Buffyverse Wiki
Buffyverse Wiki
Btvs The subject of this article is non-canonical.
While created as part of licensed material, it has not been confirmed as part of the "real" Buffyverse continuity.

The Quest for Oz is a video game based on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer franchise. Developed by Indiagames, it was released in 2004 as the only mobile phone game of the franchise.


Willow asks for Buffy's help with her boyfriend, Oz. According to her, Oz is missing, and she knows Drusilla has something to do with it. She senses a great evil in an old mansion on the outskirts of Sunnydale, where Oz must be imprisoned with the vampire. Willow promises to guide Buffy through her journey, and the Slayer goes to the mansion.

There, Buffy is attacked by zombies, bats, familiars (green demons who spit fire), and vampires, and has to deflect from various deadly traps. Willow warns her about a cursed statue, which holds a mystery. At her friend's guidance, Buffy uses holy water on it, then has to find its four parts to the Magical key to open the enchanted door. Each time she finds a magical fire, Buffy acquires the limited ability to throw fire through her hands, and she often finds arrows for a crossbow as well.

In each of the four rooms, Buffy discovers a part of the Magical key, as well as a golden key to open the next room. After completing the Magical key, Buffy reaches the end of the mansion and encounters Drusilla, who attacks her. Defeating the vampire, Oz is finally rescued, for much of Willow's relief.



Organizations and titles[]





  • Five rooms of the old mansion.


  • Zombies
  • Bats
  • Familiars
  • Vampires
  • Drusilla (boss)


  • Heart — Full health.
  • Holy water — Used on each cursed statue to acquire one fourth of the Magical key.
  • Cursed statue — Guards one fourth of the Magical key.
  • Golden key — Opens the door to the next level.
  • Fire — Ability to throw limited balls of fire.
  • Crossbow — Ability to throw limited arrows.


Buffy (game over): "Danger is my birthright!"
Buffy (win): "Destructo Girl! That's me!"