Delirium (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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Dark and twisty psychological thriller
kimzajac23 August 2018
Not sure why there are some terrible reviews about this movie. It was definitely dark and twisty and entertaining. Maybe not a top award winner, but definitely a solid film for entertainment if you like psychological thrillers. I enjoyed it.
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Much better than I expected
Catharina_Sweden1 July 2018
Normally I do not like horror movies built on the idea that the protagonist is mentally ill, and that one does not know if what he sees is real or only hallucinations as an effect of his illness (or alternatively a side effect of his medication). That concept has been overused in horror movies from this century.

But apart from that, I think this movie was really good. There were many good scares, many creepy discoveries, good acting and generally high production values.
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Is it real or is it delirium?
S_Soma12 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
DELIRIUM is certainly a high-quality, well-made movie with excellent production values and above average acting. That having been said, I found it unsatisfying and disappointing because it's infected with lazy storytelling and exhausted, hackneyed plot elements, and there just isn't much that a high-quality production can do to freshen up old movie tropes that have been worn into ruts long ago.

As there are already many reviews at the time of this writing, I will leave the positive comments to others (probably coming from those who haven't lived long enough to have seen the same plot points a dozen times by now in other films as I have...) and simply focus on the aspects that kept me from liking it.

The vast majority of the tension and creepiness DELIRIUM manages to achieve relies all but exclusively on the vehicle of the protagonist being apparently unable to distinguish between hallucinations and reality. Even on his meds, the protagonist sees horrific visions that he has to vocally convince himself aren't really there. So here he is, rattling around in a giant, opulent mansion (in which his father committed suicide less than a week ago), seeing (and hearing) terrifying hallucinations of a giant Doberman pinscher eating his father's face, creakings and bangings and footsteps and doors opening by themselves and so on. Are these real or are these just the creations of his demented mind? The uncertainty about what's happening is supposed to be the element that gives the audience the thrills and chills in the movie.

To me, this is both just a plain copout and a perfect example of terrible writing. It's barely a half step above a story that ends with "and then he woke up and it was all a dream". Great writing, if you're twelve.

This trope allows the story to throw any old slop at the viewer without any justification, explanation or appropriate storytelling craftsmanship. If it's all in his mind and his mind is free to make up whatever it wants, any old crap is fair game. *Yawn* This old saw has been used in innumerable other movies in the very same way and for the very same reasons: cheap and easy, no thought required, five scares for a dollar. It was barely legitimate the first time it was used seventy years ago. Today it should probably be illegal. The last movie I reviewed with the very same premise, for all practical purposes, was STILL/BORN. Basically, it's as common as dirt.

Furthermore, nothing about the situational set up for the story makes sense at all, even if you try to spackle it over with 50 pounds of "willing suspension of disbelief". No patient is going to ever be released from any institution while actively hallucinating under any sort of stress; no patient is going to be released after twenty years in an institution into extreme isolation with no on-site supervision or transitional assistance; no patient is released into isolation with dual monitoring with heavy penalties for failing a monitoring regimen but for ONLY THIRTY DAYS and then be completely scot-free thereafter. And it just goes on and on and on.

I'm pretty good at squinting up my eyes and pretending through a lot of balderdash when it comes to movie entertainment, but somewhere out there is a limit and DELIRIUM goes well past it.

Garbage writing simply cannot be overcome with high production values. Even really high production values.

