Buffyverse Wiki
Buffyverse Wiki
Btvs Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is conjectural.

An unidentified Indigenous woman was a Slayer and one of Lothos's victims.[1]


Merrick mentioned this Slayer to Buffy Summers when he listed those she could had been dreaming about at the time Lothos was targetting her in 1996. The Watcher referred to her as an "Indian princess," indicating that the Slayer had been the daughter of a tribal chief.[1]

In the 23rd century, Urkonn of the D'Avvrus delivered a similar speech to Melaka Fray, also mentioning a "princess" she could had dreamed about.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The original script for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer film included the dialog about this Slayer, but her mention was ulimately cut.
  • While the exact time period she would have lived in is unknown, as a victim of Lothos she must have been active at some point within his lifetime, between the 11th century and 1996.


