Tag (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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surprisingly funny!
fritzlang14 June 2018
I went into this with low expectations. Honestly, an entire film about adults playing the game of tag?

I was pleasantly surprised how funny this film was! I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time! It is a fast paced comedy that wears its R rating proudly - it is rude, crude and funny!!

This film is all about excellent acting, great direction and wonderful editing. The plot is paper thin but I was never bored..

Don't let the plot dissuade you from seeing this. I actually laughed so hard I missed a lot of the jokes! will probably buy this on bluray so I can catch up with what I missed.

Enjoy. 8/10
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Stupid but a lot of fun
eagleey15 August 2018
Watch it. It's great. The jokes are mostly on point, the staging is good and even though i hat slow-mo, it really works here. Including the train of thought they play into the scene from the off. Would have gotten a better rating, if it wasn't so far over the top from time to time. And some characters could have used a bit more depth, or at least it would have been interesting.

Anyways. Good and fun movie.
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Hugely likeable
neil-4769 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
5 men devote every May to playing Tag, something which they have been doing since they were kids. 30 year ago. And Jerry has never been tagged, and time is running out.

This is a great idea, but very very silly. Until you find out that it is based on the activity of a group of 10 real-life friends. Ed Helms' air of an everyman teetering on the edge is ideal for the role of Hoagie, pushing hard for the group to tag Jerry, and Jeremy Renner has huge fun as Jerry, supremely self-confident because he is, in fact, far better at this than the other 4 combined.

There are some action set pieces which are very well choreographed as well as being funny, and some fun performances, not least from Isla Fisher as Hoagie's wife, ever-so-slightly out of control. The story takes an unexpected twist towards the end, but it works,

And, importantly, I liked these people. Hoagie is a bit of an ass, and Jerry is a bit full of himself, but on the whole these are decent, likeable folk and I enjoyed their company.

The end credits contain a selection of home movie clips featuring the real-life taggers in action over the years. Delightful.
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A summerly comedy. I kinda liked it.
kaptenvideo-8987523 July 2018
Based on a true story. For one month every year, five highly competitive friends organize no-holds-barred game of tag they've been playing forever - risking their necks, jobs and relationships to take each other down with the battle cry "You're It!"

This time, the game coincides with the wedding of the gang's only undefeated player, which should finally make him an easy target...

Starring Ed Helms, Jeremy Renner, John Hamm, Jake Johnson, Hannibal Buress, Isla Fisher, Leslie Bibb, Rashida Jones, Annabelle Wallis et al.

I mentioned all these people that may be hard to remember just by name, because "Tag" comedy is essentially a team comedy, an effort where the success depends very much on the flow and synergy between actors.

The good news is, since they're all professionals who do this kind of thing all the time, there's no trouble here. Basics are solid.

Even the best-known names, such as Helms, Hamm (of "Mad Men" fame), or Renner are here for the team, nobody's in star position.

Except maybe Helms, a versatile comedian offering his usual mix of sweet, sensitive and funny. The problem with him is that he does the same thing all the time, so any movie will feel a bit more generic just by having him.

But it's not just all comedy. "Tag" is also kind of an action movie, although in unusual way. There is only little amount of actual, you know, action, although the handbag fight is a standout part.

But the clever use of slow motion gives the scenes of grown-ups playing tag a distinct feel of an action movie, with all the amateur parkour and dangerous stunts to get away from being tagged. Nicely done.

For an R-rated adult comedy, "Tag" is also refreshingly obscenity-free. There's only character who has a bit of a foul mouth (a female, by the way) and the amount of dirty jokes is less than average.

We still have a constantly pot-smoking character but no modern comedy would be complete without drug-jokes.

In summary, "Tag" is more about atmosphere and flow than heavy on laugh out loud moments. You may not remember it that well in couple of day's time but it's breezy fun while it lasts.

For a bit of escapist entertainment released during summer season, I've seen a lot worse.
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Tag is Flawed but still Fun
Jared_Andrews19 June 2018
If you seek a fun and funny summer movie, look no further than Tag. Well, as long as you're okay with a movie that possesses zero lasting impact, little substance, and moral, umm, compromises.

Five male friends have been playing the same game of tag for over 30 years, even as they have each moved on to different cities and their adult lives. Each month of May the game resumes and the taggers take great lengths to avoid being "it."

Despite the best efforts of the other four, Jerry (Jeremy Renner) has never been tagged. Not once. In 30 years.

Hoagie (Ed Helms) informs the guys that Jerry is retiring from the game, so this must be the year that they finally tag him. To get things started, Hoagie sets off on one of the best "getting the gang together" movie sequences I've seen in several years.

