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by Emmanuel Finkiel


Riwka is 65 years old. His tour bus breaks down between Warsaw and Auschwitz. In the tumult of conversations in Yiddish, anxiety drives you to overflowing. Régine, the same age, thinks to find her old father, who has come to Paris from the other side of Europe. Vera, an 80-year-old Russian, the only one in the world, has just immigrated to Israel at the end of her life. In search of her lost cousin of sight for many years, from bus to bus, alone, foreign to everything, she is lost until exhaustion. And finally in a last bus, by chance, she meets Riwka.

original title: Voyages
country: France, Belgium, Poland
year: 1999
genre: fiction
directed by: Emmanuel Finkiel
film run: 115'
release date: FR 17/05/1999, DE 25/10/2001
screenplay: Emmanuel Finkiel
cast: Shulamit Adar, Liliane Rovère, Esther Gorintin
film editing: Emmanuelle Castro
producer: Yael Fogiel
executive producer: Edna Kowarsky, Pawel Poppe, Lew Rywin
associate producer: Laetitia Gonzalez

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