This is ChumRic’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Hip-Hop/Rap
  1. collection 30
  2. followers 1
  3. following 26
  1. DIA
    by Ela Minus
  2. Reflections Vol. 2: Black Decelerant
    by Black Decelerant
  3. Distance of the Moon
    by Nora Stanley and Benny Bock
  4. Angel's Pulse
    by Blood Orange
  5. Underdressed at the Symphony
    by Faye Webster
  6. Powders
    by Eartheater
  7. Powders
    by Eartheater
  8. Diagnosis
    by Sen Morimoto
  9. Trinity
    by Eartheater
  10. The Mars Volta - The Mars Volta
    by The Mars Volta
  11. Graveyard Love
    by The Mars Volta
  12. Blacklight Shine
    by The Mars Volta
  13. Phoenix: Flames Are Dew Upon My Skin
    by Eartheater
  14. XYZ
    by Iglooghost, Kai Whiston & BABii
  15. Helium
    by homeshake
    by Eartheater
  17. Metalepsis
    by Eartheater
  18. RIP Chrysalis
    by Eartheater
  19. Algorithm
    by Andreilien
    by KOOL A.D.