File talk:Helix diagram.png
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POV-Ray scene file
[edit]//helix.png for POV-Ray v3.6 by Y. tambe //You can use this source file as public-domain camera { angle 5 location <0.0, 0.0, 90> look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> translate 0.3*y } light_source { <0, 500, 1000> rgb <1, 1, 1> shadowless } #declare pole= union{//pole cylinder{ 2*y, -2*y, 0.5 texture{ pigment{ planar//patially transparent pigment_map{ [ 0 color rgbt<1,1,1,0> ] [ 0.5 color rgbt<1,1,1,0.5> ] [ 1 color rgbt<1,1,1,0.2> ] } } finish{ ambient 0.05 diffuse 1} scale 2*y } } } #declare step=5; //S (left-handed, though placed on right) union{ #declare c1=0-90; merge{ #while (c1<360*1.5+90) cylinder{ vaxis_rotate(<0.535,0,0>,y, c1)-1.2*y+(1.2*2)/1.5/360*c1*y, vaxis_rotate(<0.535,0,0>,y, (c1+step))-1.2*y+(1.2*2)/1.5/360*(c1+step)*y, 0.035 } #declare c1=c1+step; #end texture{ pigment{ planar pigment_map{ [ 0 color rgbt<0.5,1,0.5,1> ] [ 0.1 color rgbt<0.5,1,0.5,0> ] [ 1 color rgbt<0.5,1,0.5,0> ] } } finish{ ambient 0.4 diffuse 0.6} scale 1.5*y } } object{pole} rotate 10*x translate -1.4*x } //Z (right-handed, though placed on left) union{ #declare c1=0-90; merge{ #while (c1<360*1.5+90) cylinder{ vaxis_rotate(<-0.535,0,0>,y, -c1)-1.2*y+(1.2*2)/1.5/360*c1*y, vaxis_rotate(<-0.535,0,0>,y, -(c1+step))-1.2*y+(1.2*2)/1.5/360*(c1+step)*y, 0.035 } #declare c1=c1+step; #end texture{ pigment{ planar pigment_map{ [ 0 color rgbt<0.5,1,0.5,1> ] [ 0.1 color rgbt<0.5,1,0.5,0> ] [ 1 color rgbt<0.5,1,0.5,0> ] } } finish{ ambient 0.4 diffuse 0.6} scale 1.5*y } } object{pole} rotate 10*x translate 1.4*x } //anotations text{ ttf "cyrvetic.ttf", "A", 0.5,0 rotate 180*y scale 0.6 translate <2.4, 2.2,0> } text{ ttf "cyrvetic.ttf", "B", 0.5,0 rotate 180*y scale 0.6 translate <-.5, 2.2,0> }