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Mercè Crosas (nominated by USA, DDI and GO FAIR Foundation)

President 2023-2027

Mercè Crosas is a scientist and technologist at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) expert in data science, data management, and open data and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). From the beginning of 2023, she is the Head of Computational Social Sciences Program at the BSC, a new program that aims to facilitate the use of data and computing in the social sciences and humanities, and advance new computational research in these domains.

Prior to this position, Crosas was Secretary of Open Government for the Government of Catalonia, where she was responsible for open data, transparency, and citizen participation from 2021 to 2022. Most of her professional career has been at Harvard University, as Chief Data Science and Technology Officer at the Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences (IQSS) and the University Research Data Management Officer. During her time at Harvard, she co-led a variety of projects to help improve how we do research openly, efficiently, and responsibly: an open-source platform for sharing research data now widely used around the world (, a project to analyze sensitive data while preserving privacy (, a data commons for Harvard University, an application for analyzing text as data (consilience), a set of tools for computational reproducibility and data provenance, among others. She is co-author of the FAIR principles and the data citation principles, internationally endorsed. She has also developed data systems in biotech companies and conducted computational research and built scientific software for astrophysics at the Harvard-SmithsonianCenter for Astrophysics.

Crosas holds a doctorate in Astrophysics from Rice University, a degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona, and was a pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellow at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.


Richard Hartshorn (nominated by New Zealand)

Vice President 2023-2025; Executive Committee Member 2018-2023

Richard Hartshorn is a Professor of Chemistry in the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences of the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. He has been Secretary General of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) since 2016, and will finish at the end of 2023. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. 

Professor Hartshorn holds a BSc degree with first class honours from the University of Canterbury (1985) and a PhD from The Australian National University (1989). He completed postdoctoral research with Professor Jackie Barton at CalTech, and a three-year contract lectureship at the University of Melbourne before returning to the University of Canterbury in 1994.

As Secretary General, Professor Hartshorn oversees the IUPAC Secretariat, and the scientific activities of the Union, encourages interdisciplinary activities within IUPAC and has advocated and encouraged a strategic move towards cheminformatics and other data related fields. He has been a member of the Executive Committee of CODATA ( since 2018-2020, and has been a member of the International Chemical Identifier (InChI) Trust Board ( since 2013.

Professor Hartshorn’s research group works in the area of applying the coordination chemistry of dinuclear and heterodinuclear systems to problems in biological chemistry. He has a long-standing interest in nomenclature and new ways of systematically naming and representing chemical compounds, leading to numerous IUPAC publications, some of which have been translated into multiple languages. 

Professor Hartshorn has a record of excellence in teaching, including the UC Teaching Medal (2009) The Federation of Asian Chemical Societies award for Distinguished Contribution to Chemical Education (2023), and the NZIC sciPAD Denis Hogan Chemical Education Award (2019). He has been heavily involved in school and community education, through establishment of a science outreach program at UC, and has been a member of the Trust Board for the National Science-Technology Roadshow ( since 2007 (Chair 2011-2020). 



Daisy Selematsela (nominated by South Africa)

Vice President, 2023-2025; Executive Committee Member 2018-2023

Daisy Selematsela is the University Librarian at the University of the Witwatersrand She previously served in the following capacities – as Executive Director: Library and Information Services and Acting Vice Principal: Research Postgraduate Studies, Innovation and Commercialisation at the University of South Africa and Executive Director: Knowledge Management Corporate at the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF). She is Professor of Practice of Information and Knowledge Management of the University of Johannesburg.

She has over 30 years’ experience in Higher Education sector and within the National System of Innovation (NSI). She serves as mentor for both emerging researchers and students and an external examiner for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Library, Information Science and Knowledge Management.