Of course, Jerry hasn't remained untagged all these years for no reason. When approached, he unveils his heightened senses and powers of observation via internal monologues that the film captures surprisingly well.

Renner's escape sequences truly make him look like a superhero. Actually, his character in this movie is more impressive than his Hawkeye character in Avengers.

This movie is jampacked with action, much of it intentionally over-the-top. The taggers are intense, even diabolical.

Taking this too seriously could have been disastrous, but fortunately the film is self-aware. It never passes up an opportunity to poke fun at itself. Each chase scene makes the taggers appear both heroic and appropriately ridiculous.

In another indication of the film's self-awareness, the filmmakers make clear that the game is more than a game. Unfortunately, they deliver this message in a tactless way. A character literally utters the words, "It's not just about playing tag. The game keeps us together." The line is a bit too blunt, but it's understandable. Subtlety isn't exactly this movie's strong suit.

The film also understands when to deliver a dose of comic relief as things become too intense. Hannibal Buress does most of the heavy lifting in that department.

Despite the movie's frenetic action and breezy pacing, it drags. Even a runtime of an hour and 40 minutes felt too long.

Overall, Tag is inconsistent. It has its funny and tender moments but nothing that will stick with viewers for long. To its credit, the cast and gags make for a fleeting night of fun. For some, that may be enough.
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Catch me if you can
TheLittleSongbird11 August 2018
Loved the idea, based on a true story, the advertising was interesting and the cast is a talented one (Jeremy Renner, Isla Fisher and John Hamm particularly have shown themselves to be more than capable in a lot of things). 'Tag' had the potential right off the bat to be a fun and intriguing film, regardless of its mixed critical reception.

'Tag' turned out to be just that, fun and intriguing with some over-the-top excitement and a few tender moments. It is far from perfect and it is not great or one of those unforgettable films of the ages films, with content that is not going to be for all tastes, but it did make me smile and laugh and a lot of effort went into it. Neither one of the best films of the year or the worst, instead it's somewhere in the middle which is not too bad a position to be in.

It looks good, slick, stylish and sometimes clever, never incoherent. The music appeals on the ear and is hardly ill fitting. The direction shows an ease with the material and allows the cast and their chemistry to shine. Much of 'Tag' goes at a lively pace and the cast are stellar mostly, Jeremy Renner and Isla Fisher being particularly good.

A good deal of the film is very funny and often hilarious. Am actually not always a fan of lowbrow comedy, am more a sophisticated, witty and subtle (and also dark and screwball) sort of person myself, but there are times where it's done well thanks to the wit, the sharp timing and the comic timing of the cast and 'Tag' is one of those examples. A few touching tender moments too and it makes the game of tag interesting and exciting.

However, 'Tag' is not perfect. The flimsiness of the story does show in moments of slack pacing in some extraneous scenes (namely the dramatic ones). The film sometimes goes overboard on the sentimentality, the tacked on (or that's how it felt) ending, as well as the over-the-topness.

While most of the cast are fine, Leslie Bibb's overacting does get too much quite badly that it gets tiresome. Didn't see the need for Jake Johnson's character when nothing is done with him, merely an example of a just there stereotype. Do agree that some of the content is distasteful, am not surprised actually at the offense the miscarriage jokes/parts have garnered (can be known to find things found controversial blown out of proportion in film, not this time with it being one of the worst things one can go through).

Summing up, an uneven film but an enjoyable one. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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An hilariously over the top comedy, Tag is well worth your time
eddie_baggins17 June 2018
One of the more random true stories to be adapted for the big screen in recent times, Tag is for all intents and purposes an extremely silly and over the top comedy but one that knows and understands what it is and is all the better for it.

Directed by first time director Jeff Tomsic and featuring an all-star cast led by Jon Hamm, Ed Helms, Jake Johnson, Hannibal Buress and Jeremy Renner, with help from the underused female supports Isla Fischer, Annabelle Wallis, Rashida Jones and Leslie Bibb, Tag is quite literally a film about a bunch of adults trying to beat each other at the game we here in Australia call chasey/tiggy but it's also a subtlety affecting examination on friendship and finding reasons to remain in each other's life, which makes Tag become such an enjoyable watch from start to finish.

Based on the original Wall Street Journal article published in 2013, Tag features little titbits of the real life story its based upon but recognising the absurdity of the real-life game played by a group of long-term friends one month every year, Tomsic and his cast aim for the over the top and deliver and ensure that Tag never takes itself too seriously, which allows us as an audience to accept what we are in for and go along for the constantly moving ride.

