This is giggs69’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 149
  2. followers 4
  3. following 29
  1. Nord...
    by Setherial
  2. Born Of The Flickering
    by Old Man's Child
  3. Evangelii Härold
    by Lifvsleda
  4. Piercing Through the Frozen Eternity
    by Moonlight Sorcery
  5. Theion
    by Malakhim
  6. Beyond The Palest Star
    by VORGA
  7. Throne of the Lunar Soul
    by VALDRIN
  8. Blod & Jern
    by ILDSKÆR
  9. Mardrömsmeditationer
    by Tusenårseken
  10. In the Land of Ghosts
    by Olde Throne
  11. This Mournful Dawn
    by Nordicwinter
  12. Nous sommes d'Hier
    by Sühnopfer
  13. Militant : Penitent : Triumphant
    by Faidra
  14. Nightsphere
    by Heretoir
  15. Lifeblood
    by In Twilight's Embrace
  16. Tales of the Enchanted Woods
    by Grima
  17. Luwte
  18. Dromers
  19. Gegrepen Door de Geest der Zielsontluiking
  20. Where Silence Whispers
    by Lunar Spells