Daisy has served CODATA since September 2006 at various levels through the activities of the South African National Committee for CODATA and the then ICSU Regional Office for Africa activities including hosting workshops and website content for the Task Group activities. Have been instrumental in championing the research data management processes and Open Access Mandate within the National System of Innovation in South Africa and promoted CODATA Task Group agenda at different forums in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her involvement includes being Co-Chair of the Sub-group of CODATA-WDS of PASTD, an Executive member of International Council for Science Union (ICSU SCID) ad Hoc Committee on Information and Data, of International Council for Science: Committee on Data for Science & Technology (ICSU: CODATA) Task Group on Data Sources for Sustainable Development in SADC. Executive member of (ICSU EDC Panel) International Science Union World Data Centre Panel; Member of CODATA Task Group on Preservation of and Access to Scientific and Technical Data in/for/with Developing Countries, and Co-chairs of CODATA – WDS joint subgroup.

A former Editorial Board member of Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) Data Science Journal (DSJ) and Editorial Board Member: Global Change Research Data Publishing and Repository.

She served on the international and national boards and councils such as the National Library of South Africa; National Archives of South Africa; National Council of Library and Information Services, South African National Library & Information Consortium (SANLIC), Committee of Higher Education Libraries of South Africa (CHELSA) and a member of Board of Directors of international bodies as the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), ORCID, Research4Life, GetFTR and Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD).

Daisy has co-ordinated workshops, chaired conference sessions and made numerous local and international invited keynote presentations on areas of her research interest, in areas of Information Literacy; Open Scholarship, Open Science and Open Data; Digitisation and Preservation; Repositories; Records and Document Management; Information and Knowledge Management; and Leadership, Transformation and Change Management. She has also published articles in a number of popular and accredited journals; a book chapter; and several contributions to UNESCO and WHO reports. An editorial board member of the Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture (PDTC) USA; Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) (India), Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository (China), Journal of Information Practice and Management (Nigeria) and a reviewer of several programs.

She holds a PhD in Information Science from the University of Johannesburg (South Africa) ; a Fellow of the Higher Education Resource Service for Women in Higher Education (HERS) South Africa and Bryn Mawr College in Philadelphia, USA. Awarded the Knowledge Management Award in 2016 by the World Education Congress.


Secretary General 

Christine Kirkpatrick (nominated by USA)

Secretary General 2021-2025

Christine Kirkpatrick’s home institution is at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego where she leads the Research Data Services division that includes infrastructure (cloud, networking, storage), data center/colocation facility, and a data initiatives group. She has considerable experience leading research infrastructure projects (at scale) and supportive data services including a leadership role on the Schmidt Futures Foundation and NSF-funded Open Storage Network and as head of the Data Core for the National Institutes of Health-funded Metabolomics Workbench, a national data repository for metabolomics studies. Kirkpatrick has held numerous roles in the Data Together institutions, including as a member of the Technical Advisory Board for the Research Data Alliance (2018-2021); she co-Chairs the FAIR Digital Object Forum, and serves as an ex officio member on the National Academies’ US National Committee for CODATA. Kirkpatrick was the founding Executive Director of the US National Data Service. In addition to being PI of the EarthCube Office (ECO), Kirkpatrick founded the US GO FAIR Office, is PI of the West Big Data Innovation Hub, and Co-PI on a new NSF Accelnet award: Designing a Water, Data, and Systems Science Network of Networks to Catalyze Transboundary Groundwater Resiliency Research. She serves on the advisory boards for the European Open Science Cloud-Nordic (EOSC-Nordic) and the Helmholtz Federated IT Services (HIFIS). Kirkpatrick is a member of the Stakeholder Alignment Collaborative, a research group whose focus includes organizational models that support community-driven (data) consortia. Kirkpatrick’s personal research is in Computer Science where she focuses on the relationship of FAIR data and machine learning processing.



Steven McEachern (nominated by Australia)

Treasurer 2021-2025

Steve McEachern commenced as Director of the UK Data Service at the University of Essex in August 2024, following 15 years as Director of the Australian Data Archive (ADA), at the Australian National University (ANU). As Director he is responsible for the strategic development and direction of the Service and leading the partnership of 5 organisations delivering the Service from 2024-2030.

