak of physical perfection given his statue, changing his motivations slightly.[2] He has also fought Batman already at this point instead of meeting him for the first time.[3] The Batmobile is created prior to this story instead of during.[4]
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Batman Family Storyline This event or storyline is specifically related to Batman, or to members of the Batman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Batman Storylines category. |