I felt especially bad for the protagonist because he turned in a first-rate acting job and managed to portray a very empathetic and likable character. It's a real shame it was wasted on such a fifth rate story.
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Worth watching
bsamad-5008817 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For me i love those psychological thriller movies specially those that let you Wander inside the mind of someone who is having hallucinations, this movie is pretty good one and throughout the movie you seem to get lose and be confused whether what you see is actually happening or all is just inside the character's mind , at first they make you believe that it's all hallucinations as we know the main character is been into mental hospital and he taking pills, but then events that happens next , at some point u start to believe that it's not hallucinations and that's actually happening until the very end when the police arrived and he go out of the house with that girl and that girl is no longer there with him in the last scene!! So the end is bleak and we left with no answer, we as viewers we didn't know whether that actually happened or not , i like movies that confuses you and let you wonder and analyze them and look for answers
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That was nice!
jordancornally9 July 2018
That was a nice treat. Kind of predictable in parts but enjoyable none the less. Should you watch it? well that's up to you but If you want my opinion on whether you should watch it I would say yes you should. It kept me interested throughout the whole movie so why wouldn't you be the same. Check it out and enjoy
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Ultimately kind of pointless
Wizard-89 June 2018
Thought the core story for "Delirium" has a number of elements that should be familiar to those who have been around the horror and thriller block a fair amount of times, I think that the end results could still have worked under more capable hands. If you guessed from that last statement that I didn't think too much of it, you would be correct. This isn't the worst horror thriller I have seen, I admit. Typical for Blumhouse productions, it looks fine for what was a limited budget. And I admit that I was never bored at any moment, even when it rehashed elements I had seen before. However, it saddled with some severe problems. It's quite slow-moving at times, enough that you'll start to think that the screenwriter and the director were simply padding things out. There are also some missing details that suggest that some explanation for them either wasn't filmed or was left on the cutting room floor. A bigger problem is that the movie isn't particularly scary or suspenseful, possibly because of all those familiar elements in it. The director doesn't seem to have worked very hard to try to present these familiar elements in a fresh light. The movie does manage to pass the time in a relatively painless fashion, but that's all it really does - there is nothing that will make you remember it for a long time afterwards, or give you the desire to sit through it again.
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Mediocre with lots of unanswered questions
Just-A-Girl-145 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had potential but ended up being pretty mediocre. I found the first half to be mostly boring but I kept on watching because I wanted to know what was real and what was not. I was also curious to learn what did the brothers do that led the main character to be institutionalized in a mental hospital. While the second half was more interesting and did answer some of the questions I had, it still left too many unanswered questions.

Here are some: CAREFUL: SPOILER ALERT!!!

1. Why did the dad kill himself? 2. If Tom wasn't hallucinating why was he seeing the dead dad and dog? 3. Who was watching through those peepholes and why? 4. Why did the father locked his wife under the pool? 5. Why did he cut off her tongue? 6. Why was there even a phone in her cell if she couldn't talk? 7. How did she survive all these years? 8. What did the brothers know when they were kids? 9. What was the interaction between all of them that led to the distraction of this once happy family? 10. What happened to the older brother that made him become a killer at a young age? 11. How did he break out of jail? 12. Why wasn't he surprised to see his mother? 13. If he knew she was there why was he surprised to learn about this secret room? 14. Why didn't he help her when he found her there (whenever that was)? 15. Why did he shoot her? 16. Why didn't Tom tried to save his mother from drowning (he couldn't have known she was dead)?

I think they spend too much time on the whole "is this all in his head" thing. Time that could have been better spent on answering these questions. Shame.
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MadamWarden9 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A crazed family with a penchant for brutality. What's real, what's not? Sort of ok, although the hallucinations aren't really necessary.
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Decent Thriller
tbd20046 June 2018
I thought this movie was pretty good and better than I expected. Nothing scary to see in this movie, but the mansion layout and the sense of paranoia help build the tension / creepiness. Compared to A Quiet Place, this movie is way better. Still having a hard time wrapping my head around why many people praised that movie so much, (was one of the worst movies I saw in theaters in years). Anyways, this is an enjoyable B-grade thriller worth a watch. Don't let the two negative low ball reviews scare you away.
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Makes no sense in essential places
jab-6190214 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, although she didn't, the Lynn character deserved to die. Some guy you don't know who is on house arrest calls you up and asks you to risk your freedom to get him ANTI-PSYCHOTIC drugs and your response is basically "You better be going somewhere with this, Mister." I wish Alex really had killed her.

Speaking of Alex, it's never explained exactly how he broke out of prison. We know there's a fire, and I guess we're supposed to believe he was clever enough to, what, leave some of his DNA on one of the charred bodies? Then there's his death in the end, where, after shooting his already close-to-death, BLIND mother, she manages to make her way through a flood and perfectly place a chain around his neck, even though she's bleeding out and he's like a foot taller than her. Nonsense.

The movie looks good, and Topher Grace does a good job in the role, but it is just too preposterous, even by horror/thriller standards. I was really hoping there was going to be another final twist that made any of this make sense but there isn't. It's just extremely disappointing.
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Too many viewers missing the point
petarocks17257 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film was innovative, thought provoking, and brilliantly constructed. If you enjoy movies that require thought and don't spoon feed you everything you won't be disappointed. If I had to liken it to another film it would be 12 Monkeys, which was also packed with symbolism. Definitely heavily psychological and the horror element is not to be taken at all literally.

After reading multiple reviews, It seems as though disappointingly few have attempted to analyse this film as symbolic. Obviously a great deal here is not happening in the literal sense of the word, but what exactly is going on? I suspect the time in the psychiatric hospital was meant to be an actual event, as was the murder committed by his brother that he recounts midway through the movie. Whether or not he is actually residing in the house, or whether it is meant to represent a feeling of confinement I am unsure, but I would argue that the real events end with these few sub plots.