Steve has high level of expertise in data archiving and survey data collection, and has been actively involved in the development and application of new methods, and technological advancements, in these areas over the past 25 years. This included leadership of the Social Surveys work package in the recently completed WorldFAIR project. He also has 25 years of experience in the teaching of research methods in the social sciences.

Steve is currently the treasurer of CODATA, the International Science Council’s Committee on Data; vice-chair of the DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) Alliance Executive Committee; and co-chair of the Research Data Alliance Social Science Interest Group. He was a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s National Committee on Data in Science from 2021-2024.




Barend Mons (Netherlands)

Past President 2023-2027; President 2018-2023

Barend Mons is a molecular biologist by training (PhD Leiden University 1986). He spent over 15 years in malaria research in close collaboration with endemic countries. After that he gained experience in computer-assisted knowledge discovery, which is still his research focus. He spent time with the European Commission as a Seconded National Expert with the INCO-DC pogramme (1993-1996) and with the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO 1966-1999). Barend also co-founded several spin off companies. In 2000 he founded the Biosemantics group in Rotterdam and later also in Leiden. Currently, Barend is Professor in Biosemantics at the Human Genetics department of Leiden University Medical Center. He was also the first Head of Node for ELIXIR-NL at the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (until 2015), is Integrator Life Sciences at the Netherlands eScience Center, and board member of the Leiden Centre of Data Science. In 2014, Barend initiated the FAIR data initiative and in 2015, he was appointed Chair of the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group for the “European Open Science Cloud”, from which he retired by the end of 2016. Barend is and ambassador of GO FAIR and co-founder of the GO FAIR initiative, an initiative to kick start developments towards the Internet of FAIR data and services, which will also contribute to the implementation of components of the European Open Science Cloud.

Recently, Barend has been elected President of the Executive Committee of CODATA where he will work closely with the Executive director and the rest of the team to develop CODATA in the scope of the International Council of Science.


Executive Committee Members 2021-2023

Toshihiro Ashino (nominated by Japan)

Executive Committee Member 2018-2025

Toshihiro Ashino is a professor of Toyo University. He is a member of Science Counsil of Japan (SCJ) and a secretary of International Data Committee and the chairperson of CODATA Sub-Committee of SCJ from 2018.

He is continuing research into data and knowledge representation for materials science and engineering. The article of materials ontology in CODATA Data Science Journal 2010 is regarded as an advanced research in current materials informatics area. He had co-chaired CODATA TG “Exchangeable Materials Data Representation” from 2006 to 2012, and from 2014, participating a Japanese national project, “Materials Integration” and playing an important role to develop materials data and knowledge representation for integrate heterogeneous information resources of materials science and engineering in collaboration with National Institute of Materials Science and The University of Tokyo.

He is also working for standardization of materials data representation, participating a series of CEN workshops, workshop on ‘Economics and Logistics of Standards compliant Schemas and ontologies for Interoperability – Engineering Materials Data’ (WS/ELSSI-EMD, 2009-2010), ‘Standards for Electronic Reporting in the Engineering Sector’ (WS/SERES, 2012-2014), ‘Fatigue Testing Data’ (WS/FATEDA, 2016-2017), n ‘Mechanical Testing Data’ (WS/METEDA, 2017-2018) and ‘Nanoindentation Testing Data’ (WS/NATEDA, 2018-2020).

Also, Professor Ashino is working not only in materials science and engineering field, participating JOSS (Japan Open Science Summit) organization committee and RDUF (Research Data Utilization Forum) program committee, working to promote open data and open science activities in Japan.


Tyng-Ruey Chuang (nominated by the Academy of Sciences located in Taipei)

Executive Committee Member 2018-2025

Tyng-Ruey Chuang‘s research interest includes functional programming, geospatial informatics, and topics in citizen science and data collaboration. He is an associate research fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, with joint appointments both at the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation and at the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. He was a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society (2011 — 2012), supported in part by a Fulbright senior research grant and by the National Science Council of Taiwan. He was the project lead of Creative Commons Taiwan since its start in 2003 until its transition to a community project in 2018. He served for several times as a board member at both the Taiwan Association of Human Rights and at the Software Liberty Association of Taiwan.

