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User:VKing/list of blondes

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Proposed list of well known people with natural blond hair

The most occurring varieties of blond are white, beige, ecru, golden, and dark (but not black). In fact the last mentioned variety (dark blond) often is some kind of dark gray, but to prevent an association with that other kind of gray hair, for now the term "dark blond" is preferred. "Ash blond" would also be a clear term, but because any association of human hair with ashes is considered unsuitable, this term isn't used here either. Often the relevant person's hair was much lighter at a younger age, but turned darker later on. (Black haired persons have never been any lighter before).

A common characteristic of all varieties of blond is, that the colour of the eyes is blue. Of course there are also black haired persons with blue eyes, but they can not be considered blond, nor can brown-eyed persons with other than black hair (mostly brown).

(* behind a name means, that the builder of this list is not sure; which doesn't mean, that he's quite sure about all other data, but sometimes the on-line available pictures leave very much doubt; (for instance about the question whether hair-dye is used or not.)

Persons with natural white blond hair

Found until now:

  • Bengt Schmidt Hansen, Danish footballer* [2]

Persons of note who have or had natural blond hair


  • Hermann Weyl, mathematician -- source: The honors class: Hilbert's problems and their solvers, "A big, bespectacled, blond"
  • Max Von Laue, nobel prize winner
  • Richard Strauss, composer -- source: Famous composers and their works, Volume 5, "Very blond, with big, fatigued blue eyes, he is outwardly the typical Scandinavian."
  • Johannes Brahms, composer
  • Robert Schumann, composer -- source: The Musical World - Volume 46 - Page 174, "I imagined that he was slim, with dark hair and a gloomy expression, while he was plump, blond, and smiling."
  • Bert Kaempfert, orchestra leader and songwriter.
  • Georges J. F. Köhler, Nobel Prize winner -- source: Notable Scientists from 1900 to the Present, "Said the blond-haired, bespectacled scientist"
  • Werner Heisenberg, Nobel Prize winner -- source: Heisenberg's War: The Secret History Of The German Bomb, "Heisenberg was the very picture of a German, a handsome man with blond hair swept back."
  • Max Stirner, noted philosopher
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, noted philosopher -- source: The Romantic Conception of Life: Science and Philosophy in the Age of Goethe, "the very young, blond, intense follower of Fichte, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
  • Arthur Schopenhauer, noted philosopher -- source: Schopenhauer Pessimist and Pagan, "I had naturally a peculiar blond hair, which the painter could only reproduce by making first a red base"
  • Otto Von Bismark, politician -- source: Bismarck and German unification, "Over the arched forehead were a few strands of blond hair"
  • Gerhart Hauptmann, nobel prize winner -- source: The dream in Gerhart Hauptmann, "light blond hair"
  • Gerhard Domagk, nobel prize winner -- source: Modern Miracle Men, "Domagk, blue-eyed and blond"
  • Paul Ehrlich, nobel prize winner -- source: Jews and Medicine: An Epic Saga, "a blond-haired gray-eyed German Jew named Paul Ehrlich"
  • Carl Friedrich Gauss, noted mathematician -- source: Carl Friedrich Gauss: Titan of Science, "his hair was blond and in later years..silvery white"
  • Caspar David Friedrich, noted artist -- source: Caspar David Friedrich by Wieland Schmied, "was a typical North German, with blond hair"
  • Fritz Haber, nobel prize winner -- source: János: the story of a doctor, "Fritz Haber was a blond Silesian"
  • Emmanuel Kant, noted philosopher -- source: Kant's Prolegomena: and Metaphysical foundations of natural science, "his flaxen hair and mild blue eyes"
  • Hartmut Michel, Nobel Prize winner
  • Paul Langerhans, noted scientist
  • Adolf Butenandt, Nobel Prize winner, discovered the first male sex hormone
  • Rainer Maria Rilke, noted poet -- source: A ringing glass: the life of Rainer Maria Rilke, "pale, longish face with its full, sensual lips', the 'thick ash- blond hair' and 'watery-blue eyes"


  • August Rodin, artist -- source: Art and criticism: monographs and studies, "He is a man below medium stature, blond, with blue, smiling eyes"
  • Urbain Le Verrier, noted astronomer, discoverer of Neptune -- source: The Nation, Volumes 6-7, "Le Verrier is rather tall, rather large, of strong but ungraceful build, with yellow hair, pink complexion"
  • Romain Rolland, nobel prize winner -- source: The century illustrated monthly magazine, Volume 86, "Rolland is an almost perfect specimen. He is tall, he is spare; he is very blond, and his eyes are very blue."

