20 Reviews
The most out loud funny Toy Story has been
CubsandCulture4 January 2021
The other works are humorous but this short backs a lot of laughs in its 5 minutes of screen time. I will never not be amused by the toy support group or some of the daft Happy Meals toys they came up. This has a lot a personality in such a short film.
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my dinner with Woody
lee_eisenberg13 December 2011
Shown right before "The Muppets", "Small Fry" has Buzz Lightyear accidentally switched with a different version of himself in a fast food restaurant, and attending a support group consisting of other lost toys, while the replacement version makes a spectacle of himself in front of the characters from the other "Toy Story" movies. It's not any kind of great cartoon, but pretty funny. A neat way to lead into the return of Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, etc. And of course I really recommend "The Muppets".

The casts from the rest of the "Toy Story" movies reprise their roles, with Jane Lynch providing the voice of one of the toys in the support group.
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Minute for minute the wittiest of all the 'TOY STORY' films!
Hellmant7 December 2011
'TOY STORY TOONS: SMALL FRY': Four Stars (Out of Five)

The second 'TOY STORY' Pixar animated short film (after 'HAWAIIAN VACATION'), this one debuted before 'THE MUPPETS'. It was written and directed by Angus MacLane and stars the usual 'TOY STORY' voice talents (Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, John Ratzenberger, Wallace Shawn, etc.) plus newcomers Jane Lynch, Timothy Dalton and more. It runs about 7 minutes and tells the story of Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Tim Allen once again) being replaced by a mini kids' meal version of himself (voiced by Teddy Newton) at home while he's trapped at a fast food restaurant with other thrown away kids' meal toys who have their own support group. The premise is a great idea and the film is packed with clever laughs. Minute for minute I'd say this short film is the wittiest of all the 'TOY STORY' films, stretched in to a feature length movie it probably would have ran a little thin though. It's much better than the last 'TOY STORY' short and nearly perfect for it's 7 minute running time. As far as short films go this is definitely a rewarding and worthwhile movie going experience, especially if you're a fan of Pixar or 'TOY STORY'.

Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKd3ajZbngo
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some fun with discards
SnoopyStyle22 October 2016
Bonnie is given a Zurg belt buckle when her mom buys a small fry at the Poultry Palace. There's a mini Buzz in the display but the cashier refuses to let her have it. The mini Buzz escapes and switches places with Bonnie's Buzz. The fake Buzz convinces Rex that he shrunk but nobody else believes him. The real Buzz finds his way to the discarded Fun Meal toys support group. The Toy Story gang is back although some of the discarded toys are funnier. It's a sad reality that so much garbage toys get produced and sold with the fast food which are then quickly discarded. The ridiculous toys are funny in their stupidity. It's a quick jab but also a fun short.
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Nothing small here
TheLittleSongbird11 June 2019
Love Pixar, feature films, really like to love most of their feature films, and short films, don't dislike any of their shorts. Their best are masterpieces and even lesser efforts, my least favourite overall being 'Cars 3', are never below mediocre and have at least four good things (best asset being the animation). Consider all three 'Toy Story' films among their best, while the first is one of their most overall ground-breaking my personal favourite and the one that connected with me the most was the third.

After the excellent 'Hawaiian Vacation', expectations were hopefully understandably high for 'Small Fry'. Will admit to being a little let down in comparison, but it was still very enjoyable and well made, as long as one doesn't expect it to be on the same level as the feature films with it being a television short. So budget isn't as large and less time was available. Perfect for 'Toy Story' fans. For anybody that loved the first 'Toy Story' film and its sequels, the three Toy Story Toons shorts are well worth watching and more and are pretty darn impressive for television short films.

Did think that 'Small Fry' was a little too on the short side this time and at times felt rushed.

Will agree too about the resolution being too easy and quick.

On the other hand, again the animation is expectedly excellent. Such beautiful attention to detail in the backgrounds and the character designs and the colours are so vibrant. The music more than serves its purpose well, with the right amount of energy and charming orchestration.

Excelling also is the writing, with some wonderfully witty writing, Buzz and Mini Buzz faring best (with the one groaner being regarding recycling) and the gags are well timed and always amusing and more.

Buzz and Mini Buzz are also the standouts of the characters, the story is cute and colourful and the voice acting is top notch from Tim Allen and Teddy Newton especially. Tom Hanks has lost none of his energy either and doesn't go overboard.