He was trained as a computer scientist (PhD, NYU 1993) and has been working with ecologists, historians, and legal scholars to make better use of research data. He collaborated with the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute on a communal data workflow for the Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network. He worked with memory institutions on setting up the Sunflower Movement Archive. He co-authored a chapter “Governance of Communal Data Sharing” in the book Good Data published in January 2019 by the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam.


Leo Lahti (nominated by Finland)

Executive Committee Member 2023-2025

Leo Lahti is professor in Data Science at the Department of Computing, University of Turku, Finland, where his team focuses on computational analysis of complex natural and social systems ranging from history of print press to human microbiome in large-scale population studies. 

Lahti obtained doctoral degree (DSc) in probabilistic machine learning at the Aalto University in Finland (2010), developing data integration methods in life sciences. Lahti spent nearly a decade of his research career abroad, including internships and visiting scholarships at Dakshinayan (IN), CERN (CH), Croatian Meteorological Institute (CH), European Bioinformatics Institute EBI/Hinxton (UK), Wageningen University (NL), and VIB/KU Leuven (BE). He coordinates international developer networks in open data science and computational humanities methods, and organizes international training events on a regular basis. 

He has been CODATA national delegate for Finland since 2022, and a member of the Data Ethics Task Group. He is also vice chair for the national open science and research coordination in Finland, board member in Open Knowledge Finland, member of the global R/Bioconductor Community Advisory Board and a certified Carpentries Instructor. Recently, he led a working group that created a national policy on open access to research methods in Finland and participated in the Ministry of Justice working group to renew the law on public information with a particular emphasis on e.g. challenges created by data and digitalization of society. As a member of the CODATA Executive Committee, Prof. Lahti aims to promote the emphasis on data interpretation and open access to methods and infrastructures surrounding data, and the exchange of best practices across disciplines, institutional, and geographical boundaries.


Pam Maras (nominated by IUPsyS)

Executive Committee Member 2023-2025

Pam Maras was elected as the first female President of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) in 2016 she now serves as past president on the IUPsyS Executive Committee. She is a Chartered Psychologist and a Fellow, Past President, and Past Honorary General Secretary of the British Psychological Society and a Chartered Scientist (CSci). Pam is Emerita Professor of Psychology at the University of Greenwich, London, UK, where she held senior University roles including chair of the independent committee for institutional compliance with ethical requirements including data stewardship.
Pam has international research collaborations, including in Africa, Australasia, China, Europe (including France, Nederland, Spain, and Italy), the Nordic countries, North and Latin America, and South-East Asia. Her publications included in the UK national assessment of research excellence in 2021 were independently rated as internationally excellent or outstanding.
Pam has an interest in applying science to social situations. She takes a principled approach to the need to ensure that: all regions of the world are able to engage in the ‘open science movement’ as both contributors as well as recipients, and that social and behavioural sciences are equal partners in international science. Pam is actively committed to Gender Equality in Science and represents IUPsyS on the Standing Committee on Gender Equality in Science (SCGES).
As a psychologist Pam’s contribution to CODATA could include representing and integrating psychological science into the adoption of principles and policy arising out of CODATA and partners, and at a disciplinary level on human behaviour; both of scientists and on applications of scientific discovery including in areas of interdisciplinary relevance. Pam’s expertise is relevant to the impact of data, and the ethical development and implementation of policy. This can only be effectively achieved with integrity if common processes are adopted; this requires a shared understanding and commitment to act and cooperate – behavioural scientists such as psychologists are essential to this endeavour.


Audrey MASIZANA (nominated by Botswana)

Executive Committee Member 2021-2025

Dr Audrey Masizana is a Senior Lecturer and former Head of Department of Computer Science at the University of Botswana. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of Manchester UK (2004). He is also Fellow of Botswana Academy of Sciences (FBAS) since 2021 and Global Health International Scholar of  University of Pennsylvania, USA (2023-2026).

