Wreck (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

(2022– )

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45 Reviews
Stay in Steerage
gemmawilson1929 October 2022
If you're watching this thinking it's going to be a hardcore comedy then you're in for a disappointment. However, as a mystery thriller with horror and comedy elements then I really enjoyed it.

Six episodes was the adequate amount of time to introduce, investigate and resolve the case (but leave enough left to lead into series 2 which I am looking forward to).

The writer has also peppered the script with callbacks to famous films of the last 30 years, which is a fun little Easter egg to keep an eye on.

I wasn't really familiar with any of the cast beyond Liam from Ladhood, but they all played their parts well (even if you hated them).
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An underrated mystery with dark humor- not bad at all!
byzantineiconoclast17 December 2022
I started watching with low expectations, especially after reading a couple of reviews in here. I gave it a shot, and sure enough from the second episode in, I was hooked.

Granted, it is not the second coming, but it is a smart, well acted mystery story, with many twists and turns. I have to admit, the final revelation, caught me off guard, because I was expecting many things, but not this.

By the way, for the people who rant because this is tagged as comedy, and they didn't laugh while watching, please keep in mind that this is not a slapstick comedy. This is a dark comedy-mystery, with a lot of social undertones.

I binged watched the whole thing on a lazy Saturday, and I, personally, am thrilled that there will be a new season. Underrated little gem- give it a try!
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Enjoyable series
heley782 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed this. Had a bit of a scream queens meets squid game vibe for me.

From the very first few moments it had me hooked. The characters were well written and you actually genuinely cared if they survived or not.

The plot was interesting and didn't feel like it dragged or was too slow paced. The villain in the costume at the beginning was really creepy.

The ending could have been better and did feel a little rushed but was good, however it did feel a little bit like it was trying to be squid game and was a little derivative of Netflix shows that have been popular in the last year. That was clearly the brief given to the writers. That being said, I enjoyed it and felt like I had not wasted my time in the slightest.
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Way better than it looks
markaboyd-578718 March 2023
Im not too sure where to start with this review. I pride myself in the ability to look at a cover art and tell everything thats going to happen in a series. However, that was not the case with this one. I saw most plot twists and surprises coming but it doesn't happen the way you think it would. That was a big plus for me.

I liked most of the characters. The big irish guy was pretty funny along with the short officer with the beard (even tho hes a bad guy). Karen was pretty funny and Vivian was bad ass. The main character was the only one that was meh, only because he was hella lucky.

It did leave a surprise cliffhanger that sets up season 2!
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Good, not great
danjamz4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a smash hit, but tonally it is all over the place. Why does it feel like something that BBC would broadcast at 6pm for teenagers, but with the addition of occasional gore from an 18 rated horror slasher?

Spoiler ahead: this is essentially a teen LGBT soap crossed with the movie Hostel and Squid Game. At least the cruise ship angle felt original.

The writing should have been closer to Killing Eve or Apple TV's superb Afterparty, but it just feels a bit silly half the time, essentially spelling out what's happening in each scene to inform their intended young viewers.

Don't get me wrong, it was watchable, just a shame to see so much missed potential. Then again, if you're 15 years old you are going to LOVE this.
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Freaky horror delight!
amywilson-147558 December 2022
This was such a fun discovery for me - think Below Deck meets Hot Fuzz with a dash of Scream and Scream Queens. Each episode just got better and better. After reading some of the other user reviews, this is clearly a show that some will appreciate and others will not. I think some reviewers have missed a couple things. Wreck is firmly set in a Slasher universe, and so tonally it's a little madcap, but it also has a lot more depth than most slasher films. It's clear that a lot of thought and love has gone into the making of this show. It features all the other horror conventions we've come to know and love, but also proper, real feeling 3D dimensional characters - and hooray for proper queer representation that isn't all doom and gloom. I'll admit it, I'm a grown woman, and not the target audience, but I love this show. It kept me guessing to the end, and I never saw the BIG twist coming...
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A watchable horror, comedy thriller series.
Sleepin_Dragon25 November 2023
Jamie buys the identity off a guy named Cormack, to get a job working on board a ship called The Sacramentum, his mission, to discover what happened to his sister Pippa, who vanished on board three months back.

It's an enjoyable six part series, it's clearly aimed at teenagers, it's a mix of comedy, horror, mystery, with shed loads of LGBTQ themes thrown in.

Episode one is very good, I loved Quacky, it provided a very different killer, no scary costumes or grim masks, this guy is soft and fluffy, it presents something a little different, it worked.

The disappointment for me came in episode 6, Part 5 offered so much, it just all fell a little bit flat.

You can tell it's from The BBC, it's a wonderfully diverse cast, in terms of the good guys that is,.

The baddies are still white and straight, it's amusing enough, but I liked the characters, I liked the diversity of it. You can see the demographic they're going for, my sixteen year old self would have loved this.

It's well acted, Thaddea Graham and Oscar Kennedy are both very good.

I look forward to series 2.

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Hostel on the high seas
missmishka17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I binged this in a day and need more! What, at first, appears to viewers to be a killer in a duck costume turns out to be so much more than Jamie Walsh ever could have imagined when he got aboard the Sacramentum cruise ship to find out what happened there to his sister Pippa. I won't spoil it, but let "Hostel" be a hint. Though I hated that movie and loved this show. The show only has a few funny moments, so I agree with other reviews that say that, but it does have darkly comedic moments and lives up to the slasher horror categorization. Eventually. It does draw things out to give it more of a mystery feel for the overall plot. There's also more focus on developing relationships than one might like if they're only here for the horror, but I personally loved the mix of tone and themes. It's a bunch of young adults out on their own on the high seas, many for the first time, exploring their independence and sexuality while a growing number of crew come to realize that their employers are as Evil Corp as a company can get. Stay with this one til the end. It is worth it, even if you want to speed through the more teen drama moments.
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Kinda conflicted on the new season.
kadenturner8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Personally I really loved the addition of Pippa this season and the overall dynamic with her and her brother Jamie and the rest of the crew. I thought that this seasons could've linked to season 1 a bit better, it kinda felt like a separate show but still was really good... However, it became very overwhelming towards the end and needed to be simplified and really needed less deaths as they seemed to be a huge thing that was diminished by the amount of times it happened. Overall really loved this new season and really like the character of Pippa and her actor Jodie Tyack's amazing acting throughout the show. Hope to see more of her in season 3!
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Strange flop that's all at sea
JRB-NorthernSoul9 October 2022
A brother is investigating the death of his sister working on a fancy cruise ship.

I wasn't sure what to make of this as I couldn't quite work out what I was watching. My best guess would be that it was a comedy, murder, whodunnit. Tonally it was all over the place so it was very hard to tell.

For me the setup was very clunky and the script was full of exposition which didn't develop the story, a lot of the humour fell flat and many of the scenes were predictable.

Despite the cast of thousands (with some very patchy performances) and a decent budget it was quite lame. I wouldn't watch any more episodes. A big miss I'm afraid.
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Genuinely loved it!
holzifer15 October 2022
This was such a surprisingly great watch. Initially I thought it was just going to be another cheesy teeny horror but it was actually fantastic. The story was clever (albeit kind of done before) with great casting, acting and soundtrack. It was exactly the right mix of comedy moments, suspense and slasher. Harriet Webb's character in particular was hilarious and had some fantastic one-liners. We were gripped right from the start and loved every second. Watched it all in a one go and felt it got better as it went along. Satisfying, gripping, just the right length and very easy to watch. Would definitely recommend.
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Mark-InTheUK10 October 2022
I watched episode one as it was listed as a comedy. Can anyone point to any time during there first episode where there was anything funny? Please, someone tell me the time I need to go back to, to check for a single laugh. Or is this a post-modern wokery inspired label, where something is listed as something it isn't?

I won't be bothering with future episodes. This one is a dead duck. The main character, the brother searching for answers about his sister, is played by someone I presume is fresh from acting school. He's incredibly wooden.

The script is too basic, too linear. There is very little I can think of that redeems this show in anyway.
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Surprise show of the year! Great for Halloween.
edwardjpatel31 October 2022
I'm so glad to see this series starting to catch some fire. It was a surprise of the year. I caught it late night on the BBC and then went to watch the rest on iPlayer. Wow - there are some snobby, mean-spirited people leaving user reviews on IMDB. "I sat through all 6 hours but I didn't enjoy it" smells off to me. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but some people get a kick out of being rude. Maybe it's an older crowd who don't get it? (I'm 34) Lighten up. Anyway, on with the review...

Horror comedy is extremely difficult to get right as both can be objective in their own ways, but this show managed it for me, and did it with aplomb. Leads Jamie (an excellent Oscar Kennedy) and Vivien (Thaddea Graham, also excellent) are living and working in the bowels of an ocean liner. But, Jamie is secretly there to find out what happened to his missing sister. She had been working on the ship previously but had gone missing. It's a simple enough setting but it works very nicely. I wasn't going to watch at first, as a lot of reviews said it was a duck hunting people for six episodes and that did sound a little too daft for me...this was not at all what the show was. It's so much more than that! It's a slightly slow starter, but it sets the scene in a fun way and it had me hooked from the end of the first episode - an inspired move to kill off who they did in episode one. Episode 4-6 were the strongest for me, a rollercoaster that had me on the edge of my seat. I liked the way the show grew with each episode and wasn't just crazy from the off.