Focussing its attentions on Helm's determined Hoagie, Hamm's self-assured Callahan, Johnson's no-hoper Chilli and Buress's mild-mannered Sable trying their best to "tag" Jeremy Renner's champion player Jerry before he gets hitched and retires from the game as the uncatchable player, we are thrust into a series of completely over the top yet often hilarious high-stakes scenes of attempts to catch-out Jerry and the film's ability to craft an energy and frenetic nature to these moments really stands out as the does the cast's ability to build up a solid chemistry together.

Led by Helms and Hamm who are both having a real blast in their respective roles, everyone gets a moment to shine here with supporting players Fischer and Renner both stealing the MVP chocolates with their fun turns and come the films surprisingly touching finale you begin to realise that you've grown attached to these characters despite the silliness and mayhem that surrounds them.

Final Say -

If dumb comedies aren't your thing, Tag is a film to run very quickly away from but for anyone that heads into this hilariously true tale with the right mindset, Tag will become one of the more easy to enjoy and likeable comedies released this year and a likely inspiration to get your old chasey buddies together for one last game.

3 ½ waterboarding's out of 5
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A very funny and heartfelt reminder to live life to the fullest
jd_bugman8 February 2019
This movie really pulls you in and makes you think about making the best of every day you're alive before it's too late. There is comedy and weirdness and outrageousness and the reminder that you need to live life to the fullest each and every day. At the end of the movie it's very likely you'll appreciate what you have. This movie totally made me forget of all the social BS that's going on in the world and my life and made me think about the things I have to be grateful for.
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Amusing (but only sporadically funny) R-rated Laughs
bastille-852-73154715 June 2018
Few studio comedies have a premise as ludicrous at first glance than "Tag," which centers on a group of 40-something men playing the playground game of tag for a month every year. They play the game with absolutely no holds barred, and the best player in the group (who has never been tagged,) is about to marry.

The cast in this film is generally quite strong throughout. I'm a fan of much of the ensemble, which was the primary reason I took interest in this comedy. The chemistry between the leading men is strong, and the female roles are also enjoyable to watch while adding narrative tissue to the film. It's certainly enjoyable and entertaining to see such a talented cast just have fun with each other. The plot is generally amusing, and the slapstick "action" sequences as players avoid being tagged are fairly creative and fun to watch. That said, the film does have some very notable flaws which bring it down a notch compared to similar mainstream comedy films.

The first key flaw with the movie is the clear and present lack of conflict, since the characters agree to a book of rules for the game--so even though players can be afraid of being tagged, there's a pretty drastic lack of suspense or even a sense of thrill in these moments at times. The writing is fine and there are some good jokes, but plenty of them don't work. Much of the humor tends to come from the absurdity of the situations in the game rather than any written plot devices. Also, the movie seems to (maybe unintentionally?) send a mixed message about the friends' game of tag. It means to be a silly comedy that doesn't take itself seriously, and also wants to portray the friend group as tight knit. Then again, it also portrays the game of tag as something that does have clear negative consequences--albeit to a fleeting and finite extent. Of course the movie is intended to be over-the-top, but even in far-fetched scenarios like this, there is a psychological limit to just how long the viewer can suspend their disbelief. That doesn't mean they won't have some fun watching it, but it means that the movie's concept could have been executed slightly better.

If you are a fan of someone in the cast, I liked "Tag" just enough to recommend that you see it, but others can probably just wait to rent it. 6/10
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Starts strong and then downhill
cfwilsoniv18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Story starts out pretty good, had a lot of good laughs. The main 4 friends are great and I love their chemistry. The little round up was the best part of the whole movie.

However the second they introduce Jerry I immediately began to dislike the entire thing. Jeremy does a great performance for his role which probably contributed to this a lot, but he doesnt ever really feel like he is friends with the rest of the group until the very last scene, at which point they try to redeem the whole thing and it just doesnt land. It feels more like he and his to be wife resent them all. If this was the route they were going i honestly would have preferred the film be even shorter.
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Vastly Underrated IMO
bnemec-929-47812516 June 2018
Folks should learn to totally ignore the critics these days. Too much political correctness has made them completely misleading and just plain wrong a lot.