As a member of Botswana CODATA National Committee, she is a strong advocate and passionate of the adoption of Open Data Open Science Policies and Instruments locally and across the continent. Currently she is the Chair of the development of  the Botswana Open Data Policy established by the Botswana Presidential Task Force (Smart Bots) in March 2023, the outcome of which could provide the leadership and adoption in the African SADC region. In 2021 she was elected to serve for 2 years into the Executive Committee of the CODATA for International Science Council and now serving a second term.

She has over the years gained enormous experience in spear heading academic networking platforms including  chairing conferences such as Information Technology for Development (IASTED Africa 2014, 2016), International Conference in Cyber-Security and Information systems conference series referenced in ICICIS 2016 and here.  Also, the International Data Week (IDW 2018) spearheaded by the University of Botswana. She has served as a member of the African Technical Advisory Committee which formed part of the first committee that established the African Open Science Platform in 2017. She is also one of the innovators of the VizAfrica Network and chaired the second VizAfrica Conference in 2019 delivered in collaboration with CODATA. She continues to serve in the organizing committees of the subsequent IDW and Viz Africa conferences.

As Head pf Department,  she made contributions to the promotion of science and technology by providing leadership in the establishment of fostered local and regional collaborative projects around Hi Performance Computing (HPC) & Data Science Research, eHealth Research, Intelligent Systems Research and Open Data. She has served at national bodies such as the National Cyber Security Strategy Development Committee (2016) and its new Implementation Committee (2021).

Audrey is passionate in interdisciplinary post graduate research around Scientific Application of Data for Intelligent Decision Making for which she also conducts external examining for other universities. She is a well-seasoned researcher with  50+ publications. Currently serves as a Project Investigator of a project named Kamogano in collaboration with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) that aims to evaluate the flow of clinical information from and to the front-line clinicians within Botswana Health Information Systems. She is also a PI of a project named MLCOVID19 conducted by the University of Botswana which aims to apply machine learning techniques to predict COVID-19 progression amongst patients in Botswana through risk analysis on survival and mortality rates using data collected during the pandemic.


Virginia MURRAY (nominated by the UK)

Executive Committee Member 2018-2025

Virginia Murray is a public health doctor committed to improving health emergency and disaster risk management. In 2014, she was appointed as Head of Global Disaster Risk Reduction for UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) having worked in the UK health system for over 40 years. She is a visiting/honorary Professor and fellow at several universities.

Virginia was appointed as a member (from 2008) and then vice-chair (from 2013 to 2017) of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reductio (UNDRR) Science and Technical Advisory Group to support the development of and then implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. With ISC and CODATA engagement, she is currently the Chair of the UNDRR/ISC Steering Group for Phase 2 update for 2025 of the UNDRR-ISC Hazard Information Profiles: Supplement published in 2021 and are now online.

She is also a co-chair of the WHO Thematic Platform Health and Disaster Risk Management Research Network, and by working in collaboration with this network, she is one of the editors of the WHO Guidance on Research Methods for Health and Disaster Risk Management, published in 2021 and updated in 2022.

Virginia was appointed an International Science Council Fellow in 2023.


Marc Nyssen (nominated by IUPESM)

Executive Committee Member 2023-2025

Marc Nyssen has been active in the fields of medical informatics and biomedical engineering, as a researcher, as a developer, as a professor and as a volunteer. He has been pioneering in the medical internet applications, advocating Open Data and the adherence to the FAIR principles. He designed and developed several ICT systems in health care, among which the nation-wide electronic prescription system, now fully deployed in Belgium and as founder of the National Committee of Biomedical Engineering within the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgium. On the international level, he is devoted to the propagation of knowledge and experience world-wide via the IFMBE federation and the IUPESM union, also as promoter of several academic projects and education programs in Africa (RDC, Rwanda, Burundi, Niger) and in Cuba. Finally, for the last 10 years, Marc has been a member of the Flemish Data Protection Authority.



Elena ROVENSKAYA (nominated by IIASA)

Executive Committee Member 2021-2025

Elena Rovenskaya is the Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) Program Director at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria. Her scientific interests lie in the fields of optimization, decision science, and mathematical modeling of complex socio-environmental systems.

