The data appearing in Figs. 1-12 as well as in Fig. 14 of the paper have been made using Mathematica. The corrsponding data files can be found in data.txt as Mathematica lists corresponding to each Figure. Each data point is represented by a entry of the {x-axis, data, error}, and the list of these entries forms a data set. If there are multiple data set in the figure they are represented by nested list {dataset1, dataset2, ...}. It is straigtforward to reconsruct the figures in Mathematica using ErrorListPlot function. The units in the figures are indicated in the data.txt file for each figure. Fig. 13 was made using gnuplot and the corresponding data files are called etab_T*.txt and chib0_T*.txt and have the standard format (tau [fm], data, err). The gnuplot source files are also included.