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Btvs Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is conjectural.

I do not have puppet cancer!

A group of demons assumed the form of puppet characters from the children's show Smile Time. Other demons, such as vampires, were also able to assume a demonic puppet form.[1]


In 2003, Gregor Framkin, creator of Smile Time, made a deal with devils to increase ratings and save his show. However, the demons eventually took control of Framkin and, as puppets, used the show to drain the life force of children, intending to sell them in hell.[1]

While investing the puppet demons, Angel was transformed into one upon encountering their Nest Egg. It was estimated that the transformation would last for three days at most.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

Polo of the group was capable of controlling a human's speech and action by inserting a hand into the human as if the human was a puppet. Such was the control the demon assumed that it made a convincing display that the human in question was acting on his own accord.[1]

The puppets drained the life force of children and kept it in the Nest Egg. It also provided them with increased powers to control humans and to create defensive spells in their base of operations.[1]

Despite their puppet size, the demons displayed considerable strength, enough to match and overpower experienced demon hunters.[1]

As a puppet, Angel had his stress-response mechanism altered, expressing "the proportionate excitability" of a puppet his size.[1]

The demons died if their puppet constitution were destroyed significantly, such as by gunshot and by being slashed by a blade.[1]