Great Britain

  • Edward Heath, politician*
  • Harold Wilson, politician
  • Maurice Wilkins, nobel prize winner -- source: New York Times, Wilkins Worked on Atomic Bomb and Moved to Biology, "Wilkins, tall, angular and blond"
  • Frederick Soddy, nobel prize winner -- source: Atomic Transmutation: The Greatest Discovery Ever Made, "I detected the well-known brilliant bluest of blue eyes, though the blonde hair was greying."
  • Ernest Rutherford, nobel prize winner -- source: A Force of Nature: The Frontier Genius of Ernest Rutherford, "his hair was still blond"
  • Nevill Francis Mott, nobel prize winner -- source: Nevill Mott: Reminiscences And Appreciations, "tall, slim and blond"
  • Edward Jenner, scientist -- source: Man against cancer by Bernard Glemser, "the typical English country gentleman, blond, blue-eyed"
  • J. R. R. Tolkien, noted novelist
  • H. Rider Haggard, noted novelist
  • John Stuart Mill, noted philosopher
  • Ford Maddox Ford, novelist whose works are regarded as some of the greatest English literature -- source: The saddest story; a biography of Ford Madox Ford, "Ford was a tall, slender young man...with his blond hair parted"
  • John Gurdon, noted scientist, winner of the Nobel Prize -- source: I did my best work 50 years ago, says Nobel winner Gurdon, "The 79-year-old, with a shock of swept-back greying blond hair,"
  • Olaf Stapledon, noted Sci Fi author -- source: Did you mean: Olaf Stapledon: Speaking for the Future, "He had a full head of once-blond, now steel-colored hair"
  • William Astbury, noted scientist
  • William Ernest Henley, noted poet

Russia and Poland

  • Vladimir Putin, noted politician
  • Sergei Prokofiev, noted composer -- source: Selected Letters of Sergei Prokofiev, "He had white-blond hair"
  • George Gamow, noted physicist -- source: Dark Sun: The Making Of The Hydrogen Bomb, "tall, blond Russian"
  • Stefan Banach, noted mathematician -- Through a reporter's eyes: the life of Stefan Banach, "He was tall, blond-haired, blue- eyed, and rather strongly built."

Skandinavia and Netherlands

  • Sophus Lie, mathematician -- source: Unknown Quantity: A Real And Imaginary History of Algebra, "tall, blond, strong"
  • Svante Arrhenius, nobel prize winner -- source: Young chemists and great discoveries by James Kendall, "In person he was stoutly built, blond, blue-eyed and rubicund"
  • Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff, nobel prize winner -- source: From the First Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, 10 December 1901, "blond, clean shaven dutchman"
  • Lars Onsager, nobel prize winner -- source: Erich Hückel (1896-1980): From Physics to Quantum Chemistry, "tall, blond man"
  • Bengt I. Samuelsson, nobel prize winner -- Darwin's Audubon: Science And The Liberal Imagination, "Tall, blond, and soft-spoken"
  • Niels Henrik Abel, mathematician -- source: Niels Henrik Abel: Mathematician Extraordinary, "had ash- blond hair"
  • Fridtjof Nansen, noted scientist, winner of the Nobel Prize, one of the founders of neuron theory
  • Tycho Brahe, noted astronomer
  • August Krogh, noted scientist, winner of the Nobel Prize -- source: The Camel's Nose: Memoirs Of A Curious Scientist, "thin blond hair"
  • Halldór Kiljan Laxness, Nobel Prize winner
  • Odd Hassel, Nobel Prize winner
  • Lars Hörmander, noted mathematician, winner of the Fields Medal -- source: Experiencing Mathematics: What Do We Do, when We Do Mathematics?, "was Lars Hörmander, a tall blond Swede"
  • Carl Larsson, noted Swedish artist
  • L. E. J. Brouwer, noted mathematician -- source: L.E.J. Brouwer – Topologist, Intuitionist, Philosopher:, "It listed his physical features: height 1.863 metres, oval face, blond hair and brows."
  • Pieter Zeeman, noted scientist, winner of the Nobel Prize winner -- source: Contributions from the Physical Laboratories of Harvard University, "very slender, very blond, very youthful, and very modest physicist named PIETER ZEEMAN"
  • Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Nobel Prize winner
  • Morten Tyldum, noted director

