07th Oct2021

‘The Last Exorcist’ DVD Review

by Alain Elliott

Stars: Danny Trejo, Rachele Brooke Smith, Terri Ivens, Nicolas Coster, Leah Ann Cevoli, Branden Smith, Adam Horner, Melanie Brooke Sweeney, Dennis LaValle | Written by Robin Bain, Amy Brown Carver, Lizzie Gordon | Directed by Robin Bain I have watched too many Danny Trejo movies to know that just by having his name on the […]

04th Jan2021

‘The Last Exorcist’ Review

by Alain Elliott

Stars: Danny Trejo, Rachele Brooke Smith, Terri Ivens, Nicolas Coster, Leah Ann Cevoli, Branden Smith, Adam Horner, Melanie Brooke Sweeney, Dennis LaValle | Written by Robin Bain, Amy Brown Carver, Lizzie Gordon | Directed by Robin Bain I have watched too many Danny Trejo movies to know that just by having his name on the […]
