Dirk Groeneveld


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Dolma: an Open Corpus of Three Trillion Tokens for Language Model Pretraining Research
Luca Soldaini | Rodney Kinney | Akshita Bhagia | Dustin Schwenk | David Atkinson | Russell Authur | Ben Bogin | Khyathi Chandu | Jennifer Dumas | Yanai Elazar | Valentin Hofmann | Ananya Jha | Sachin Kumar | Li Lucy | Xinxi Lyu | Nathan Lambert | Ian Magnusson | Jacob Morrison | Niklas Muennighoff | Aakanksha Naik | Crystal Nam | Matthew Peters | Abhilasha Ravichander | Kyle Richardson | Zejiang Shen | Emma Strubell | Nishant Subramani | Oyvind Tafjord | Evan Walsh | Luke Zettlemoyer | Noah Smith | Hannaneh Hajishirzi | Iz Beltagy | Dirk Groeneveld | Jesse Dodge | Kyle Lo
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Information about pretraining corpora used to train the current best-performing language models is seldom discussed: commercial models rarely detail their data, and even open models are often released without accompanying training data or recipes to reproduce them. As a result, it is challenging to conduct and advance scientific research on language modeling, such as understanding how training data impacts model capabilities and limitations. To facilitate scientific research on language model pretraining, we curate and release Dolma, a three-trillion-token English corpus, built from a diverse mixture of web content, scientific papers, code, public-domain books, social media, and encyclopedic materials. We extensively document Dolma, including its design principles, details about its construction, and a summary of its contents. We present analyses and experimental results on intermediate states of Dolma to share what we have learned about important data curation practices. Finally, we open-source our data curation toolkit to enable reproduction of our work as well as support further research in large-scale data curation.

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OLMo: Accelerating the Science of Language Models
Dirk Groeneveld | Iz Beltagy | Evan Walsh | Akshita Bhagia | Rodney Kinney | Oyvind Tafjord | Ananya Jha | Hamish Ivison | Ian Magnusson | Yizhong Wang | Shane Arora | David Atkinson | Russell Authur | Khyathi Chandu | Arman Cohan | Jennifer Dumas | Yanai Elazar | Yuling Gu | Jack Hessel | Tushar Khot | William Merrill | Jacob Morrison | Niklas Muennighoff | Aakanksha Naik | Crystal Nam | Matthew Peters | Valentina Pyatkin | Abhilasha Ravichander | Dustin Schwenk | Saurabh Shah | William Smith | Emma Strubell | Nishant Subramani | Mitchell Wortsman | Pradeep Dasigi | Nathan Lambert | Kyle Richardson | Luke Zettlemoyer | Jesse Dodge | Kyle Lo | Luca Soldaini | Noah Smith | Hannaneh Hajishirzi
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Language models (LMs) have become ubiquitous in both NLP research and in commercial product offerings. As their commercial importance has surged, the most powerful models have become closed off, gated behind proprietary interfaces, with important details of their training data, architectures, and development undisclosed. Given the importance of these details in scientifically studying these models, including their biases and potential risks, we believe it is essential for the research community to have access to powerful, truly open LMs. To this end, we have built OLMo, a competitive, truly Open Language Model, to enable the scientific study of language models. Unlike most prior efforts that have only released model weights and inference code, we release OLMo alongside open training data and training and evaluation code. We hope this release will empower the open research community and inspire a new wave of innovation.


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Continued Pretraining for Better Zero- and Few-Shot Promptability
Zhaofeng Wu | Robert L Logan IV | Pete Walsh | Akshita Bhagia | Dirk Groeneveld | Sameer Singh | Iz Beltagy
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recently introduced language model prompting methods can achieve high accuracy in zero- and few-shot settings while requiring few to no learned task-specific parameters. Nevertheless, these methods still often trail behind full model finetuning. In this work, we investigate if a dedicated continued pretraining stage could improve “promptability”, i.e., zero-shot performance with natural language prompts or few-shot performance with prompt tuning. We reveal settings where existing continued pretraining methods lack promptability. We also identify current methodological gaps, which we fill with thorough large-scale experiments. We demonstrate that a simple recipe, continued pretraining that incorporates a trainable prompt during multi-task learning, leads to improved promptability in both zero- and few-shot settings compared to existing methods, up to 31% relative. On the other hand, we find that continued pretraining using MAML-style meta-learning, a method that directly optimizes few-shot promptability, yields subpar performance. We validate our findings with two prompt tuning methods, and, based on our results, we provide concrete recommendations to optimize promptability for different use cases.


