Commons:Deletion requests/Image:GT056-Antigua TitTwins.jpeg

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This deletion debate is now closed. Please do not make any edits to this archive.
  • Add {{subst:delete-subst|REASON (mandatory)}} on the page
  • Notify the uploader with {{subst:idw|Image:GT056-Antigua TitTwins.jpeg}}--~~~~
  • On the log, add :
    {{Commons:Deletion requests/Image:GT056-Antigua TitTwins.jpeg}}

uploaded by unapproved bot. Who knows who really owns the copyright? Lots of user's other uploads also suspect. -Nard 16:00, 20 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Listen guys, let me first apologize for not knowing everything I should about the proper or expected protocols for addressing this sort of 'attack' (for lack of a better word). Let me begin by saying that I am the flesh & blood villain behind the users "Public Domain" (User ID: 195951), "File Upload Bot (Public Domain)", "ZackClark" (User ID: 195594) , and "File Upload Bot (ZackClark)". These accounts were all set up the first part of September 2007. I created the extra accounts using the naming schema "Upload Bot(..." because that is exactly what Eloquence's file upload bot ( instructs you to do. The first account I created was "ZackClark" because that is my pen name (see,,, and The problem was that the wikimedia system was NOT properly reacting to my attempts to log-in (it would initially report success and then acted just like I had never logged in). I suspected that it was perhaps a problem I inadvertently caused in the process of creating the account. So after receiving no answers when I wrote to,, Moeller, and Eloquence on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 19:35:26 -0600 (Message-ID: <>) - I then very carefully created yet another set of accounts using "Public Domain" (which for me is the most awesome name possible and my on going work in this area should demonstrate that no one has better title to using this name). However the exact same log-in problem continued to exist. I researched the problem at my end using various operating systems and browsers. Since nothing worked I suspected my Hughes Internet connection to be the problem. However, I was not completely 'dead in the water' because Eloquence's bot still worked great {actually "Upload Bot (Public Domain)" did not work because the name is too long}. Just a few days ago I again tried to log-in and BINGO! - it worked! (which is probably due to my Hughes service being upgraded OR your log-in routine being fixed). In any event I went to work and made over 400 edits to my image pages here. And all was going great until I got to "Image:GT056-Antigua_TitTwins.jpeg" and I now see that you folks are apparently intending to delete all my work!

GENTLEMEN PLEASE -- I don't have the talent required to express in words just how much I believe could achieve. What is unfolding here might evolve to more than we imagine. But let's ignore that for now and just look at all the good faith, work, and effort that I have invested in the contributions uploaded via "File Upload Bot (ZackClark)" so far. Also kindly investigate the WEB sites cited above. All this material is replete with evidence that everything submitted is TOTALLY my work. Even a casual but honest study of the facts should reveal this. My sincerity and dedication to this is embedded right down into the exif tags. Let me assure you that I have no need nor interest to use any material that is not 100% my own. I have thousands of photos and I've just started on my contributions. Sincerely, zClark

Thanks for the detailed comment. However the question is simply about accurate info as to creator and copyright holder. If you took the photo(s) and own the copyright on them, please include that information clearly on the image description pages. If you were not the original photographer, please include information on the source of the photoraph(s). Thanks. Cheers, -- Infrogmation 18:29, 14 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The poigna.nt irony here is that my goal for Commons is to be a model contributor who measures up to every expectation with meticulous rigor. Consequently I have exercised the utmost care regarding "... accurate info as to creator and copyright holder." In fact, my moral support for the public domain was the only conceivable problem I could imagine. Even the meta tags of every single file I upload contain, in part, the following info:

 License   : Public Domain!
 Creator   :
 Publisher : yojoa.ORG, from the "EYE of Zack Clark"

Not to mention my unconventional EXIF Comment which again covers all this just as succinct and clearly as I know how. The whole point to the preceding is that *I HAVE FAILED* despite my best efforts. OK? So we can all be in agreement on that. Moreover, I am more than willing to do whatever is reasonably required to make my image pages thoroughly acceptable. I just need to know exactly what trick it takes to do this regardless of how trivial it may be. To make this just as easy as possible and resolve things just as straight forward and fully as I can the following are presented.

1) Regarding the page "Image:GT056-Antigua_TitTwins.jpeg" - exactly what is wrong with that page and exactly what is needed to fix it? And in case I've still failed to make it clear, absolutely everything pertaining to this file - from taking the photo, to digital enhancement, to perfecting the meta tags, to devising a name, and uploading it to Commons - is 100% my creation, work and effort. Moreover, it is my unequivocal intent to emphatically assign all this work of mine to the Public Domain. Note: This is likewise true for all 276 files uploaded via "File Upload Bot (ZackClark)". If there is any continued confusion about this then kindly advise where the ambiguity lies.
2) If I need to make changes to over 250 pages, then is there any bots that I could employ to accomplish this in batch?
3) What does N mean by "uploaded by unapproved bot."? Is Eloquence's file upload bot some kind of feared rogue software? Or is it just a problem when I use it? If Eloquence's is out of favor then is there any similar scripts that are approved?
4) N continued, "Lots of user's other uploads also suspect." WHY? What is so menacing or different about 'lots' of my files? Why are some well enough regarded to have new Categories added while others need to be eagerly deleted? As hard as I've tried I cannot detect any rhyme or reason to any of this.

