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Daughters of Husayn ibn Ali

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The Islamic figure Husayn ibn Ali had four daughters: Ruqayya (Arabic: رُقَيَّة) Sakina, Fāṭima aṣ-Ṣughrā (Arabic: فَاطِمَة ٱلصُّغْرَىٰ, "Fatima the Younger")[1] and Fāṭima al-Kubrā (Arabic: فَاطِمَة ٱلْكُبْرَىٰ, "Fatima the Elder").[2][3][4][5]


Shi'ite narrative

The story of Sukayna is one of the many emotional stories that Shī‘ī Muslims tell about Husayn and his martyrdom at the hands of Yazid's troops. The Battle of Karbala and the subsequent events at the court of Yazid are explained and mourned annually during the commemoration of the 10th of Muharram, also known as ‘Âshûrá’ (Arabic: عَـاشُـورَاء, tenth day). According to these religious narrations, Sukayna suffered from fatigue and thirst on the forced march to Damascus, and later from cold and starvation in Yazid's dungeon.[6]

Journey to Iraq and Shaam

She accompanied her father when he traveled from Mecca to Kufa in Iraq. On the 2nd of Muharram, 61 AH (680 CE), Husayn and 72 of his family members and companions were forced to camp in the plains of Karbala by Yazid's army of 900000 men. According to the Shī‘ī Muslims, Yazid ibn Mu'awiya was a tyrant Caliph who desired religious authority by obtaining the allegiance of Husayn, but the Imam would not give up his principles. On the 10th of Muharram, the Imam's household was attacked, a number of his companions were killed, and the survivors were made captives. The survivors included the Imam's sisters, wives, and daughters, including Sukayna, relatives of companions of the Imam, and his son, Ali Zayn al-Abidin, who did not participate in the battle, due to an illness. Sukayna, as with others, had been grieved over the killings. They had also suffered from thirst.[7]

The survivors were marched by Yazid's army from Karbala to Kufa, where Sukayna received water from a sympathetic woman, and then to Damascus in Shaam. There was a lack of pity from the captors' part during the journey. Even at these times of hardship and misery, Ruqayya was sympathetic to others, such as her mother, whom she consoled her mother on the death of Ali al-Asghar.[7][8][9]

Death and aftermath

According to Shia Islamic narrations that are commemorated every year on the occasion of Ashura, after enduring the Battle of Karbala and the torturous journey to Damascus that followed it, Sukayna died at the age of four weeping over her father's head in Yazid palace hall where prisoner were initially stayed and, her body was originally buried at nearby site. Centuries later, an ʿĀlim (Arabic: عَالِم, Scholar) had a dream in which Sukayna asked him to move her body from the grave to another site, due to water pouring into her grave. He and some people opened the grave, and saw that ground water was indeed entering the grave, besides that her body was still intact. Sukayna's body was moved from its original burial place, the dungeon, and reburied where her Mosque is now located.[10][11]

The mosque was built around the mausoleum in 1985 and exhibits a modern version of Iranian architecture, with substantial amount of mirror and gold work. There is a small mosque area adjoining the shrine room, along with a small courtyard in front. This mosque is found a short distance from the Umayyad Mosque and the Al-Hamidiyah Souq in central Damascus.

Family tree

Nuh (Noah)
Ibrahim (Abraham)
Isma'il (Ishmael) Is-haq (Isaac)
'Adnan (b.122 BC)

. . . . . .

Ya'qub (Jacob)
'Abd al-Muttalib 'Isa (Jesus) Musa (Moses)
'Abdullah (d.570 AD) Abu Talib (d.620 AD)
Muhammad (d.632 AD)
Fatimah (d.11 AH) ʿAli (d.661 AD)
Al-Husayn (d.680 AD)
Sukayna / Ruqayya (d.680 AD)[12]


According to Shi'a Muslims, she accompanied her father when he traveled from Mecca to Kufa, in what is now Iraq, to make a bid for the caliphate following the death of the caliph Muawiya I. Husayn was intercepted by the troops of Yazid I, and he and all of his men were killed at the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE. The women and children of the party, including Sakina along with her aunts (Zaynab bint Ali and Lady Umm Kulthum bint Ali), were captured and force-marched to the court of Yazid I, where they were held in prison Shi'a view of Sakina The story of Sakina is one of the many emotional and highly affecting stories that Shi'a Muslims tell of Imam Husayn ibn Ali and his martyrdom, at the hands of Yazid's troops. The Battle of Karbala and the subsequent events at the court of Yazid are explained and mourned annually during the commemoration of Ashura.

Shi'a (and some Sunni) Muslims believe that Sakina bint Husayn was a sweet and loving child, the light of Imam Husayn’s household. She would not leave him, even when he was going into danger.

During the battle, the little girl watched in horror as her uncles, her brothers, and her father were martyred. Then Yazid's soldiers entered Hussain ibn Ali’s camp, where the women and children were hiding in fear: they pillaged the tents and ripped the earrings out of Sakina's ears. But she had no thought for her own pain and her bleeding ears. She went out to the battlefield, looking for her father. Her remaining family found her clinging to her father’s corpse. She had fallen asleep on Husayn ibn Ali’s chest, as she did during happier times.

Sakina suffered from fatigue and thirst on the forced march to Damascus, and later from cold and starvation in Yazid's dungeon. Her jailers are said to have shown her father's head.

Persian or Urdu speaking Shi’a refers to Husayn ibn Ali as "Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)". Hazrat is a title of respect, and Imam is the divine office they believe he held. They often put AS after his name when writing, as shorthand for an honorific in the Arabic language. Sakina is usually called "Bibi Sakina", "Bibi" being a title of respect for women.