Dr. Rovenskaya has been working at IIASA in different capacities since 2006. Currently she is leading the ASA Program which includes more than a hundred scientists and aims to identify, develop, and deploy new systems-analytical methods, tools, and data to help address the most pressing global sustainability challenges with greater agility.

As a member of the CODATA Executive Committee, Dr. Rovenskaya aims to promote a higher linkage between data and modelling that informs sustainability transformations at global, national, and local scales. Among other challenges, this includes the challenge to unlock the potential of data held by the private sector for research in the interests of the society.

She is also a research scholar at the Optimal Control Department of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (on leave). She graduated in 2003 from the Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and received her PhD in 2006 from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. Her PhD dissertation focused on the development of a new numerical method to solve large-scale non-convex optimisation problems.


Andrew Young (nominated by Australia)

Executive Committee Member 2023-2025

Dr Andrew Young is a Chief Research Scientist at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Australia. For the last eight years he has been Director of Australia’s National Research Collections: He is currently a member of Australia’s National Committee for Data in Science (Australian National CODATA committee) and Vice-Chair of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility:

His research expertise is in the field of plant ecological genetics in which he has published 100+ peer-reviewed papers. Andrew is particularly interested in the integration and mobilisation of new types of data from the world’s 2+ billion museum specimens (e.g. genomes, images, sounds, cultural information) and evolving frontiers in data analytics including genomics, high-throughput digitisation, machine learning and artificial intelligence as applied biological collections.

Over the last decade he has initiated several major data-intensive national collaborative research programs including the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments project (now part of Ausmicrobiome:, that is using metagenomics to explore Australia’s soil
microbiome, and the Environomics Future Science Platform ( that is developing eDNA-based tools for biodiversity
exploration and environmental monitoring.


Cyrus Walther (nominated by IUPAP)

Executive Committee Member 2023-2025

Cyrus Pan Walther serves in his second term as the President of the International Association of Physics Students, representing the global community of Physics students and their interests. In his position on the Executive Committee of CODATA, he focuses on Early Career Researchers and sustainability. Creating value for young scientists, fostering international connections, and amplifying the voice of science belong to his core focal points. Combined with his position as the Vice-Chair for Physics and Industry in the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), he advocates for identifying and obtaining valuable resources for young researchers worldwide. Professionally, Cyrus completes his studies at TU Dortmund University in the Astroparticle Physics Group under Prof. Wolfgang Rhode, where he is researching machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence approaches for the use of uncertainty estimations in high-energy gamma astronomy.



Ex Officio Executive Committee Members 2023-2025


Good Clinical Practice Alliance
Leuven, Belgium

Francis took over as IDPC chair in August 2022. A philosopher specialized in research ethics, integrity & methodology as well as in data/AI ethics & law. Expertise in EU, US, international and country-specific ethics, law, and patient and community interests in health-related research. Strong experience working closely with patients, communities, researchers, and policymakers across disciplines. domains, and geographic regions in establishing consortia, developing patient registries, contributing to the development of biobanks, drafting data management and data protection plans, and contributing to building data repositories. A strong background in the methodologies for designing and reviewing health-related research supported by effective communication and leadership skills as well as diplomacy with the ability to influence changes in bioethics and law. Additional strong background in the development of research, guidance, and ethics related to global diseases affecting resource-poor settings and orphan diseases in the context of leading and/or contributing to challenging projects. Wide experience (e.g., UNAIDS, WHO, UNESCO, European Commission, Council of Europe, and others, including local organizations and industry) in developing health-related research projects, collaborative engagements, regulatory and policy outreach, and education and training in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Leading roles in the development of international and national guidelines, capacity-building, empowerment, and education programmes for health research; including GCP, ethics review systems, and data privacy & management (a GDPR DPO), with expertise in the ethics of ML & AI. Since January 2020 highly active in the research, ethics, data sharing, and policy discussions on COVID-19, having organised more than 40 global webinars and coordinating research across HICs and LMICs. Recently engaged in the policy, ethics and regulation data in times of crisis. He founded the Ukraine Clinical Research Support Initiative (UCRSI) in cooperation with leading Ukrainian, European, and international organizations. He is Co-chairman of the EOSC Future / RDA Artificial Intelligence and Data Visitation Working Group & EOSC Future / RDA Ambassador for Ethics & Law. He is a member of the FAIRsharing Community Curation Programme at He co-founded the Ukraine Clinical Research Support Initiative (UCRSI). He is the Executive Director of the Good Clinical Practice Alliance – Europe (GCPA) and the Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER) in Leuven, Belgium. He coordinated the GCPA-SIDCER European Fellowship in Research Ethics (EFRE). He is the past Secretary General of the European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP), where he also served as the Board’s Ethics Officer and Chairman of the Ethics Working Party. He chaired the methodologies sub-group of the Real Word Data Working Group at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine, Royal Colleges of Physicians, and sat for three years on their Ethics & Practice Committee. He is a Global Fellow in Medicines Development Program (GFMD) and currently a member if the Ethics Working Group of the International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine (IFAPP).