USA and Canada

  • Christina Aguilera, singer
  • David Soul, actor, singer
  • Jon Voight, actor
  • Scott Fitzgerald, novelist -- source: F. Scott Fitzgerald on Authorship, describing himself in third person; "he has blond hair"
  • Luis Walter Alvarez, nobel prize winner -- source: Notable Latino Americans: a biographical dictionary, describing himself, "People have sometimes been surprised that a tall, ruddy, blond should bear the name Luis Alvarez"
  • Thomas Huckle Weller, nobel prize winner, source: Virus Hunters by Greer Williams, "Weller is a small, blond"
  • Henry Way Kendall, nobel prize winner, source: The electric war: the fight over nuclear power, "Henry Kendall is a tall, slender, blond"
  • Walton Lillehei, noted doctor -- source: The operation by Leonard Engel, "Dr. Lillehei had a fair skin, blue-gray eyes, and blond hair."
  • Chester Carlson, scientist, inventor -- source: Copies in Seconds by David Owen, "had blue eyes and wavy blond hair"
  • Frank Herbert, novelist -- source: Dreamer of Dune by Brian Herbert, as described by his son, "Dad had an oval face, on the fleshy side, with a weak chin and long blond hair"
  • Paul Bowles, novelist -- source: An Invisible Spectator: A Biography of Paul Bowles, "he was dismayed to find that his blond hair and "Germanic" looks"
  • Chris Carter, X-FILES creator
  • Richard Matheson, novelist -- source: Richard Matheson: Storyteller, "Matheson is a tall man with a trimmed beard and thinning blond hair"
  • Peter Agre, nobel prize winner
  • George S. Patton, noted army general
  • Chester W. Nimitz, noted admiral
  • Truman Capote, noted novelist
  • Malcolm Lowry, noted novelist
  • Ernest Orlando Lawrence, nobel prize winner -- source: Brotherhood of the Bomb, "with startlingly blue eyes and a shock of blond hair"
  • Walter Houser Brattain, nobel prize winner -- source: Broken Genius: The Rise and Fall of William Shockley, "Brattain was about five-nine, left-handed, slim with blue eyes and blond hair"
  • Willard Libby, winner of the Nobel Prize -- source: California Monthly - Volume 71, Issue 4 - Page 10, "His reddish- blond hair is thinning"
  • Kip Thorne, noted physicist
  • Steven Sasson, invented the first digital camera
  • Frank Spedding, scientist who developed the Ames process while working on the Manhattan project, which allowed for the extraction of pure Uranium metal Source: "Recipient last week was Dr. Frank Harold Spedding, stocky, blond chemistry instructor"
  • John Howard Northrop, Nobel Prize winner, helped prove that enzymes were proteins, source: The sweeping wind: a memoir, "Northrop's china-blue eyes looked at me as he tugged at the tips of his splendid long Nordic blond mustache. He was like a Viking come back to life."
  • E. E. Smith, noted Sci Fi author generally considered to be the founder of the "Space Opera" genre
  • Ronald Graham, noted mathematician, winner of the Pólya Prize
  • Annie Dillard, noted author and Pulitzer Prize winner
  • Henry David Thoreau, noted author -- source: Liberty For All, "he was small, thin....blue eyes, yellow hair.."
  • Curtis T. McMullen, noted mathematician, winner of the Fields Medal in 1998
  • James Whitcomb Riley, noted poet -- source: Current Opinion, volume 3, "is very blond and has such light hair"
  • James Gosling, noted computer scientist, inventor of JAVA
  • John W. Campbell, noted Sci Fi author
  • Richard Brautigan, noted author
  • Andrew Carnegie, noted industrialist
  • Trey Ideker, noted scientist, winner of the Overton Prize
  • Nathan Eagle, noted scientist, an MIT innovator under 35
  • Tomasz Mrowka, noted mathematician, winner of the Veblen Prize
  • Andrew Stanton, noted writer and director
  • Christopher Nolan, noted writer and director
  • Andrew Adamson, noted writer and director
  • James Cameron, noted writer and director
  • Lois McMaster Bujold, noted Sci Fi author
  • Guy Hendrix Dyas, noted production designer
  • Jim Kouf, noted director and writer
  • Donald Petrie, noted director and writer
  • Daniel Petrie Jr., noted director and writer
  • Oswald Avery, noted scientist
  • David Filo, founder of Yahoo, billionaire
  • James H. Clark, founder of SGI, billionaire
  • John Fawcett (director), noted writer and director
  • Rian Johnson, noted director and writer

Persons with natural ecru blond hair


Czech Republic



Great Britain







Persons with natural golden blond hair

Golden blond hair
Red roses

History of this subsection

This section has partly been copied from "User:CDA/listofredheads". On that list there were many names, that didn't belong there. This urged VKing to correct it and while doing so, he realised, that quite a few names, that did belong on it, were lacking. As a result, the first part is predominantly made by him, whereas the second part ("To continue") is made by CDA, be it corrected by VK.

The last mentioned tried to contact CDA as follows via his Talk page:


Wouldn't it be more correct, to move the content of "User:CDA/listofredheads" to your real (CDA) Userpage and delete the other one? After all it's hard to imagine, that it's according to Wp's rules, to have as many usernames, as one suggests new articles. --VKing (talk) 03:46, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

You know what, we're going to move it to this page, because in fact it's a proposal for an article, written by you. At the same time we're going to avoid the word "redhead", because that can be seen as more or less offensive. The relevant persons are/were not "redheaded", but golden haired;--VKing (talk) 18:37, 14 December 2008 (UTC)




Great Britain






  • Toni Allemann [11], football player


To continue:
















  • Marjan Berk [13], tv-personality, author
  • Ien Dales [14], politics
  • Benk Korthals [15], politics
  • Hans Kraay, footballer, manager
  • Annette Nijs [16], politics
  • Koos Rietkerk [17], politics (gb)*
  • Henk van der Meyden [18], journalist










Persons with natural dark blond hair

Czech Republic


Great Britain