I continue to suspect that a big reason for my problems is due to the fact that the wikimedia system was malfunctioning and would NOT allow me to log-in. It wasn't until just 4 short days ago (March 11) that I first got logged-in. This means that the only option I had for uploading my files was through Eloquence's file upload bot. And once my files were uploaded I had no way to make corrections (because I could not log-in until now). And clearly it further means that I had no opportunity to develop any user pages or make any other interactive contributions of any sort. This was certainly NOT my choice nor preference as documented in my unanswered email of Mon, 10 Sep 2007 which stated in part, "I have NOT tried the bot because I wanted to upload one file interactively through the WEB site to be sure I'm using the categories correctly, etc." I can make the full contents of this email available (including headers) if desirable.

Finally, it may help explain my intensity over this if one would kindly consider the following simple facts:

1) I sought help for the log-in problem back on Sept.10 which may have effected numerous would be contributors using a Hughes Internet connection, but my email was ignored by no less than 4 addressees.
2) I have already had 22 files deleted (and maybe more).
3) my User "File Upload Bot (ZackClark)" has been blocked
4) my User "Public Domain" has been blocked
5) I have received absolute no notices about any of this, except for #4, and that as AFTER being blocked.
6) After all my reflection over this I still cannot understand why I am being accused of "abusing sockpuppets" and reacted to so aggressively.

ZackClark 21:01, 15 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

  • You need permission to run a bot, and you are responsible for monitoring its talk page and responding to problems with the uploads, such as the total lack of information they had. You failed to do this. That's what I mean by "unapproved bot". -Nard 22:12, 15 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hello N!

Thank you so much for providing some feed-back to my pleas. I readily admit past ignorance regarding any need (much less responsibly) to monitor the bot's talk page. I just realized that four (4) days ago and apologize for this. An ability to respond however, didn't even exist for me while wikimedia had problems logging me in. Moreover, I have now extensively and earnestly responded to the perceived problems with my uploads (as witnessed above). Yet all this effort has still not gained me any specific advise whatsoever on how to correct any problem. While you claim that my uploads suffer from a "total lack of information", I'd argue that they not only have more info than the average image page, but the info concerning my ownership plus a clear intent to assign my work into the Public Domain is even repeated in various forms. Is it possible that my image pages are being flagged by bots that are missing information that is clearly obvious to any individual actually viewing my pages? It is also noted that your use of the verb "had" puts your "total lack of information" sentence into the past tense. Does that mean that my files are better or OK now? If so, then why have you not removed your delete request. And if there is still a problem then why can't anyone explain precisely how to remedy this? Is it really that difficult? Simply give me any reasonable way to fix the problem to your satisfaction and I'll do it. OK?? Finally, when did it become necessary to have special permission to run a bot? And how does one now gain such permission?

Thanks, ZackClark 03:03, 16 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Permission was required to run a bot for as long as I remember. The request page is Commons:Bots/Requests for flags. 哦,是吗?(О кириллицей) 01:07, 19 March 2008 (GMT)
There seem to be two seperate issues here. 1)Source and permission of the images. The images are credited to "" while the uploading credited to a bot run by ZackClark. If the photographer, credited website, and uploader are all the same person, it could and should be stated more clearly. If that is cleared up, I think there's no problem with keeping the useful images. 2)Running the unapproved bot, which seems to have resulted in the block. Please either upload your images by hand or get advance approval and keep an eye any bot you use. -- Infrogmation 13:18, 19 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
THANK YOU BOTH! Two extremely useful responses right on target. Image:GT056-Antigua_TitTwins.jpeg has now been changed from:
"Contact creator at" to now read:
"Contact creator ZackClark at",
Moreover, if one brings up the page at you will see that the first two lines read:
Home Page for Image Student Stockhausen
**** a.k.a. ZackClark ****
If anything else is required kindly advise. Otherwise if the page is finally in good shape I humbly & respectfully request that the delete request be removed. For what it is worth, I cannot remember how I got a hold of Eloquence's script. However, nothing in that file nor anything on the page Commons:File_upload_service/Script nor Commons:File_upload_service says anything about either permission to run a bot or flags. I mention this not to dispute this requirement nor to excuse my ignorance. Instead I only hope that here is reasonable room to believe that my 298 uploads were all done in good faith and NOT as some intentional malicious attack upon the Commons. Thanks again. !l 02:03, 20 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

This appears to have all blown over in a manner which resolves itself to being kept. Which is good, because I don't fancy deleting several hundred images. -mattbuck (Talk) 22:46, 28 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]