When I watched the first Good Witch movie I was impressed. It was soppy and it was standard Hallmark channel affairs but it as sweet and certainly had its merits.
Gradually I worked my way through the sequels only to find the quality dipping.
Here we are on the 6th film and for the first time I have to say this was pretty bad.
Full of detestable character, questionable writing and a side story that was just awful.
Ontop of that maybe the sickly sweet charm of the franchise is getting old. Everything has a shelf life and I feel the Good Witch has gone stale.
The Good:
Still has a fraction of the original charm left
The Bad:
Cassies speaking in riddles is getting really old
Poor writing
Awful characters this time around
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
A guy can threaten to make the protagonist disappear and wish them ill and still be made out to be a good guy
Everyone in Middleton is a ruddy drama queen
A friend trying to ruin your business will still be considered a friend
If you stand in front of a mirror and say Cassie 3 times she'll appear and give you life advice