Here we have an individual battling mental illness who seems to be systematically reliving painful events from his past that he has yet to come to terms with. The shopkeeper is likely a parallel for the crush who was murdered (which would explain the absurd scene of the two talking over juice boxes). The protagonist references his belief that his father hates him, which is resolved by a scene in which he discovers a (likely imagined) video of his father stating how much he loves him. The mother "abandoning" him upon admission to the psych hospital is explained in his mind by her confinement in the basement. He states she never spoke to him again, which he seems to imagine is explained by her cut out tongue.

These delusions allow him to move past the pain the experiences caused. Even the final scene is almost a 1:1 for the murder he witnessed, but failed to stop. Except this time he intervenes and saves the girl, who then saves him from drowning at the hands of his brother, a direct reversal of the original traumatic event.

The final scene in the movie entails the police showing up and simply asking "Is this your house". He smiles and replies, "It is now." The house has represented his mind and the demons he is battling the whole time. Only after coming to terms with the events of his childhood and reimagining the traumatic event of the murder, this time as something he prevented, is he finally free. This is also indicated by him pulling the calendar with his countdown to freedom off the door, as he no longer needs it. The psychological battle has been won and the house (his own mind) is finally his.

This movie makes no sense if viewed superficially as something that is happening exactly as we see it depicted. But the trademark of many mental illnesses is belief in unbelievable things. Delusion is by definition illogial, irrational, and often terrifying. In terms of a depiction of the struggle of a haunted and unreliable mind, everything in this film fits like a glove.
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Predictable but Average Low-Budget Thriller
claudio_carvalho28 June 2018
When "Delirium" begins, there is no development of the character Tom, performed by Topher Grace. The first impression is that the film is a ghost story in a haunted house. But soon the mystery is gone when the viewer learns what happened to Tom twenty years ago and the story becomes highly predictable with slight possible alternatives, unless presented a huge plot point. His hallucinations; the fate of his missing mother; what happened to each member of his dysfunctional family; it is not difficult to guess what happened and is happening. The excellent Patricia Clarkson is wasted in a minor role of his probation officer. Maybe with a better budget and a more developed screenplay, the promising "Delirium" could have been a great film since the storyline is good. But anyway it is not a waste of time watching this average low-budget thriller. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Everything about this movie is annoying
xhidden991 September 2018
From the crazy parole officer to the way they bluntly telegraph every single thing that's going to happen to the absurd number of plot holes and mistakes to the bad sound editing (jump scares are fine, blasting my speakers into the next apartment is not) to the fact that the main character grew up in this house but doesn't know or recognize anything about it. But the most annoying thing of all is Lynn. The weird goth spunky nosey flighty girl whose only purpose in the film is to be irritating and frustrating.
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Solid entertainment
taedirish3 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled across this movie in 2020, a few years after its release. I've enjoyed most everything Topher Grace has done, so I decided to give it a whirl. my original review of this movie was entirely too long, so I decided to delete the entire thing and start over in a more succinct manner. Here is the basic plot... *chatacter gets released from psychiatric hospital, *character goes home to big spooky mansion which may or may not be haunted, *guy suffers from frequent hallucinations, *character has a terrible parole officer who steals his medication, * character meets overly-attractive female grocery clerk, guys supposedly in prison the brother shows up at a nowhere, *character doesn't know if he's imagining the entire thing or not. We learn that the character and his brother had been convicted of murdering two girls in their teenage years. The older brother is serving life in prison, or may have escaped and is now living in the house... Most women would have run screaming from the home of a murderous psychopath but instead this one decides to frequently hang out at his house, alone. Now for the unimaginative twist... The brother escaped from prison and returns to the home seeking money, his little brother isn't sure whether or not he's a hallucination, the older brother then murders the parole officer and attempts to murder the attractive grocery clerk, we discover that their mother was being held hostage under the pool in a secret room by their father for the last 20 years, fight fight fight, gunshots cause the pool water to come crashing into the room, the main character and the hottie clerk escape, leaving the older brother to drown...the end. All in all this was an entertaining movie, however I felt the twist ending was particularly predictable. I don't regret watching the film, I just wish it had a more imaginative ending.
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A lot going on
dar041715 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There was a lot going on in this film. Was the whole thing made up in his head? Was the whole thing real? I could go either way. I guess it is open to interpretation from the viewer. Overall this was a solid film with great acting and underappreciated.
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Horrible movie
Dave_douell5 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Top her Graces character was so stupid! I can't believe he took this role. He's the biggest wimp ever. Why didn't he cut his ankle bracelet? The alarm should have gone off in the hole anyway. It went off if he took one step out the door. I don't know, the whole feel of the movie was off. Should have been much better!
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For the ones that don't know if was real or imagined- read Wikipedia's plot
ingwer_ginger15 June 2020
I watched the beginning and the end of the movie. When I wanted to fill in the missing parts - I read these reviews and there was a lot of controversy. I went on Wikipedia to clarify what was happening exactly in this movie.
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I wish I could give 0 stars
allisongildner31 January 2019
Nothing about this movie is believable. Whoever wrote this knows nothing about mental health treatment, probation, or house arrest. The characters are flat. The plot is predictable and boring. I kept waiting for some intelligent, shocking twist to somehow tie this mess together. Nope. It's just a mess. The movie did succeed in executing a few jump scares and it made me chuckle a couple of times at the main character's awkwardness. I can't think of anything else positive to say about it. When the movie ended my husband said "I'm so dissatisfied" and that about sums this up. I don't know why the actors agreed to do this; they're better than this. Leo DiCaprio clearly needs to stick to acting.
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coreyhaynes5713 September 2018
I didn't expect this movie to be so good! Took about 15 minutes, but after that I was all in. The twist at the end didn't disappoint either!!! SOLID THRILLER!!!
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Symbolism? Phooey!
clintstevens21 March 2019
What a bunch of nonsense this film is. Ridiculous plot and standard horror story effects. It is always amusing to read reviews from armchair psychologists who find symbolism in every role and every scene. Again, what nonsense! The biggest horror here is how many viewers rated this as high as they did. And the biggest mystery is why did Patricia Clarkson sign on for her role?
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Good Suspense
cvdinapoli13 September 2018
It's not necessarily focused as a horror but rather a psychological thriller which is also fun to watch. I give this film credit because it keeps you guessing and wondering if this is "all in his head" and that's the point Everyone! Good film, gets better towards the end.
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Entertaining, but watch the whole film
ebookgamer20 September 2018
Really good to see a film that's quite original, with a storyline that builds the characters, and shows mental illness. Maybe slow at first, but the story speeds up to a huge finale that answers all the questions raised earlier on. Great camera work.
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Painfully bad
de_baltz29 May 2018
Nothing but recycled scenarios and cliches. The movie makes absolutely no sense. The story was completely pointless and utterly ridiculous.
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Keeps you guessing
rumgunner-0907914 October 2018
Captivating movie that keeps you guessing until the very end. Found myself second guessing conclusions as quick as they came.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Delirium
burlesonjesse520 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Trust my brain, not my eyes". So says the persona of Tom Walker in Delirium. Walker (a rightly cast Topher Grace) loves his Fruity Pebbles, loves to sketch people, and loves his mid-90's college music. Sadly, he gets put through the ringer via Delirium with zero sympathy, solicitude, or empathy. Heck, he's like a wilted pinata that's smacked around and beaten at every turn. Eugene Levy said it best when he spouted the words, "what a week I'm having".

