Big City Greens Wiki
Big City Greens Wiki
Old man spotted "Aha! That's uh...Bill!"
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Increasingly small farm size "There's just no room for me to level up."
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Bill answering a radio call "Hello? My name is [say name here]."
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Alice's father is an unnamed character in Big City Greens and member of the Green family. He is the father of Alice Green.



He is depicted as a yellow-skinned middle-aged person. He is also bald on top. He has a large brown beard as well.

He looks strikingly similar to Bill.


He wears a black hat with a red stripe on it, forest green shirt with the sleeves rolled up, dark blue pants, brown suspenders, and dark brown shoes.


Alice's father was about to sell the family farm when water ran dry, but Alice's quick thinking and finding of a water well saved it. ("Family Legacy")


ve Green family
Active Members Children:
Cricket Green (History, Gallery, Outfits)Tilly Green (History, Gallery, Outfits)
Bill Green (History, Gallery, Outfits)Alice Green (History, Gallery, Outfits)Nancy Green (Divorced) (History, Gallery, Outfits)
Pets: PhoenixDirtbagMelissaMiss BrendaHerbert • Chickens • Cogburn
Deceased Bixby GreenJerome GreenMetrona GreenArchibald GreenAlice's FatherErnest Green
Residences 5307 Elkins Street (Big City house)Nancy's trailerGreens' Rooftop Garden1886 Lowell Road (Smalton house)Greens' country farm
Related Pages Green Family FarmsGreen family treasure
Related Episodes "Family Legacy" • "Garage Tales" • "Greens' Acres" • "Chipocalypse Now" • "Dirt Jar" • "The Move"