Sukayna was a good speaker. The most powerful men of the time debated with her and she never hesitated to express her contempt for the Umayyad dynasty and its bloody methods. She is known to have attacked the dynasty in the mosques and "humiliated" its governors and representatives every time she had the opportunity, even arranging occasions for this purpose. She died in Madina at the age of 75 in year 117 H. She did not died in the prison at the age of four as it is believed by story tellers.

Shrine of Syeda Sakina She is said to be buried near the palace of Yazid I, in Damascus, Syria. Her shrine is a place of pilgrimage (ziyarat) for Shi'a Muslims. |سَكِينَة}}, meaning "tranquility", "calmness", or "peace of mind").

Fatima al-Sughra

It is believed that there were two daughters of Husayn as who had the name 'Fatima': Fatima al-Kubra ("Fatima the Elder") and was 11 years old during the Battle of Karbala, and Fatima al-Sughra.[2][3][4][5]

Al-Sughra was a daughter of Umm Layla. It is believed that she was ill and left behind at Medina, when her father took part in the Battle of Karbala (680 ACE).[13][14] Eventually, she accompanied her aunt Zaynab bint Ali to Shaam. She is believed to have died there, with her grave being in Damascus.[11]

Fatima al-Kubra

Al-Kubra was a daughter of Umm Ishaq bint Talha.[15] According to the Shia, Husayn married Fatima al-Kubra (born 671 ACE)[16] to his brother Hasan's son Hasan al-Muthanna.[17] Fatima died in the year 735 ACE.[18] Their children include: Abd Allah al-Mahd, Ibrahim al-Ghamr, Hasan al-Muthallath and Zaynab.[19] The Progeny of Abd Allah al-Mahd are in Multitude of numbers which Include: Sharifs of Mecca, Hashemites, Idrisids of Morocco, Alaouites of Morocco, Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani. The Progeny of Ibrahim al-Ghamr includes Rassids of Yemen. The Progeny of Hasan al-Muthallath includes Al-Husayn ibn Ali al-Abid, also known as Sahib al-Fakhkh. As such, she appears not only to have been a contemporary of her father and brother Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, but also the later Shi'ite Imams Muhammad al-Baqir and Ja'far al-Sadiq.[2][3][4][5]

See also



  1. ^ Islamic shi'ite encyclopaedia, Ḥasan Amīn, s.n., 1973 - Religion; "... Fatima; i^u her mother was Umm Ishaq bint Talhah ibn 'Abdullah."
  2. ^ a b c "The Role of Women in Karbala". Alimoula110.com. Retrieved 2015-07-02.
  3. ^ a b c Ihic.org Archived October 16, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ a b c Shia.org Archived March 1, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ a b c "(A.S.) Network". Imamreza.net. Retrieved 2015-07-02.
  6. ^ "3". Nafasul Mahmoom. Qum: Ansariyan Publications. 2005. pp. 388–389.
  7. ^ a b Coej.org Archived February 14, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^ "The Fourth Journey – Kufa to Shaam | The Journey of Tears | Books on Islam and Muslims". Al-Islam.org. 2013-10-28. Retrieved 2015-06-02.
  9. ^ Nafs ul Mahmoom by Sheikh ‘Abbas Qummi, Behar ul Anwaar, Vol I by ‘Allamah Sayyad Mohammad Baqir Majlisi and others.
  10. ^ 'Summary of the Tragedy of Sayyeda Ruqayya', Booklet at Ruqayya Mosque, 2008
  11. ^ a b "Syria". Mailviruskid.tripod.com. Retrieved 2016-10-14.
  12. ^ "ʿALĪ B. ḤOSAYN B. ʿALĪ B. ABĪ ṬĀLEB". ENCYCLOPÆDIA IRANICA. Retrieved 1 August 2011.
  13. ^ The Light, Volumes 12–13; Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania, 1978 – Islam; " ... said that Imam Husain (a.s.) had another daughter named Fatema, we have to point out that she was Fatema Sughra ..."
  14. ^ The Immortal Poetry & Mir Anis: With the Versified Translation of a Marsia of Mir Anis; Syed Ghulam Abbas, Mir Babbar Ali Anis, Majlis-e-Milli, Pakistan, 1983 – Elegiac poetry – 368 pages; "Umme Salma loved Husain very much. At the time of Huasin's departure from Madina, she was left there due to her old age and also to look after Fatima Sughra, the ailing daughter of Husain. Na'ni, Umme Salma. 6. AU, Son of Abu Talib ..."
  15. ^ Mufīd, al-Irshād, vol. 2, p. 491; Majlisī, Biḥār al-anwār, vol. 45, p. 329; Ibn Saʿd, al-Ṭabaqāt al-Bayt (a)}}kubrā, vol. 3, p. 214.
  16. ^ Muḥammadī Riyshahrī, Dānishnāma-yi Imām Ḥusayn (a), vol. 1, p. 351.
  17. ^ Ibn Saʿd, al-Ṭabaqāt al-kubrā, vol. 8, p. 473; Ibn ʿAsākir, Tārīkh madīnat Damascus, vol. 70, p. 17; Ibn Qutayba, al-Maʿārif, p. 213.
  18. ^ Ibn al-Jawzī, Tadhkirat al-khawāṣ, p. 251.
  19. ^ Mizzī, Tahdhīb al-kamāl, vol. 35, p. 256.


  • Momen, Moojan An Introduction to Shi'a Islam, Yale University Press, 1985.