Anyway, Delirium contains some blood-curdling moments that actually feel genuine. It has an elaborate mansion that almost acts as a main character. Delirium deals with brute force, hallucinatory effigies, suicide, and self-infliction. Finally, Delirium heralds a decent, sort of one-man show performance by the everyman-looking Grace. Added to that, veteran actress Patricia Clarkson is effectively nasty as a kooky probation officer with schizo motives.

Released by way of Internet in the U.S., containing a bit of dry humor, and directed by Athens, Greece native Dennis Iliadis, Delirium involves Tom Walker (mentioned earlier). Walker is a medicated, mental patient with a psychotic older brother that's doing time for murder. Tom gets put on house arrest at his dead parent's abode for thirty days. If Tommy boy can survive with ankle monitor and haunted images in tote, he's home free and doesn't have to go back to the creepy institution for which he was temporarily allowed to leave from.

Delirium's premise is a little silly, a little far-fetched, kinda plot implemented, and highly unlikely. Still, the film (at times) seems hair-raising and vaguely original considering the countless other scare fests that have come before it.

In total veracity, Delirium reminded me slightly of The Shining, 1986's House, any Saw movie, and 2007's 1408. I'd recommend the flick had it not been for its downer ending that kind of lacks some real resolution. As a viewer, you experience a lot of bruises and blackening while taking in Delirium. By the time the end credits roll out, you'll wonder if it was actually worth all that effort.

In retrospect, Delirium mildly succeeds as a fun-house horror flick that eventually turns into an off the rails thriller. Yeah Delirium may have too many implications, it might be a little too mean-spirited towards its lanky protagonist, and it may possess too many icky twists. Oh well. It's at least equivalent to a two and a half star rating.
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