Summarising, very enjoyable and worth watching. 7/10
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Entertaining !
Slightly weaker than other short movies but still good and fun.
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Although I found Hawaiian Vacation to be more fun,Small Fry is still an entertaining adventure for Woody and the gang,
lesleyharris3015 February 2012
Small Fry is a fun and enjoyable short that shows before The Muppets,although I found Hawaiian Vacation,the short that shows before Cars 2,to be a more enjoyable short,Small Fry is still a fun,enjoyable and well thought out adventure from the Toy Story gang and I hope these Toy Story shorts continue because the characters are so lovable.

Buzz is left behind at a fast food restaurant after being mistaken for a mini Buzz,the mini Buzz is taken home with Bonnie to the other toys,and Woody and the gang try to find out what where the real Buzz is,while the real Buzz is stuck with a group of abandoned toys,Buzz tells them he was left behind but they think he is abandoned and try to get him to admit to it.
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Fun....and that's what counts most.
planktonrules25 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A local fast food outlet has Buzz Lightyear toys with their kids meals. Through some strange circumstances, the real Buzz is left in the store and a smaller and somewhat annoying Buzz from a kids meal is taken home instead. What's to happen with the original and will they ever get him back...like the previous "Toy Story" films.

I have given this short film a very respectable score of 7. I might have been tempted to score it higher, but frankly would have preferred some original characters and am getting a bit burnt out on "Toy Story". I know this means I am running counter to the rest of the viewers out there who seem to have an insatiable love of these folks. While good, to me, familiarity will soon be bringing contempt. Now this does NOT mean I dislike the film--the concept was pretty fresh and the animation was shockingly good. This improved CGI is obvious when you see the adorable little girl in this film who was also in "Toy Story 3" (Bonnie)--she is so much more realistic looking here only about a year later. Shockingly realistic, actually.
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Small Fry Warning: Spoilers
A neat little episode about Buzz getting left behind and a tiny Buzz trying to take his place, only because he wants to get played with rather than being only a display item.

Can't say much more than this other than it's pretty good, always nice to have a little more Toy Story in one's life.
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Too Much for 7 Minutes
gpeevers3 April 2019
The story begins in fast food franchise named Poultry Palace where a miniature promotional version of the Buzz Lightyear toy switches place with 'the real' Buzz Lightyear to escape, leaving him stranded.

A cute little story, but in the Toy Story universe with all those characters it was just too short. There is very little story and it is resolved far to quickly. The fact they bring back practically the entire cast back plus Jane Lynch and bunch of other discarded promotional toys, just leaves you wanting more time with all of them.

Mildly amusing credits arrayed like a fast food menu including some ridiculous promotional chicken dishes.
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To The Franchise Restaurant And Beyond!
boblipton27 September 2024
Bonnie takes her Buzz Lightyear doll .... sorry. Action figure to a local fast food franchise. When she gets a miniature version as a premium, she loses the "real" Buzz in the place's ball pit and takes the miniature one home. When the folks at home realize what has happened, they try to deal with the new one and rescue the 'real' one. Meanwhile, back at the restaurant, Buzz gets caught up in a support group for discarded toys.

All the original actors in the franchise are back, and Jane Lynch voices the character running the support group. This cartoon not only is funny, it deals with the strange sort of delusional thoughts that the thesis behind the TOY STORY franchise deals with.
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A little disappointing
neil-47617 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A Buzz Lightyear novelty toy escapes from the display at a fast food outlet and ends up being taken home by Bonnie while the real Buzz is left behind, trapped in a therapy group for "lremainder" fast food novelties. Manwhile, the novelty Buzz fails to convince the rest of the toys that he is the real Buzz.

I must confess that this Toy Story short didn't grab me especially. I think this may be because it was pitched too much at an adult audience. While the Toy Story films have always contained material which appeals to adults, that same material also appeals to children (the "Great Escape" in Toy Story 3), but in this one I suspect that there is precious little for kids, and the appeal inherent in having a dual audience is gone.

It is still enjoyable, but there doesn't seem to be as much magic.
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Small Fry
studioAT30 May 2021
Another fun 'Toy Story Toon' , albeit with perhaps a slighter story than 'Hawaiian Vacation'.

It does offer lots of laughs though, especially with all the discarded Happy Meal-esque toys.

