This is TheFuriousFerret’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Montreal, Québec
  2. Metal
  1. collection 259
  2. wishlist 349
  3. followers 13
  4. following 109
  1. Dustwalker
    by Fen
  2. Kinship
    by IOTUNN
  3. Ellende
    by Ellende
  4. The Formulas Of Death
    by Tribulation
  5. Reclamation Pt. II
    by Amiensus
  6. Reclamation: Part 1
    by Amiensus
  7. Beyond the Grasp of Mortal Hands
    by Arctos
  8. Tales Of Othertime
    by Stormkeep
  9. Carrion Skies
    by Fen
  10. The Dead Light (Luxus - Hi-Res)
    by Fen
  11. Epoch
    by Fen
  12. The Malediction Fields
    by Fen
  13. Monuments to Absence (Deluxe Edition)
    by Fen
  14. Winter
    by Fen
  15. Triebe
    by Ellende
  16. Панихида
    by Krzysztof Drabikowski
  17. Litourgiya
    by Patriarkh
  18. Peripeteia
    by Anagnorisis
  19. Black Metal Rainbows
    by Black Metal Rainbows
  20. Crimson Demise
    by The Omega Swarm