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<nowiki>batalla de Normandía; normandiai csata; Innrásin í Normandí; Normandiako Lehorreratzea; operació Overlord; Operation Overlord; Invasi Normandia; Sbarch in Normandia; Operation Overlord; Նորմանդական օպերացիա; 诺曼底战役; Απόβαση στη Νορμανδία; Bătălia pentru Normandia; Sbarco 'n Nurmannia; ノルマンディー上陸作戦; نبرد نرماندی; Invasionen av Normandie; การบุกครองนอร์ม็องดี; Batalha de Normandia; u 諾曼第登陸 hananay nikalalais sakatusaay nu kitakit satabakiyay masasungayaw; Normandiya Çıkarması; Normandia-batalio; Нормандська операція; Normandian maihinnousu; Trận Normandie; Invado de Normandio; Битка за Нормандија; நார்மாண்டி படையெடுப்பு; battaglia di Normandia; অপারেশন ওভারলর্ড; bataille de Normandie; Operacija Overlord; Invasion of Normandy; bitva o Normandii; Invasion of Normandy; הפלישה לנורמנדי; نرماندی جنگ; Десант в Нормандия; Operácia Overlord; Batalha da Normandia; 노르망디 상륙 작전; ოპერაცია ოვერლორდი; Slag van Normandië; Операција Оверлорд; Operacija Overlord; Operasyong Overlord; Batalha da Normandia; Pertempuran Normandy; Operatioun Overlord; Operatie Overlord; Operasjon Overlord; Normandiya çıxarması; Normandia dessant; Нормандская операция; Batalla de Normandía; Ionradh ar an Normainn; Invasion of Normandy; غزو النورماندي; aloubadeg Normandi; Invasi Normandy; batalla de la Segunda Guerra Mundial; a második világháborúban a szövetségesek normandiai partraszállása után kibontakozó, a németeket kelet felé szorító csata (1944); 1944 invasion and establishment of Western Allied forces in Normandy during WWII; Invasion der alliierten Truppen 1944 in der Normandie; Operação Over Lord; از نبردهای جنگ جهانی دوم (۱۹۴۴); 第二次世界大战英美与纳粹德国进行的战役; Bătălie în Al Doilea Război Mondial între Aliați și Puterile Axei, purtată în 1944; invasi dan pendaratan pasukan Sekutu Barat di Normandia pada tahun 1944 selama Perang Dunia II; chiến dịch đổ bộ của quân Đồng Minh vào Pháp; länsiliittoutuneiden maihinnousu toisessa maailmansodassa 1944; II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Müttefikler'in Normandiya'yı istilası; bataille menée entre juin et août 1944 en Normandie; 제2차 세계 대전에서 연합군의 성공적인 서부 유럽 침공; 1944 invasion and establishment of Western Allied forces in Normandy during WWII; سلسة معارك في الحرب العالمية الثانية; bitva druhé světové války z roku 1944; operazione militare; batalla de Normandia; ノルマンディー侵攻; Opération Overlord; معركة النورماندي; إنزال نورمندي; نزول النورمندي; معركة نورمندي; عملية نيبتون; invaze do Normandie</nowiki>
Invasion of Normandy 
1944 invasion and establishment of Western Allied forces in Normandy during WWII
Men who got out of a watercraft going towards a beach
Postavi datoteku
Vrijeme događaja
  • srpanj 1944.
Vrijeme početka
  • 6. lipnja 1944.
Vrijeme završetka
  • srpanj 1944.
Zemljovid49° 20′ 00″ S, 0° 34′ 00″ Z
Normativni nadzor
Wikipodatci Q16471
LCCN: sh85148319
U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10644769
J9U ID: 987007566076905171
Uredi infookvir na Wikipodatcima

D-Day was the largest amphibous assault ever devised. On the 6th of June 1944, the American, British and the Canadian forces stormed the beaches of Normandy.

For events taking place on the 7th of June and afterwards, see Category:Battle of Normandy and its subcategories.

For views of the landing sites today, see category:Battle of Normandy by location and its subcategories.

For D-Day-related exhibits, see category:Battle of Normandy museums.

Stranice u kategoriji »D-Day«

Ova kategorija sadržava samo sljedeću stranicu.

Mediji u kategoriji »D-Day«

Prikazane su 194 datoteke u ovoj kategoriji, od njih ukupno 194.