DC2AP and DC2RDF Webinar


As we have talked about before, the DataCite Metadata Working Group has prepared a DataCite to Dublin Core application profile (DC2AP) and an ontology (DC2RDF) and is currently running a public review to become a DCMI Community Specification.

Two weeks ago, DataCite organised a webinar to discuss the first round of feedback received. Egbert Gramsbergen (TU Delft), Jan Ashton (British Library) and Silvio Peroni (Università di Bologna) examined the challenges encountered during the development of the profile and the efforts to come.

If you could not attend or you want to review the session, the recording of the webinar is already available here:

Remember that all the documentation, as well as a discussion forum are available at https://groups.google.com/a/datacite.org/forum/#!forum/dc2map. We welcome your feedback!