Celebrate the day by detoxing from the daily routine and most importantly the electronic gadgets that have become a daily parcel of life. #TheSollunaResort #EarthDay2021 #EarthDay #SaveEarth #DetoxDigital
Humans are the only creature in the world who cut the trees, made paper from it and then wrote, "SAVE TREES" On it. #Saveatree #Saveplanet #Plantatree #gogreen #greenindia
"Today is World Environment Day" smile emoticon Take positive environmental action to protect nature & the planet Earth. Together we can make a difference. #WorldEnvironmentDay #SaveTree #EnvironmentDay
Today is World Health Day! The World Health Day is celebrated by the people all across the world every year on 7th of April. The theme of World Health Day 2015 is “Food safety” #safefood #Worldhealthday
Hot Air Balloon Activity at Solluna Resort" #hotairballoon #jimcorbett #resortsincorbett #sollunaresort http://www.sollunaresort.com/corbett.html