Shaily GANDHI (India)

Executive Committee Member ex officio as co-lead of the CODATA Connect Early Career and Alumni initiative.

Shaily Gandhi is a Manager IT and Geospatial Solutions at CEPT Research and Development Foundation. She is an active member of CODATA and initial lead for CODATA Connect – Early Career and Alumni Network. She has completed her Ph.D. degree from CEPT University, India in 2018. Her Ph.D. Major title was on “Critical success and failure factors for Pharmacutical Drugs Monitoring and Management using Geospatial Technology” and Minor study was on: “Spatio – Temporal Analysis of Urban Settlement – A case study of Rajkot”. She has a Master’s degree in Geoinformatics. She is been working at multiple organizations as a faculty and has been experimenting innovative teaching methods since last 8 years.

She is a Geoinformatics, Data Wrangling and Visualization expert. She is a certified Data Carpentry instructor. She has been one of the curator and instructor for the Urban Data Science Summer School which was developed as a successful collaboration which took place at CODATA-RDA Summer School in 2017. She is an alumnus of the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School at Trieste. She has participated in multiple CODATA Activities.

She is keen to explore the implementation of GIS and data science in the domain of Urban Analytics. She has been involved in organizing a series of webinar under the Smart and Resilient Cities and Research Data Skill webinar series, along with competitions for young researchers. These activities are used to promote and improve scientific and technical research data management skills amongst the early career and alumni network.

As an Executive Committee co-opted member, she will link international CODATA and CODATA Connect initiative, increasing CODATA visibility in early career researchers. She will help to enhance awareness and conduct capacity building activities in developing countries.


Executive Committee Member ex officio as Editor-in-Chief of the Data Science Journal.
Mark A. Parsons is a Research Scientist and geographer at the University of Alabama in Huntsville working in NASA’s Chief Science Data Office to help align data, software, and information standards and processes across NASA’s science divisions. Mark has more than 30 years of experience in researching and developing data stewardship policies, practices, and systems. He has repeatedly and effectively built dynamic, functional collaborations across all sorts of differences in language and professional cultures. Mark was the first Secretary General of the Research Data Alliance. He has helped coordinate stewardship of a broad range of data from satellite remote sensing to Indigenous knowledge of Arctic change. He led the data management effort for the International Polar Year and helped establish the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA). His published work has guided national data policies and practice and has contributed to educational programs. Mark lives in Colorado and likes to ride bicycles, bake bread, and play outside.


Computing Network and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, CHINA

Zhang Lili is a research scientist in the scientific data center at the Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Zhang received her M.A. and Ph.D. degree in information management from Peking University, China and she also graduated from Nankai University, China with a dural Bachelor’s degree in management science and economics. Her research focuses on research data sharing policy, practices and information economics.Currently, she also serves as the deputy director of editorial office of China Scientific Data ( which is the leading data journal publishing bilingual data papers of multidisciplinary fileds in China.


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