I haven't laughed in tears for much of a movie in a long time. Based on a true story this was outrageous and funny. It is not for kids and is pretty dirty language but so well done. Enjoy!
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You're it.
domtaylor8 July 2018
Although it's only occasionally funny, 'Tag' manages to be a constantly entertaining experience that uses its unique storyline to offer audiences a comedy that feels fresh. While the joke structure and general feel of the film is similar to the majority of comedies from recent years, the situations that the characters find themselves in in order to 'tag' each other offer something original. The majority of characters are well-realised, and all bring a different comedic aspect to the picture. The only character that I didn't like was Annabelle Wallis' 'Rebecca Crosby'. While it has nothing to do with Wallis' performance, the character has no real purpose except for being the person who all the exposition is dumped on. The character is a reporter who likes the idea of what these men are doing and decides to go on their 'tagging' quest with them. Throughout the film all she does is follow the characters around asking questions about their pasts, the rules and regulations of their 'tag' game, and even about events that had literally just taken place onscreen. Personally, I feel like this character should not have been included in the film, as much of the 'required' exposition could have been delivered through the main characters- or perhaps a one-scene side character who was confused as to what the characters were doing (although it's pretty clear due to the visuals)- and not through a reporter who's role in the film is a rather unbelievable one. Apart from the inclusion of that character and the exposition, the film flies along at a rapid pace, always being entertaining. It might not be a laugh-out-loud comedy that breaks the mould, but its characters and fun situations are good enough to keep you entertained for 100 minutes. 7/10.
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Honest review
paul-6956113 August 2018
So, I watch a lot of movies and always use this site to gain an overview of the type of movie I can expect. As with all reviews some will love it some will hate it. This is my rating

It starts ok, a few laughs but nothing out loud, and basically that's about it. I don't think I laughed again, I may have raised the odd smile here and there. The acting is good, but the story line is silly and way over the top. It says based on the true story and there is a clip in the credits of the real tag team, but I can't help but think how much was staged as a promotion for this film. The honest truth is it didn't keep my interest and I fell asleep towards the end and had to rewind. I class good films as those I would watch again in a year or so time, but I wouldn't watch this again. It's entertaining enough for a Sunday evening with nothing on TV but thats about it.
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Never Grow Old
stevendbeard16 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "Tag", starring Ed Helms-Chappaquiddick, Semi_Pro; Jon Hamm-Baby Driver, The Town; Isla Fisher-Nocturnal Animals, Hot Rod and Jeremy Renner-Arrival The Town. Believe it or not, this is based on a true story about a group of guys that played the game of tag, as kids, and made it an annual game they continued playing for 30 years, into their 40's. They claimed that it kept them close as friends and their motto was 'You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing'-and I may not have the exact wording of it right but that was the gist of it. They had their rules. It was only in the month of May. No girls could play-remember, they were kids when they wrote it. Whoever was tagged last at the end of the month, had to start the next game the following year-you could say he was 'It' for a year. And sometimes, they would travel all over the country-some may have moved-and they would have to get inventive in their means of tagging their prey. Ed, Jon and Jeremy are 3 of the guys and Isla is Ed's wife. She likes to tag along for the fun-Ha Ha, I said tag along-plus she gets super charged up during the game, as she coaches on her husband, using strings of profanity. Jeremy has never been tagged-he is real athletic and has a super human Spidey sense as he moves like a ninja-and when Ed tells the rest of the gang that Jeremy is getting married and retiring from the game, they go all out in trying to get him before it's too late. During the end credits, they show the actual guys in action-I guess they used to film themselves at work-tagging each other in unexpected ways. One is caught in a shower and there is some brief nudity. It's rated "R" for language, drug use and sexual content-brief nudity-and has a running time of 1 hour & 40 minutes. I enjoyed it and would buy it on DVD.
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Pretty Good Laughs
Truth_In_Review28 January 2019
Normally, I go into movies like this skeptically. However, as the movie went on, I found myself laughing. Nothing here was too overdone and the conversations between the guys reminded me of conversations I've had with my friends. It was enjoyable.
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Funny relaxing movie with a dumb story.
deloudelouvain9 September 2020
I agree that the story of Tag is quite dumb, growing men playing tag is just dumb, but I can't deny I had a lot of fun watching this movie. Ed Helms has one of those nerdy funny faces that makes me laugh all the time, but I get it that not everyone can be a fan. The rest of the cast was also good, even though I'm not a big fan of Hannibal Buress, not as a stand-up comedian nor as an actor. But other than that I liked everything about this movie, even the stupid infantile story (that is even better when you're baked). If you're easily pleased, with a good sense of humor you'll like Tag. On the other hand if you're searching for a story with some depth, or if you lack of a funny bone, you should just skip this one.
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"Tag" is a very fun movie and it captures what it feels like to be a kid again.
chasemykleby9 March 2019
Review for "Tag" (7/10)

