DC Database

"The Amazing Adventures of Captain Death": There are graves being robbed in a small mid-west town. When the police don't care, a cry for help is sent out to Azrael. But how does this tie to the old film-hero "Captain Death"?

Quote1 My name is Azrael, and I am probably the closest thing you'll ever see to an avenging angel. At least in this life. Quote2
— Azrael

Azrael: Agent of the Bat #78 is an issue of the series Azrael: Agent of the Bat (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 2001.

Synopsis for "The Amazing Adventures of Captain Death"

There are graves being robbed in a small mid-west town. When the police don't care, a cry for help is sent out to Azrael. But how does this tie to the old film-hero "Captain Death"?

Appearing in "The Amazing Adventures of Captain Death"

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See Also

Links and References