Good fun.
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The Pixar Toy Story short Small Fry gets some good laughs with some new characters being introduced
tavm28 November 2011
This Pixar short preceded the main feature of The Muppets. Once again continuing the adventures of the Toy Story gang, this one has a smaller version of Buzz Lightyear from a Happy Meal-like menu replacing the real one when Bonnie takes her toys home with her. The mixup that results was as funny as one would expect when watching these shorts from those Pixar guys. Lots of new characters are introduced with the "patients" Buzz meets when he finds himself stuck at the restaurant so if another Toy Story feature does get made, maybe they will be in that one. I don't know if those Pixar people should actually do that but if anyone could pull that off, they could. So all I'll say now is Small Fry is pretty funny for its brief running time if you're so inclined to watch.
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KeremUlucay1 July 2019
An enjoyable short film starring my favourite Toy Story character Buzz Lightyear. Everything about this franchise is fun.
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Fun size
Rectangular_businessman20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Toy Story 3 was a wonderful film, serving as a more satisfying for this iconic Pixar series.

The three Toy Story toons shorts (And the Toy Story That Time Forgot and Toy Story of Terror! Specials as well) served as an amusing addition to that emotional finale, showing the life of Woody and the other toys in their new home.

For some reason, Small Fry always was my favorite of these shorts, being pretty fun to watch. (Unfortunately, it also happens to be the lowest rated here on Imdb)

A shame Toy Story 4 had to ruin the perfection of that ending. I mean, it wasn't a bad film, but it was nowhere as good as the third part. In addition to that, the writers has put themselves in a corner by removing Woody from the main cast at the end.

I honestly don't know what to expect from the announced fifth part. I really hope the original cast isn't replaced, but nowadays Disney seems to be keen to doing the worse creative decisions in the name of outrage marketing.
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Playtime is the best
Horst_In_Translation12 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
That is certainly true. Sadly, this 6-minute short film is more like beating a dead horse. I really love the Toy Story films, but I do mind that they made so many short films after the third feature film. This would actually have been fine if they were good, but all (or almost all) of these are completely mediocre. I'm actually glad that Buzz got back to his gang on his own, so they did not turn this premise into a feature film. This could have ended really bad then. Anyway, I thought T-Bone was fun and the little Buzzy copycat was a solid addition too, but that's it. The group therapy session was also really not entertaining. If they really make a 4th film, I just hope it will be as good as the third and not as forgettable as these short-films that came in-between. Angus MacLane's "Small Fry" from almost 5 years ago falls into that category. I did not like one of his 3 short films and that's a pretty bad omen given he is one of the main players behind the "Finding Nemo" sequel. But back to this one here: Not recommended.
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Small Fry
Prismark1024 February 2018
Small Fry shows the perils of being a fast food toy.

Bonnie is taken to the Poultry Palace for a meal. A mini Buzz Lightyear escapes by changing places with the real Buzz.

When he arrives home, Woody sees though this diminutive impostor. The real Buzz stumbles on to a support group for discarded Fun Meal toys and plots his escape.

The animation is not as sharp here. I like the dig at how fast food toys are disposable and some of them are not very good. The cynic in me could not help noticing that Disney itself have encouraged the growth of the fast food toy gimmicks. Keep a hawk eye out for the Condorman toy.
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Familiar plotting but still has funny moments
bob the moo7 February 2014
Buzz and Rex get taken to a Poultry Palace, a fast-food joint where mini toys are given away with meals. A mini version of Buzz Lightyear spots the real Buzz and decides to swap places in order to finally get played with rather than be a display model or be abandoned in the ball pit like so many other fast-food freebies. The swap is done, leaving Buzz stuck with the toys left behind, while the gang back at home have to deal with this smaller, more annoying version of Buzz.

This short film from the Toy Story stable is yet again not quite up there with the strength of the film but yet it manages to be funny and engaging none the less. We have seen the basic plot before but the specifics of this time give some nice scenarios, specifically the support group. The interaction with Lizard Wizard made me laugh out loud and generally this was a nice idea. It concludes quickly and mini-Buzz doesn't seem to be much more than a plot device, but it does its job and gives a nice short burst of well animated fun with the well-known voices and characters in support.

Fans of Toy Story will like it enough to forgive its flaws, and luckily enough I guess the vast majority of those watching, will be fans of the films.
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Fun but not memorable
Gordon-118 November 2017
This is a short animated film which tells the story of a happy meal toy who wants to get away from his display cabinet. He does so by pretending to be the real Buzz Lightyear.

It is a fun animation because it features a lot of cute toys. Adults will also find it entertaining because toys' the self help group is strangely familiar to another self help group that is aimed at troubled adults. Though the plot is not particularly memorable, it is still fun to watch.
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