"Tag" is a very fun movie and it captures what it feels like to be a kid again, playing a fun "little" game of tag. You probably know by now that Tag is based on a true story. When they were nine-years-old, a group of tight-knit friends created a game of tag that they played for the duration of the month of May. Every year, for thirty years, it continued, regardless of where they were or what they were doing. That didn't change until one of the group, who had never been tagged, is believed to be about to quit. Now, the game is on more than ever. The ensemble cast boasts Jeremy Renner, Jon Hamm, Ed Helms, Jake Johnson and Hannibal Buress as the taggers alongside Isla Fisher, Leslie Bibb, and Rashida Jones. For his first movie directing job, Jeff Tomsic, effortlessly and stylishly choreographs. The cast is great, and Renner really gets to show off his comedy and action acting abilities. A major reason for Tag succeeding is that the script is on point. It doesn't feel forced and it doesn't feel like it is merely a series of tropes or clichés even though it plays with many of them. What you end up with is a movie that nestles nicely between familiar and fresh. If anything, I'd have liked to have seen Tag really earn its R-rating and go a bit harder. While there are a few moments that are close to the bone, I think it could have taken the whole thing a bit further. Regardless, it's worth checking out. Tag isn't a comedy classic but it's certainly entertaining and delivers what it promises along with a few welcome surprises. As a whole, it's never anything less than entertaining with some nicely twisted touches.
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Perfect movie about life and friendship
sp4wn3r28 May 2020
I think a lot of people missed the idea of the movie, this is not the usual comedy where you laugh out loud, this is a funny-ish made serious movie about long lasting friendships, about life and its struggles and that family and friends is what you should care about the most
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Unnecessarily Profane
cilly_simmons7 April 2021
Tag is a good movie, with a good cast, good quality, and a great concept. It was very fun to watch, and I'm happy I did so. However, it might honestly have been better if it was more of a family-friendly movie-dialling it back to be PG-13 by adding more appropriate jokes and merely lowering the amount of profanity used so as to appeal to a wider audience. All that being said, I did like this movie, even if I couldn't have seen it with my younger siblings.
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Boring and a waste of money and time
iluminatbg29 June 2018
I knew that the film would not be great, but at least I was expecting something funny to happen and an ok plot. I thought that the premise of adults playing tag was ok if good executed, but it wasn't. There weren't a lot of jokes and the movie was relying on the high energy. The plot of the movie is also very thin, because the entire movie was talking and case scenes. For the most part I was bored and at the end I almost fell asleep . The pacing was bad and several times I I thought the movie was ending. There was a lot of filler and without it the movie would be an hour. There was a big problem with the tone. During the cases some of the injuries were treated seriously and other times the action was cartoonish and people were punched with fire extinguishers and battering rams without any injuries. The acting wasn't good as well. Ed Helms did a good job of playing Ed Helms and the Wall street journalist Annabelle Wallis just stood around doing nothing. The characters weren't written very interesting. They were ether psychopaths or they had no development, except for the pot guy. The directing wasn't good. There was no style to it. Nothing interesting or new. It was like all other bad comedies. The budget of the movie is 28 million dollars which is very high and I am not sure were the money went. If you want to see it do not pay.
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Easy to watch and very entertaining :)
shiorichuu16 June 2018
I came in with no expectations of this movie being any good and only watched it because of an ironic inside joke between me and some friends. I was surprised at how entertaining this movie actually was! As with generally any comedy with an outrageous concept, Tag isn't highbrow and you can't really take it seriously (which is a mistake I believe a lot of the negative reviewers made here). What I loved about Tag is that they took the already interesting and humorous concept of grown men playing a kid's game and just RAN WITH IT. The action in this movie was outrageous and not at all realistic, but that's just what was needed. Tag doesn't take itself too seriously and makes the most with its initial concept, like any group of fun-loving friends would. Tag is great if you're looking for an easy watch that's hilarious and fun!
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eric-1826815 August 2018
Went to see that just for entertainment, a bit curious after seeing the preview . reminds me of the kind of humor in 'hangover' . funny, entertaining .
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Hit and Miss
krbodkin14 August 2018
But mostly miss. The humor ranges from slapstick to random, but never clever or hilarious. The music makes me want to mute the movie for the duration of pretty much every song.

It gets progressively worse throughout the duration of the movie.
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Better than it should be
raden-1726717 June 2018
This movie had such a low bar for itself, but it was honestly super funny. Great stunt work, great cinematography, Jerry has a hillarious inner monologue, and even had some really tender moments. Definitely worth a watch, just be sure to bring a friend
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Kind Of Fun
socrates418 April 2019
Nothing too new or groundbreaking here, but TAG offers a few good laughs and a generally good time. If you're in the mood for a fun, mindless comedy, you might want to give it a shot.

The cast does a good job in their roles and the jokes keep coming. It goes just a tad longer than I would have wanted, but overall it's a solid comedy. And the end credits are hilarious. Recommend for comedy night.
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