IEEE TCDL Bulletin
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TCDL Bulletin
Current 2005
Volume 2   Issue 1


Large Introductory Science Courses & Digital Libraries

Laura M. Bartolo, Cathy S. Lowe
College of Arts and Sciences
Kent State University
{lbartolo, clowe}
Donald R. Sadoway, Patrick E. Trapa
Materials Science and Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
{dsadoway, pattrapa}

The NSDL Materials Digital Library (MatDL) investigates issues associated with the delivery of content in materials science and cognate areas. Current work investigates the role digital libraries can play in providing freshmen in large introductory science classes with a virtual laboratory experience that meets many of the educational objectives of classical laboratory offerings. Student self-assessment survey results indicate that a virtual lab experience improved understanding of many key laboratory learning objectives such as experimentation, team work, ethics in research, and communication, and that MatDL has potential value in supporting a virtual lab.

Thumbnail image of poster

For a larger view of Figure 3, click here.


© Copyright 2005 Laura M. Bartolo, Cathy S. Lowe, Donald R. Sadoway and Patrick E. Trapa
Some or all of these materials were previously published in the Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital libraries, ACM 1-58113-876-8/05/0006.

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