How do I use/where do I imput the code?
This is in the category 'physical game,' in the 'more info' section, but all I see is the download. Does this mean that when you are done working on it it will be a physical game? Also, having never heard the term 'ashcan' before, but after having looked it up: is there feedback that you're looking for, if in playing this we are kinda 'playtesting' an unfinished version of the game? Like specific questions, (runtime, say), that you would like to know if I can get a game of this together. And, although the writing just on the listing is spectacular, would you like any feedback about the writing/layout of the game itself? Also, if anyone is interested in getting a game of this together- online, although if you're in the CA bay are let me know- please let me know! I'd love to play it but have a limited group around here.