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Documenting Large Webtext Corpora: A Case Study on the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus
Jesse Dodge | Maarten Sap | Ana Marasović | William Agnew | Gabriel Ilharco | Dirk Groeneveld | Margaret Mitchell | Matt Gardner
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Large language models have led to remarkable progress on many NLP tasks, and researchers are turning to ever-larger text corpora to train them. Some of the largest corpora available are made by scraping significant portions of the internet, and are frequently introduced with only minimal documentation. In this work we provide some of the first documentation for the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus (C4; Raffel et al., 2020), a dataset created by applying a set of filters to a single snapshot of Common Crawl. We begin by investigating where the data came from, and find a significant amount of text from unexpected sources like patents and US military websites. Then we explore the content of the text itself, and find machine-generated text (e.g., from machine translation systems) and evaluation examples from other benchmark NLP datasets. To understand the impact of the filters applied to create this dataset, we evaluate the text that was removed, and show that blocklist filtering disproportionately removes text from and about minority individuals. Finally, we conclude with some recommendations for how to created and document web-scale datasets from a scrape of the internet.


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A Simple Yet Strong Pipeline for HotpotQA
Dirk Groeneveld | Tushar Khot | Mausam | Ashish Sabharwal
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

State-of-the-art models for multi-hop question answering typically augment large-scale language models like BERT with additional, intuitively useful capabilities such as named entity recognition, graph-based reasoning, and question decomposition. However, does their strong performance on popular multi-hop datasets really justify this added design complexity? Our results suggest that the answer may be no, because even our simple pipeline based on BERT, named , performs surprisingly well. Specifically, on HotpotQA, Quark outperforms these models on both question answering and support identification (and achieves performance very close to a RoBERTa model). Our pipeline has three steps: 1) use BERT to identify potentially relevant sentences independently of each other; 2) feed the set of selected sentences as context into a standard BERT span prediction model to choose an answer; and 3) use the sentence selection model, now with the chosen answer, to produce supporting sentences. The strong performance of Quark resurfaces the importance of carefully exploring simple model designs before using popular benchmarks to justify the value of complex techniques.


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Construction of the Literature Graph in Semantic Scholar
Waleed Ammar | Dirk Groeneveld | Chandra Bhagavatula | Iz Beltagy | Miles Crawford | Doug Downey | Jason Dunkelberger | Ahmed Elgohary | Sergey Feldman | Vu Ha | Rodney Kinney | Sebastian Kohlmeier | Kyle Lo | Tyler Murray | Hsu-Han Ooi | Matthew Peters | Joanna Power | Sam Skjonsberg | Lucy Lu Wang | Chris Wilhelm | Zheng Yuan | Madeleine van Zuylen | Oren Etzioni
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 3 (Industry Papers)

We describe a deployed scalable system for organizing published scientific literature into a heterogeneous graph to facilitate algorithmic manipulation and discovery. The resulting literature graph consists of more than 280M nodes, representing papers, authors, entities and various interactions between them (e.g., authorships, citations, entity mentions). We reduce literature graph construction into familiar NLP tasks (e.g., entity extraction and linking), point out research challenges due to differences from standard formulations of these tasks, and report empirical results for each task. The methods described in this paper are used to enable semantic features in www.semanticscholar.org.


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IKE - An Interactive Tool for Knowledge Extraction
Bhavana Dalvi | Sumithra Bhakthavatsalam | Chris Clark | Peter Clark | Oren Etzioni | Anthony Fader | Dirk Groeneveld
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction