32 Reviews
With just a little more care...
doubleivan22 July 2024
I waited until I had finished Part 3 before rating and reviewing because it is folly to view these as three separate movies rather than as a series.

Had just a little more care been taken, I believe this trilogy would have been cinema-worthy. The artwork looks like Archer, the pacing is terrible; Part 1, a story where the Flash races through alternate dimensions, should have crackled with energy. Instead, it has gaps of leaden silence, where stilled cells linger more than a beat too long. There are serious continuity issues, where it is impossible to tell where characters physically are in the 'multiverse', and I kept thinking I had missed a section of storyline.

It is interesting what DC have tried to do, here (even for the third time) using a storyline to repair what was a greedy boardroom decision, and the mature, subdued tone is appropriate. Additionally, the voice cast are fantastic, and this is the final chance to hear the Conroy/Hamill partnership. But, if this was such a big deal for the DCAMU, an extra three months of work would have raised it from an oddity to an epic.
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Sorry but I enjoyed it!
bakhtjoosaman17 July 2024
I don't understand people hating on everything, read the comments and it seems like it was not meaningful enough or some stupid thing like that!

I feel like people forget to just enjoy entertainment, not that it had no flaws but comparing to part 2 or many of the past 5 years content they threw at us, this was better than I expected!

Yes I get that it's not perfectly like what happened in comic books but I really thought it was close enough and kept the ending mystery to the very last moments which I believe hasn't happened for a long time!

And Thank you for not sending Flash back again to do something, I could have not stand that type of ending anymore.

7/10 I think it's fair.
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A little better at the end...
Warning: Spoilers
{Traduction ES to EN} A few good thing:

  • The Question and the little talk with The Spectre.

  • The "How Barry killed Darkseid".

Well, now we have a little hope to see a new-new universe not so boring as the first movies after the reboot.

And that´s it.

If I make a list of the bad things, I will be days writing it, starting with the low quality of the animation, and I´m not talking about the style, about the animation it self. Amateur levels in the deep and the proportions in the drawning of characters and buildings.

The only good thing as trilogy, maybe the last 40 minutes of this part, that´s it.

I give a 6/10.
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Ultimately it wasn't earned
ossie8528 July 2024
I thought Part 1 was actually a pretty good beginning, it had an emotional heart with the Flash and set things up well.

Parts 2 and 3 however, a lot of the time it felt like they were treading water. It was hard to connect with a lot of the characters, and felt kind of poorly paced.

It had plenty of good moments, but perhaps they didn't work in cohesion.

Not sure how I feel about the Batman: The Animated Series being erased either to be honest. I don't think that'll stick.

The visuals were solid, but hampered by the lack of budget these films have.

Ultimately scrapes through with a pass for me, and thank DC for your series of animated movies. If they have to end, at least they ended with Kevin Conroy being Batman.
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Best of the three
jochang-3085620 August 2024
I'm not versed in the source material at all outside of common knowledge for fans of the shared universe, so my enjoyment of this film is for the film itself. That, and the Tomorrowverse overall. Were I an avid reader of the comics and knew Crisis well, it would not surprise me to find myself disliking this far more.

But as a trilogy, this conclusion really wasn't so bad. It was greatly helped by brief visits to well-loved shows in the past, all in its original art style no less. The nostalgia train hit me so hard I couldn't help but instantly like this film a little more the second it came on screen. This movie also had some decent moments unrelated to old heavy hitters. While it wasn't the best of the franchise, I still enjoyed it for what it is.

However, the main issue with these recent films is that hardly any of them are complete stories by themselves. It's all tied to other entries that came before it. If this only happened for the trilogy I wouldn't judge so harshly, since parts 1, 2 and 3 are literally in the title. But we also saw this for films that preceded it, transforming these into episodes of the same story and not separate, though inter-connected movies. This happens when there's too much crossover which blurs the entire arc into one amalgamation. Instead of cool references here and there where the audience can get excited at recognizing something for having seen previous installments, thorough knowledge of the continuity is expected of the viewer which easily becomes drag when seemingly the same story has been occurring for a long, long time. Perhaps this was intentional due to it being infinite earths and all. If so, the intent is appreciated, but left wanting in practice. Or maybe their assumed audience are all DC diehards, in which case this isn't great storytelling.

It also has to be mentioned that some scenes are poorly done. It's hard to describe but the quality throughout the trilogy, as well as many of the films before it is noticeably inconsistent. You've got moments that are excellent while others are so low-effort it's amazing they're in the same movie. Don't know what's happening in the animation studio but it seriously affects the end result in a negative way.

I'm a DC fan. These characters are among my favorites in any franchise. This means I'll continue to watch whatever DC puts out. Having said that, Tomorrowverse was disappointing overall. Too much reliance on previous entries aside, with very few exceptions it wasn't until this film that our heroes started feeling like the people we know and love. Then, suddenly, it's over. Quite a bittersweet send-off. There's something missing, but by this point I'm somewhat glad it's done.
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A thrilling conclusion
H0kv520 August 2024
The final installment of the Crisis on Infinite Earths saga is a thrilling conclusion to the epic storyline. The Justice League, along with their allies, must face their greatest challenge yet as they battle to prevent the destruction of entire universes.

The Anti-Monitor's plan to destroy the multiverse is finally revealed, and the Justice League must act fast to stop him. The fate of countless universes hangs in the balance, and the stakes have never been higher. Iconic characters make the ultimate sacrifice, leaving a lasting impact on the DC Universe.

The Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline has been building towards this moment, expertly weaving together characters and plotlines from across the DC Universe. The multiverse concept, once a complex and daunting idea, is finally brought to a satisfying conclusion.

The story is expertly paced, with each page building towards the climactic final showdown. The artwork is stunning, capturing the scope and scale of the Crisis. The Justice League, led by Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, must use all their skills and strength to defeat the Anti-Monitor and his minions.

As the battle rages on, the true extent of the Anti-Monitor's plan becomes clear. He seeks to destroy not just the multiverse, but the very fabric of reality itself. The Justice League must stop him at all costs, no matter the sacrifice.

And sacrifice there is. Iconic characters fall, their deaths a poignant reminder of the stakes. The Flash, in particular, makes a heroic sacrifice, using his speed to save the universe.

In the end, the Justice League emerges victorious, but not without scars. The multiverse is saved, but at great cost. The aftermath of the Crisis sets the stage for a new era in the DC Universe, with a renewed focus on the surviving characters.

The Crisis on Infinite Earths has left an indelible mark on the DC Universe, streamlining the multiverse and setting the stage for new stories and characters. This iconic storyline has become a benchmark for comic book events, influencing countless other tales of heroism and sacrifice.

Overall, Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3 is a must-read for fans of the DC Universe. The conclusion of this epic saga is both thrilling and emotional, providing a satisfying end to the multiverse concept. With its expert pacing, stunning artwork, and poignant character moments, this storyline is a true classic.
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One of great comics events turned into incoherent mess
MasturbationProcess22 July 2024
It amazes me how Jeff Wamester still keeps his job as a director for DC animation department at WB. For many years he made abysmal animation effort for the brand so much that it feels like a new normal. WB DC animation used be regarded in such a high manner it saddens to see such works.

Crisis on Infinite Earths was a really weird, but nonetheless important and culturally significant event for comic books history. It never seemed like an easy job to transfer it in animation or live action medium. So for it to succeed it had to at least be gorgeously animated and story wise fulfil the main themes of comics narrative.

But what we got here is a lazy, non coherent work, which removes the most interesting parts of the story and fills in the gaps with terrible animation sequences, a lot of exposition and a bunch of parts that could've been cut out altogether. At the end we get a product that is so boring, that I've fallen asleep a couple of times and had to rewind it.

I was never a really big fan of the Crisis on Infinite Earths event, but I did respect the original authors and how they managed to fill in so much in one story. Having that material should've helped to at least make a coherent story for animation, but what we got is a cheap spit to the face of animation industry, especially for those animators who previously were so successful and hard working in DC department. It's just a shame that after all this time fans got to see the worst kind of imagination of Crisis on Infinite Earths.
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What is going on???
erickpollock18 July 2024
I just don't understand how something like this gets released! You mean to tell me that it's my fault that I think this is total garbage compared to literally almost any animation done by DC! I thought I was watching a bootleg version at first, or a high schoolers computer Final project! I immediately snapped back into reality when I heard the voice acting. Assuring me that, no it's not my imagination, somebody paid for this fecal matter to be made. That statement alone breaks my heart.

After the live actions have all but self imploded on themselves, you'd think they'd step up the animation game. Nope! I just started part 3 the same way I did part 2. I have to turn it off so I can search deep within myself to find the kid in me that would still watch it. It's literally that bad, that a die hard fan has to find his composure to force their self thru this, "art". It's like watching an old Chinese movie dubbed over in English. Half of part 2 and looks like part 3 look like the concept stretches are the actual art used in the movie. I'm sure it's the best ever though because they have obviously run off, or out right fired the people who would pour their heart and souls into this. I'm sure that's why it's better. I bet everyone is happy the workforce is more representative now. Hey, look on the bright side of it though! You all will be fired equally now when you're replaced for ChatGPT.

This is a disgrace to everyone that invested their time into the DCAU. Fans, artists, and actors alike.
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not the best it could be
boyspaceyo17 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It was the best it could be for it situation. From what I've heard james gunn is taking over and for that the DCAU had to be shut down so they had to rush a multiple movie story to this. I wish we could have seen a better version but I'm happy with what we got.

It took what it had and made a ending that work. Just going back in time with a flash point start the problem in the first place so making a new world with the miracle machine works.

I'm glad that we got it instead of just ending the story with nothing and leaving it. It also gave a ending to other animated DC stuff if the other worlds they show are the same ones

Though there was a lot of random comic bull that just happen like 2 thing are the in-between the universe but also different.
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Never been so bored in my life.
opopt-0107016 July 2024
As a lifelong DC animation fan, I have watched hundreds of episodes and movies over the decades, this was the first time I considered stopping the video.

The characters are expressionless, stiff and boring beyond all reasoning. Cut and paste body types and expressions. Voice acting is stiff and dialogue is so poorly written that I now believe I could have a go at being a scriptwriter, I don't think I could do worse.

There are no real sense of stakes even when everything is on the line. The story just moves from boring plot point to boring plot point.

Do yourself a favour and get a colonoscopy without aesthetic , it will be more fun.

I just want that hour and a half of my life back.
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Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Three
Prismark1018 July 2024
Taking up immediately from Part Two. The conclusion of Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths should be a DC fan favourite.

It is lost in abysmal storytelling and animation. It is overstuffed with lots and lots of characters. Both heroes and villains. By the end it is all mush and a dull beige one at that.

The film is overlong and the story becomes incoherent.

To be fair it matches the poor animation, some of it harks back to the cheap 1970s/80s style.

There are redeeming features. That is mainly due t the voice work. Standouts are Matt Ryan as John Considine, Mark Hamill as the Joker and Kevin Conroy in what is believed to be his final voice role as Batman.
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Dumpster Fire of a Finale!
tylerlarson-0015217 July 2024
I've watched lots of DC animated films over the years with stuff like Batman: Under the Red Hood, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, and among others. But this has got to be one of the worst animated I have seen in my lifetime.

There's so much wrong with this film and the main issue I have is the terrible 2D animation and the AI type writing. It looks like the animators pretty much ran out of ideas or had no time to fully flesh out the story and characters. Also the legendary Batman and Joker voice actors, the late great Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill deserved better.
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A perfect send-off to the DC animated multiverse, leaving fans eagerly awaiting what's next for DC, especially under James Gunn's new DC universe
myscreentimes19 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Picking up after Part 2, the story brings a plethora of DC characters into the fold, each playing crucial roles, though some have more bigger roles to play than others. The mysteries and cliffhangers from the previous parts and other animated movies are resolved. The reasons behind the crises and the Anti-Monitor's motives are unveiled. The connections between the DCAU, Tomorrowverse, John Constantine's involvement, and the multiverse's existence are shockingly revealed, adding a dark and intriguing layer to the narrative. Watching everything come together is immensely satisfying, although the vast number of characters sometimes results in rushed storylines.

The pacing is exhilarating, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating where the story is taking. The stakes have never been higher, with the entire multiverse threatened by the relentless Anti-Monitor. Unexpected twists further enhance the suspense.

The inclusion of Earth-508, home to the Super Friends (1973-1985), and cameos from other animated shows is a delightful nod to DC's rich history. Jensen Ackles is doing an excellent job as the voice of the Caped Crusader, but Kevin Conroy's voice will always be top in our heart and his final performance as Batman is heartfelt, delivering one of the most memorable and badass Batman line ever. Thanks for everything Kevin Conroy.

Visually, the animation is stunning, with impressive backgrounds since the events are happening across the multiverse. The action sequences are thrilling, featuring from the Justice League battling dinosaurs and to the Bat family fighting Nazis equipped with Batman's villains' weapons.

The emotional weight of heroes sacrificing themselves to save their worlds is poignant, evoking strong emotional responses. We have already seen the Flash's sacrifice in the first part of the crisis.

"Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3" concludes the epic storyline, delivering a grand finale that DC fans have anticipated-the big reset. This film masterfully connects DC's animated movies and TV shows, bringing them together for an epic conclusion. For newcomers, it's essential to watch all DC Animated Movie Universe films and Tomorrowverse movies to fully appreciate this installment.

Overall, this film serves as a perfect send-off to the DC animated multiverse, leaving fans eagerly awaiting what's next for DC, especially under James Gunn's new DC universe direction.

My Screen Times Score - 8.
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This feels way too long and not a very good ending
namob-4367316 July 2024
The two first instalments were okay/good and set things up pretty well. I think the story could have been cut shorter, but overall we have enough mystery, setup, and entertainment to keep the viewer interested. Sadly they failed to nail the landing. This is convoluted, dragged out, and just goes on and on, having several endings which never is the ending. I was yawning and wondering what to have for dinner rather than being interested in the last battle.

The voice actors mainly do a great job, and this is not horrible, it is just a letdown after having a good setup.

I am not going to go into more details or spoil this, but I honestly think the CW did it better, which should tell you all you need to know.
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This is why we should be able to give Negative stars!
greenhavenall-2055816 July 2024
What a horrible load of excrement. As an adaption it rapes the source material then takes a steaming dump on it. Judged on it's own: The animation is unappealing and stiff. The voice acting is uneven ranging from bland to flat. And the writing is an incoherent, sloppy mess that makes little sense, contradicts itself repeatedly and disrespects the work of every DC Animated series that came before it.

I used to dream of an adaption of "The Great Darkness Saga", but not after this horrible sack-of-excrement! Absolutely the WORST DC Animated project ever produced. Warner Brothers should be Ashamed!
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sswren121 July 2024
Warner Brothers animation studios was once the benchmark where cartoon production is concerned.

They had the best directors (Chuck, Friz and Bob) they had the Warners symphony orchestra at their disposal which added to the sound effects and where humour is concerned, they were unsurpassed.

Moving ahead about 60 years or so, we are now presented with cinematic offerings and no doubt budgets unhampered by paying for the rights to portray characters they already own. One would expect the finished products to do justice to not only the legacy of the greatest animation studio this side of Walt's but to a terrific storyline and the most iconic super heroes in comics.

Now, given that animated stuff relies on the visual to be compelling, I couldn't get past the scene where they found Wonder Woman floating in a debris field.

The background art is totally sterile, lifeless and looks like it was generated in a computer program rather than with any real imagination.

The animation is horrible. The line drawings would be rejected by any editor or elementary art teacher.

The whole thing is an insult to the DC and the Warner legacy.
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A fantastic ending to this trilogy
jared-2533117 July 2024
Now, I've enjoyed the previous two movies in this trilogy, so I was excited for this final installment of the trilogy and it certainly didn't disappoint me.

Positives for Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Three (2024): First of all, the cast in this movie is phenomenal. You have a lot of people in this movie from Jensen Ackles, Alexandra Daddario, Matt Bomer, Katie Sackhoff, Jimmi Simpson, Meg Donnelly, Tory Baker, John DiMaggio, Jennifer Hale, Corey Stroll, Will Friedle, Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy in his final voice acting role ever and thank god because Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (2024) was just very disrespectful to that man. Aside from that, the action is phenomenal and I loved the ending to this second story arc of the Tomorrowverse Arc.

Overall, I loved this movie and while it might not work to a lot of people, it definitely worked for me.
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So bad I stopped watching
lukegreenman-0089816 July 2024
I am a huge DC fan and have been for years. I've seen dozens of DC animated films and have watched various DC animated TV shows like Batman the animated series, Justice League Unlimited and Young Justice. This may have been the worst DC animated movie I've ever seen. This whole trilogy has been pretty bad and this was even more boring than the last two. The idea is cool but this movie was written horribly. Even when it's a multi universal threat it feels like their are no stakes and that the plot is just written so terribly. Even with characters coming together from all across the DC universe it is boring and uninteresting. Another huge issue with this movie and the other two is that the animation style is just awful. It really looks as basic as possible. Animation DC made over 20 years ago looks much better than this. These movies could have been amazing and the best DC animated movies ever but instead they were wasted by bad writing and horribly drawn Animation.
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Poor Plot
infecteddelirium17 July 2024
The most disappointing thing of this movie is the character art which are done poorly and lacks expression. The storyline fails to project the crisis even though it branded itself as Crisis On Infinite Earth. I've watched the earlier two part that are released but this one is even poor than that. I think too many characters and a long storyline once again makes DC comics animation loose the plot.

Honestly if you love DC comics then I think you won't find it much in here to enjoy but even so if you are someone who is desperate to watch it then go give it a shot but let me assure you that you won't going to get that 1 hour 34 minutes back in your life.
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Shattered Leagues
lebranskyadam16 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Choppy DCAMU finale! "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crams a legendary story into 3 rushed parts. Bland characters & a flat emotional core drown out the epic potential. Flashy action can't save this distant disaster. DC fans get scraps, not a satisfying Crisis.

Even the cameos from heroes across realities fall flat. We glimpse interesting characters from other Earths, but they never develop beyond one-dimensional pawns in this cosmic chess game. This is especially frustrating for characters with dedicated fan bases who are left wanting more."Crisis on Infinite Earths" aspires to be a grand animation.
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Kept me on the edge of my seat!
sgreykeenan17 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The animation is flawless! It's great to see the Tomorrowverse style taken to its limits. The voice acting was incredible, too! Honestly, even if you haven't seen the other two parts, I'd recommend checking this one out.

I thought the dinosaurs, World War Two, and wild-west worlds were so creative and interesting!

The last twenty minutes or so was an emotional roller-coaster. I could barely keep it together. They really did justice (no pun intended) to the bat family.

A nitpick, but I could have used one or two more aquamans. They could've pulled in Jason Muhmoah or something.

My biggest complaint: including the shows that came before was unnecessary and unwarranted. The Tomorrowverse is good enough to stand on its own two legs.
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absolutely trash
yue-ma17 July 2024
I considered myself as a fans of DC for years,and I've also watched many animation movie before,most of them are interesting,attractive or,at least,acceptable,but this one,the last chapter of tomorrowverse,I felt only disappointment.

The storytelling is bad,just like the part one and two,even worse,what the characters said made me felt that the writer absolutely didn't know all this characters,who they are or what they'll do.

I'm OK with DC wants to adapt john as green latern instead of hal jordan,but everyone know that"greatest green lantern"is call for hal jordan and only for him, that way you called john is kind of stolen,and it can't make any character benefits.

The budget is poor,the animation is lazy,their action are so slow just like ppt that's it,I hope this is end,because I won't watch another tomorrowverse movie anymore,and I hope we all not need it.
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Boredom, blasphemy towards the original comic
u-3642817 July 2024
Boredom, blasphemy towards the original comic, illogical, disrespectful to the characters, and a complete waste of time. It is a negative example for all future DC works. One of the lessons is that classic DC characters should not be wasted or marginalized. They should not have spent time on these three boring and hollow works at all. They shouldn't even make the Tomorroowverse, which is a completely failed series. They should value the characters and stories (especially classic characters such as Hal Jordan, who has been overlooked and marginalized for too long, and should be respected and valued), rather than creating a multiverse without any foundation.
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Another very disappointing animation from DC
hesamtorino31 July 2024
I never thought that the animation projects, movies, and video games of Warner Bros. Would be so disappointing. This animation and the movies Batman 2022 and Joker 2019 were the best examples. I should not forcefully accept something that is nonsense because there is no alternative. Batman 2022 did not have any positive features because it is Batman at all It wasn't in fact, but because we didn't have a Batman movie for ten years, we had to watch such a worthless movie. This disappointing animation continues the same disappointing projects that DC has. Worst of all, choosing someone like James for the top projects is ridiculous. Being in the situation of describing someone whose incomprehensible Marvel movies like Guardians of the Galaxy are one of his results 😂
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Larger than life, with a mystery at the end. An appropriate ending
savarinman30 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of the reviews saying this is a one star movie etc... is part of the reason why the DC movie universe failed. These toxic fans, really make writing impossible.

How is this a 1 star movie? Be real.

Onto my review. I grew up watching the DCAU from the time of the Batman Animated Series etc... So, whilst I have not read "the original comicbook" I have seen most of the animated series.

Things I liked: (1) even if, I knew that the villain was called the "antimonitor" I am still glad for the way that this series slowly built up what the villain looked like until the end. It really helped make it this unbeatable thing.

(2) seeing the heroes up against something they cannot actually beat is nice. Sometimes life is hard like that. The choice that they are forced to make at the end is both heatbreaking, and appropriate.

(3) The journey they took to get to the end was emotionally satisfying and tragic...as it should be.

In this internet age, of the mature comicbook industry, and comicbook nerds who love to show-off their encyclopaedic knowledge of the superhero comics, it's near impossible to create a spoiler-free ending.

Would I have liked to see more of certain characters before the inevitable merger into an Earth-Prime? Sure. But here's the thing:

(a) The story has to end. The best stories, leave the audience wishing there was more. That's a good thing. It's better to leave the audience wishing for more, than to leave them bored and checking their watches. Which leads to my next counterpoint in defense of this movie.

(b) Should they have done a backstory on older superman and show how he and Wonderwoman fell in love? (already shown in the New 52)

Should they have shown more of the Planet of the Apes Earth?

What about the Earth where Batman actually got married and had huntress?

There are "Earths" that they show being destroyed, where we don't get any character dialogue nor back story; e.g. SuperFriends, the Original DCAU, the Teen Titans AU.

As a fan of the 2003 teen titans, I wish they showed it. I still to this day, believe that cancelling season 5 of teen titans and replacing it with TTG, was a bad move.

Whilst all of these stories would have been nice, telling them would have run counter to the theme of the series. The theme is THERE ARE TOO MANY BRANCHING STORYLINES. So yes, all of these have to be cut down.

With a story entitled "infinite earths" it's impossible to focus on all the characters in the time constraints of a movie format, and I am glad they didn't try to.
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