This is Raysam’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Folk
  1. collection 226
  2. wishlist 5
  3. followers 3
  4. following 130
  1. Lhasa
    by Lhasa de Sela
  2. Cardinal
    by Avec pas d'casque
  3. Thee Sacred Souls
    by Thee Sacred Souls
  4. Cantalou
    by Thierry Larose
  5. Messie
    by zouz
  6. A Mantle For The Lantern
    by Tough Old Bird
  7. Somewhere, Someone
    by Matt Holubowski
  8. Mercure en mai
    by Daniel Bélanger
  9. Rise From the Wreck
    by Mentana
  10. And Now That I'm In Your Shadow
    by Damien Jurado
  11. Construire une table pour y mettre notre poing ensemble
    by Bolduc Tout Croche
  12. Hyperdrama
    by Justice
  13. Kindergarten Heart
    by Shaina Hayes
  14. Destello de estrellas
    by Ramon Chicharron
  15. Slow Tide
    by Ocie Elliott
  16. Salt
    by Half Moon Run
  17. Etienne Dufresne fait des efforts (album)
    by Etienne Dufresne
  18. Wall Of Eyes
    by The Smile
  19. Inuktitut
    by Elisapie
  20. In My Own Time
    by Karen Dalton