What follows are six episodes of blood, laughs, and genuine heart. That was perhaps what I loved most about this show. Despite all of the silliness, it has characters that feel real and vulnerable. They could have done a Scream Queens or Harpers Island and killed someone every 5 minutes, and although there is a fair body count (4 or 5), they smartly opted to invest in the characters more, which paid off with the stakes being raised higher. The bond formed between Viven and Jamie was especially beautiful. It was nice to see a male/female friendship without romance. I'm happy to hear the show has already been renewed as I want more of this dynamic duo ASAP. The performances from everyone were stellar. American actor Donald Sage Mackay really stood out for me as the Cruise Director - he gives a really fun and often terrifying performance.

I won't spoil the plot, but it is genuinely surprising and there are at least three big twists that caught me way off guard. The writer really played a blinder with that very last reveal. It kind of goes to a political place near the end but is never preachy, and perhaps the messaging isn't new, but it does need repeating and I appreciated it.

Wreck showcases its knowledge of horror history with amazing references and easter eggs throughout, and it was a lot of fun spotting them (although very occasionally distracting; but I imagine viewers less horror obsessive wouldn't mind). I think the friends I watched the show with were tiring of me pausing to point something out in the background.

Is Wreck perfect? No. It's a really good time that keeps you guessing, tensing and laughing from start to finish. It felt like it had shades of Edgar Wright but also a little Giallo and even some Romero when it came to the social commentary. It really is a show worth binging.

Bring on series two.
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Heartfelt and refreshing
yhyfrby26 October 2022
Loved this series. A couple of things I loved:

  • I love that it's a genre bending show: comedy, horror, drama in all one. And they are not afraid to really go there with each genre. The funny moments are really funny. The horror moments are gory. The dramatic beats are sincerely heartfelt.

  • the gay and Asian representation. Who knew a UK BBC show would ever give us some much-needed representation and actually succeed? Vivian is delightful and we finally have a gay Asian love interest.

  • the pacing is great - in six episodes there's a lot there but it's never overwhelming. I think this show deserves a second series.
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Idionaut16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler: this is utter rubbish.

Oh look, Squid Game on a ship, boom!

This is an utterly terrible piece of writing. Devoid of plot, suspense, characterisation, directions, acting, production design, sound, music and just about anything else that might otherwise contribute to something worth watching. Oscar Kennedy has photocopied his facial expressions from Ladhood and imported them into the same bemused avatar. I doubt whoever typed this script has ever been near a cruise ship and if they have, perhaps they should have paid attention. Full of pompous unearned payoffs and stupid "they're behind you" jump moment that lack even the most basic irony.
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Fun and games aboard ship of nightmares!
dippytique19 December 2022
I think this is technically a teen show, similar to Sex Ed on Netflix, but it felt quite adult to me. I'm happy to hear it has a second series as it really found its feet by the end, in the most wonderful, surprisingly uplifting of ways. I have been off work sick and this show was surprising soul food! I loved it.

The series follows Jamie, played with real heart by Oscar Kennedy (who I also enjoyed in Schools Out Forever) looking for his sister, Pippa, who disappeared from the cruise ship she was working on. He infiltrates the crew and realises that something seriously f**cked up is happening on board. If I say any more, it'll spoil the many twists - this show had plenty! And the big final reveal was really shocking.

The acting, writing and directing were all top notch. It really did get better with each episode. It's a shame that the first ep might be the weakest of the six (although still very strong) and could potentially lose viewers, but I hope people stick with it, because it doesn't dissapoint.

Think Sex Edcuation meets Shaun of the Dead.
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Dreadful writing!
julienicholson-1216814 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is simply appalling.

I hoped it would be similar to Murder on the Blackpool express, comedy, a bit scarey, a mystery etc...

Sadly it's very poorly written. Really, really Incredibly badly written. Obviously written by someone who has never experienced a cruise.

I rolled my eyes so hard, they sounded like marbles rolling around a metal dis, when the bar staff were rude to the "I'm first class" passenger etc.

I hated the 'officer' Karen, who treated the new staff like some 5th class slaves!

Dreadful! Not funny. And so inaccurate it was almost painful. Poor acting too.

Who TF commissioned this piece of cr@p.

Don't waste your precious time watching this poor excuse for entertainment.

