Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

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Got Emotional Overwhelm? This is for You!

One thing is for sureā€¦times are different and it's hard to predict what's around the corner.  Emotions, defined as "energy in motion" can easily be in overwhelm. Expand your self-awareness and discover ways your emotions can help you move forward, instead of holding you back. In the words of Dr. Dan Siegel, "Name It to Tame It!" Resources here for you...
Let's Do This!

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Emotions, whether "positive" or "negative", are packed not only with energy, but a lot of information.


  • How even the most troublesome emotions are sending messages to alert, protect and fuel you forward
  • How fear can move you to courage
  • How guilt can clarify your values
  • How anger can help you create healthy boundaries
  • To use your feelings as a pathway to guide you back to your inner compass. 
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"I LOVE THIS BOOK! I'm going to get it for all four of my teenagers and every single one of my clients. Well-researched, soulful, and eminently practical, Emotional Advantage is eye-opening and inspiring. An absolute must-read for anyone seeking inner peace, greater confidence, or unlimited joy."

Christine Carter, PhD
Sociologist & Senior Fellow Greater Good Science Center, UC Berkeley, Author of Raising Happiness and The Sweet Spot

"Happiness is an evolving field and Emotional Advantage is the up-to-date dispenser of the latest in research and practices. Randy shows how to handle oneā€™s negative emotions and sustain oneā€™s positive emotions. Written in a friendly yet carefully researched manner this book offers clear guidance to a better and more skillful life. "

Dr. Fred Luskin
Bestselling author of Forgive for Good

"Randy Taran's words are informative and transformative, interesting and enlightening. Reading Emotional Advantage felt like embarking on a journey, at the end of which I felt more deeply connected to myself and to others. Don't just read this book, engage with it! Do the exercises, apply its wisdom, open yourself up to the richness of your emotional life."

Tal Ben-Shahar
New York Times bestselling author of Happier

"Emotional Advantage is a MUST-READ for everyone: leaders, parents, in fact, all of us who dare to envision new possibilities, to embrace the bright and beautiful, and to skillfully and gently face the inevitable struggles in life with grace and love. Randy Taran offers us a wise, honest, and well-researched map to true, sustainable and transformative happiness."

Carole Pertofsky
Director of Wellness and Health Promotion Services, Stanford University

"Randy Taran, in a fresh and accessible way, reminds us that life isnā€™t about avoiding pain. Even negative emotions are arrows pointing to our evolution. Every emotion has much to reveal when we know how to chart our inner landscape."

Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Clinical Psychologist and Author of The Awakened Family

So grateful to have met such wonderful people along my journey...


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Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy thatā€™s on our own terms.