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Memory Alpha
Waste extraction, Bajoran transport

The entry of the waste extraction aboard the Bajoran transport

"A good waste extraction system is important. Imagine where we'd be without one."
– Rom, 2373 ("The Assignment")

The waste extraction system, also known as the waste reclamation system, sewage and waste reclamation was a plumbing system used during the 24th century, devised to manage and process all bodily wastes aboard starships and starbases. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

In 2369, Doctor Julian Bashir took cell samples from the entry of the waste extraction system aboard a Bajoran transport to identify the DNA of the murdered Bajoran criminal Ibudan and possible other DNA. (DS9: "A Man Alone")

It is not named in the episode but the script described it as "moves to the wall and a matter reclamation unit (waste disposal)...".

The same year, the Kobliad criminal Rao Vantika placed a subspace shunt in the waste reclamation system to sabotage Deep Space 9 and hijack the deuridium shipment from the Gamma Quadrant but Lieutenant George Primmin found this device. (DS9: "The Passenger")

When Quark told Nog that he never want to hear anything about yamok sauce, Nog offered to bring the sauce into the matter reclamation unit. Quark agreed. (DS9: "Progress")

Quark once quipped to Worf that Klingon culture had ceremonies for everything except waste extraction. (DS9: "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places")

On stardate 48892.1, The Doctor, while in a malfunctioning holodeck program (which he believed to be real life), requested a ship-wide system update and the computer reported sewage and waste reclamation as one of the many systems that had been rendered offline from an attack by Kazon warships. (VOY: "Projections")

In 2373, Rom quit his job at Quark's to pursue a position working as a technician for the Bajorans. His first assignment was working the night shift on Deep Space 9's waste extraction system. (DS9: "The Assignment")

Working in waste extraction was typically considered the least desirable posting for an engineer. (DS9: "The Assignment") After Enrique Muniz called Miles O'Brien a "mountain man… an old mountain man", O'Brien asked him how he would like a transfer to Deep Space 9's waste extraction unit. (DS9: "The Ship") Another engineer, Pechetti, was previously assigned to waste extraction before volunteering to join the salvage team that "raided" Empok Nor. (DS9: "Empok Nor")

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Background information[]

Ira Steven Behr commented "When we first wrote the words 'waste extraction', we didn't even want to think of what the hell that was. Extraction? Whoa! That's taking twenty-fourth century technology a little far. It takes you one step past replicators. I just hope it has nothing to do with sharp pincers". Waste extraction was mentioned in many more scripts in the fifth season and Behr also "saw a mention of waste extraction in one of the licensed Deep Space Nine comic books. Finally we had to stop because it was getting ridiculous". (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 288)

In ultimately omitted dialogue from the first draft script of DS9: "Body Parts", Brunt remarked that his "greatest fantasy" included ramming a waste extractor down Quark's ear, then sucking out his innards. In an unfilmed or deleted scene, also from "Body Parts", Quark mentions his uncle Pax owning a waste extraction company. Rom called Pax "Uncle Stinky". (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library)

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