Having got to the end of this abysmal excuse for entertainment, I'm left wondering how a ship could have so much 'secret space' how the writer could think crew cabins were so large, how the staff put up with Karen! Why did I battle my way to the end of this pile of manure?
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I loved every second
hphilpott-567359 October 2022
I hadn't heard about this until today! I binged the whole thing with my teenage son. We loved it. It was a really good time. It was so funny and scary and surprisingly moving. Very well written and directed. You think it's one thing and then it surprises at every turn! I thought it was going to be a killer duck throughout but it's so much more! We cried at the ending. I'll be watching it again. This won't be for everyone because it's a horror show, doing something very different to the usual TV drudgery and it doesn't take itself too seriously. It was just so refreshing and I want more like it, please. 10/10. Can't wait for a series two!?
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Best BBC series on years! Loved this show!
bethleighton16 October 2022
This show was a real treat and a big surprise. Comedy horror is very hard to pull off, both are very subjective and it's hard to please everyone, but I was very very pleased. It was a breath of fresh air. This is maybe the best bbc three series since In The Flesh. Wreck is like Scream meets Skins or Misfits. Its clearly made by people who love the horror genre and I loved spotting the references.

The last three episodes were edge of your seat good and I never guessed the big final twist. I loved the main two lead characters. All of the cast are brilliant and I'm sure future stars.

Please give us a series two!
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Jump overboard
olliemaddicum14 October 2022
As a T. V writer this show has truly helped me to understand how not to write for T. V! This show really feels like a waste of time.

Don't waste your time watching this poorly crafted piece of television. The reveal is also not even worth your time because it's exact what you would assume it would be the entire time. You think that maybe it's trying to push you in the wrong direction but no, it's so predictable ! Don't even get me started on the characters! Not one good written or even acted character... sorry to say that because I love the main guy in this (manhood) but in here he just falls flat. Don't blame him no one has the ability to make this writing work !
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Absolutely Superb
terrygraham-0977410 October 2022
After a slow start to set the scene I guess the action starts to happen and it develops gruesomely fast. An engaging piece of adventure TV. Just loved it.

After Episode 2 you really start engaging with the Vivian and Jamie and their in the lower decks friends.

Exceptionally well written and directed. Well done Ryan J Brown and Chris Baugh.

Oscar Kennedy and Thaddea Graham fronted the series with great skills and acting prowess - well done to both. Praise must also go to the other cast members. Well done again to all involved.

The ending surely sets us up for a second series ... bring it on!

This represents BBC3 getting back to its best.

All on board for a truly great series.
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Not great.
Linmalut17 October 2022
A brother working on a cruise ship looking to find out what has happened to his sister. Murder mystery, everyone is a suspect, no one can get off the ship. Bad management and corrupted staff. Had potential but badly written. Too many unnecessary violence and intimacy scenes just to fill screening time. Not likeable characters, not one nice person on the cruise, apart from the brother. Watched only few episodes enjoyed the first one, then got bored. Definitely not a comedy, more like a horror series for teenagers with homosexual preferences. Shame, because the acting is quite good and the first episode was promising.
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Balls to the Walls Crazy and it WORKS!!!!
tgcme10 March 2023
This show is so insane. It fully leans into the embrace of what it is. A glorious irreverent, off the wall, totally bonkers and unpredictable schlock-fest.

It has humor, scares, gore, suspense, and plenty of Heart. You have characters you love, characters you love to hate, and characters you just hate.

There's something for everyone.

It has dark humor and it just absolutely goes for it with no holds barred.

I am So ready for a season 2! This one season can stand alone as a capsule but it stands ready for a season 2 also. It has twists and turns and character growth. I genuinely jumped a few times from suspense.

Very well done.
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devanholc12 October 2022
I literally binge watched this series in a day on iPlayer and I don't regret a second of it!! I had only planned on watching one episode but once I started I just couldn't stop!

Absolutely obsessed and the twist was just WOW. Hoping there is a season 2!? Infact I NEED a season 2 after THAT ending (No spoilers)

The plot was refreshing, imaginative and left me wanting more.

I genuinely could not recommend this series enough, it has a bit of everything and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout as well as belly laughing.

I would say its probably my favourite watch of 2022 so far...and that is saying something!!
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weedougie-2353115 November 2022
This bills itself as a comedy/mystery/thriller and was endlessly hyped up by the BBC. There's very little by the way of comedy in the whole affair

There is some appalling overacting by some of the younger cast and some unimaginative stereotypes. The fault there lies entirely at the door of the scriptwriter and director.

The longer it went on to the "big reveal", it just got more and ridiculous. The last two parts in particular were virtually unwatchable. I am really kicking myself that I didn't give up before the end.

The most disappointing part was that it seemed to end with the possibility of a sequel.
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