كومنز:قواعد حقوق التأليف والنشر حسب الإقليم/الأردن

This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Jordan and the translation is 33% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Jordan and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

تقدم هذه الصفحة نظرة عامة على قواعد حقوق التأليف والنشر في الأردن المتعلقة بتحميل الأعمال على ويكيميديا كومنز. لاحظ أن أي عمل نشأ في الأردن يجب أن يكون في المجال العام، أو متاحًا بموجب ترخيص مجاني، في كل من الأردن والولايات المتحدة قبل تحميله على ويكيميديا كومنز. إذا كان هناك أي شك حول حالة حقوق التأليف والنشر لعمل من الأردن، فارجع إلى القوانين ذات الصلة للتوضيح.


كانت شرق الأردن تحت الحكم العثماني حتى الحرب العالمية الأولى، ثم أصبحت دولة تحت الانتداب البريطاني لفلسطين في عام 1922. في 25 مايو 1946، أصبحت شرق الأردن دولة مستقلة، أعيدت تسميتها بالأردن في 26 أبريل 1949.

الأردن عضو في اتفاقية برن منذ 28 يوليو 1999، ومنظمة التجارة العالمية منذ 11 أبريل 2000 واتفاقية المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بشأن حق المؤلف منذ 27 أبريل 2004.[1]

اعتبارًا من عام 2018، أدرجت المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية (ويبو)، وهي وكالة تابعة للأمم المتحدة، القانون رقم 22 لعام 1992 بشأن حقوق الطبع والنشر وتعديلاته حتى عام 2005 قانون حق المؤلف الرئيسي الذي سنه المشرع الأردني.[1] تحتفظ الويبو بنص هذا القانون في قاعدة بياناتها ويبو لكس.[2] عُدِّلَت هذه القوانين بموجب القانون رقم 23 لسنة 2014.[3]

The Jordanian copyright law repealed the Ottoman Law on Copyright as per Article 62. The Ottoman law of 1910 "required that copyright formalities be met (copyright notice, registration, and deposit), and the term was 30 years after the death of the author" (see Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Ottoman Empire).

قابلية التطبيق

Jordan's copyright law covers original works of literature, art, and science, including:

[22/2014 Article 3]

  1. books, booklets and other written materials
  2. oral works such as lectures, speeches, and sermons
  3. dramatic works, dramatico-musical, and mimed works
  4. musical works, whether written or not, and whether accompanied by lyrics or not
  5. cinematographic, audiovisual works, and broadcasts
  6. drawings, photographs, sculptures, etchings, architecture, applied and decorative arts
  7. illustrations, maps, designs, plans and three-dimensional works related to geography and topographical maps
  8. computer programs, whether in the source language or in the machine language

General rules

Under the Copyright Protection Law 22 of 1992, as amended up to 2005,

  • An author's work is protected for 50 years after their year of death, with protection expiring on 1 January the next year.[22/2014 30]
  • Protection for 50 years after the year of publication, expiring on 1 January the next year, applies to cinematic and TV works, any works whose author is a corporate person, work first published after the death of the author and anonymous or pseudonymous works for which the author does not reveal their identity during the protection period.[22/2014 Article 31]
  • Applied arts applications are protected for 25 years after completion, with protection expiring on 1 January the next year.[22/2014 Article 32]
  • The meaning of the term "applied arts" is not spelled out, but is distinct from painting, photography, sculpting, architecture and lithographical works.[22/2014 Article 3]
  • When a work is created by several people and their individual contributions cannot be separated they are all considered owners unless agreed otherwise.[22/2014 Article 35.a]
  • A collective work is defined as one where a group participated in its creation under the direction of a natural or corporate person who set the general goal of the work and published it under his name, and the work of each of the participants cannot be separated and distinguished apart. The person who directed creation is considered to be author and has exclusive copyright.[22/2014 Article 35.c]


  • A photograph may not be published without consent of the person it represents unless it was taken at a public event or concerns a person of public fame.[22/2014 Article 26]
  • In the past, photographs and applied arts were only protected for 25 years.


  • Article 32 of Copyright Law No. 22 of 1992 was amended by Law No. 29 of 1999 to provide for a 25-year term of protection for photographs starting January 1st of year of completion (and not starting from the next calendar year as is the case in many countries). The term of protection for a photograph completed in December 1974 was thus calculated starting from 1 January 1974, and expired on 1 January 1999.
  • Although this provision was later repealed by Law No. 78 of 2003, the repeal did not renew the copyright of photographs which had already fallen into the public domain, because Article 7 of the 1992 law explicitly disallows such retroactive protection of out-of-copyright works. Therefore a Jordanian photograph or work of applied Art that was created on or before 31 December 1974 is in the public domain in Jordan.
  • In order to be hosted on Commons, all works must be in the public domain in the United States as well as in their source country. The copyright of all pre-1975 Jordanian photographs had expired in Jordan on the U.S. date of restoration (July 28, 1999). Such photographs are thus currently in the public domain in the United States.

Not protected


انظر أيضا : Commons:Unprotected works

Under the Copyright Protection Law 22 of 1992, as amended up to 2005, there is no copyright protection for laws, regulations, judicial decisions, administrative committee decisions, international agreements and other official documents and translations of these works; news published, broadcast or delivered publicly; and works that have become public property. National folklore is considered public property.[22/2014 Article 7]

انظر أيضا : كومنز:وسوم حقوق التأليف والنشر


انظر أيضا : كومنز:النقد

   . Jordanian currency is copyrighted by the Central Bank of Jordan, and its use is permitted under certain limitations:

  1. The size of the copied banknote should not be the same size as the actual banknote.
  2. If the copied banknote is smaller than the actual banknote then it should not exceed two-thirds of the original banknote size.
  3. If the copied banknote is bigger, it should not be less than one and a half times the size of the original banknote.
  4. Copying of banknotes should be one-sided only (i.e. nothing should appear on the reverse of a copy which might give the impression that the copied banknote is a genuine one).
  5. Copied banknotes and coins should not appear in an offensive context, for example in conjunction with imagery or text of a violent or pornographic nature.

Please use {{Money-JO}} for images of Jordanian currency.

Freedom of panorama

انظر أيضا : كومنز:حرية التقاط صور الرؤية الشاملة

   . Copying is only allowed for private personal, and educational use.

Articles "(17): Use of Published Works" and "(20): Copy of Work without Author’s Consent" of The Copyright Law, No. (22) of 1992 of Jordan do not explicitly mention works of architecture, but they are defined in Article (3) as "Works Enjoying Copyright Protection." Protection also includes the title of the work, unless it's generic and is used to describe the subject of the work.


انظر أيضا : Commons:When to use the PD-signature tag

  OK for a typical signature, based on Article 3 of Jordanian copyright law, which specifies what is eligible to be copyrighted.

انظر أيضًا


  1. a b Jordan Copyright and Related Rights (Neighboring Rights). WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization (2018). Retrieved on 2018-11-08.
  2. Law No. 22 of 1992 on Copyright and its Amendments up to 2005. Jordan (2005). Retrieved on 2018-11-08.
  3. Law No. 23 of 2014 Amending Copyright Protection Law (in Arabic). Jordan (2014). Retrieved on 2018-11-10.
  4. Mohammad Issa Mehawesh (February 2014). Translation, Copyright, and Copyright Laws in Jordan 129-136. David Publishing. Retrieved on 2018-10-23.
Caution: The above description may be inaccurate, incomplete and/or out of date, so must be treated with caution. Before you upload a file to Wikimedia Commons you should ensure it may be used freely. انظر أيضا : كومنز:تنصل عام