13 Reviews
"We were freaks, not hippies" - Sue Lowe of John Waters' Dreamland Studios
StevePulaski18 July 2014
I remember, in the early 2000's, perusing through my uncle's eclectic, medium-sized DVD collection, looking at the fronts and backs of covers of films I probably shouldn't have been let within a foot of, wrapping my mind around films about slashers, serial killers, necrophiliacs, bum-fights, and, finally, barbaric cross-dressers. The cover that wound up burning itself in my retina was the one for the anniversary edition of John Waters' Pink Flamingos, showing what appeared to be a very homely woman dressed up in a red-colored dress, holding a pistol at arm's length with a load of makeup on, with Daily Variety quoting it as "one of the most vile, stupid, and repulsive films ever made." I had to watch this, but I was only eight-years-old at the time. Damn the NC-17 rating.

When I finally grew a bit older, I watched it, and proceeded to write a review of it soon after, simultaneously condemning and praising its ability to go so far with one of the most shocking and asinine premises I had ever seen. To date, it's my favorite film by Waters, and it was largely watchable because of that person on the DVD cover, whom was the cross-dresser that went by the stage name of Divine. Born Harris Glenn Milstead, Divine was born in conjunction with the rise of trash filmmaker John Waters, who teamed up with him at a young age to make homemade films that explored and romanticized the idea of filth and exploitation. Waters cast Divine in numerous projects, with arguably his most famous being the aforementioned filth-fest Pink Flamingos and the inspiring, PG-rated musical Hairspray, both of which starred a crossdressing Milstead.

Jeffrey Schwarz's I Am Divine provides us with a look at one of the most seriously passionate and awe-inspiring performers of the last century. Coming from a humble, conservative home in Baltimore, Maryland, Milstead was an overweight child, one who exercised more feminine traits than masculine ones, and, according to Waters, was constantly harassed, teased, and beaten up in school. However, when Milstead soon got out of that madness, he found incredible success with Waters in film and TV, making a name for himself as Divine, the cross-dressing, "cinematic terrorist," who was equal parts terrifying, sexy, and a commanding force on screen.

"I love everything that's bad about America" and that's what I make movies above," John Waters states in I Am Divine, and with that, we realize why Divine was such a great person to use for his movies. Divine had enough charisma and force to make an entire scene her own, with the loyal costume and makeup designer of Van Smith, who helped Divine make his makeup look spot on and the sets on John Waters' films look equally incredible. Smith wound up shaving a great deal of Divine's hair, up until about half way up his head because he felt that there was not enough room on the human face to fit as much makeup and glamor required to make him what he needed to go into character.

The documentary dares to explore every part of not only Divine, which we learn was a character not a lifestyle, but also Milstead, who we learn struggled with weight issues all his life and was a constant over-eater. "If I don't eat it, someone else will," John Waters recalls Milstead saying one day when they were out to lunch. But he didn't feel like changing, nor did he feel like he should compromise things in his life if he was happy with them. What you saw was what you got with Divine and, if you didn't like it, "f*** you very much," was his tagline.

Divine continued to act and star in numerous projects, some directed by John Waters and some not, even forming relationships with several actors, including Tab Hunter, whom he worked with on Waters' Polyester before joining forces on Paul Bartel's Lust in the Dust later in his career. However, one of Divine's biggest breaks, aside from the constant one-woman-shows, concerts, plays, and performances, came in the form of Hairspray, which went on to be one of the biggest musicals of all time, where Divine worked alongside Ricki Lake as a mother/daughter duo. Lake comments that Divine eventually grew to become like her mother, and upon release, the film was beautifully received by critics and was met with sold-out showings and insatiable demands for more screenings.

Yet in the wake of all this happiness and glee, with the Divine character etching out of the gay/lesbian audience and trash-seeking cultists into a more mainstream audience, Milstead died from an enormous heart attack shortly after Hairspray was released, unable to read many of the great reviews of the film, which would come later in the film's theatrical and home video run. His untimely death even cut short his ability to play the uncle character on the forthcoming FOX sitcom Married... With Children, which could've helped Milstead branch out to a form of comedy without having to put on a dress and an hour's worth of makeup. The entire circumstance was deeply unfortunate, but also a result of a poor diet investment and a workaholic attitude, which Milstead fearlessly kept until his final night.

I Am Divine tags all these bases in a winning ninety-minutes, effectively establishing a character and a cinematic force that still finds himself far too unrecognized in a mainstream sense. From hitting personal bases, such as Milstead's longstanding conflict and estrangement from his parents to more openly public things, like his filmography and performing art talents, the film is a captivating portrait of one of cinema's most anarchic and liberating stars.

Directed by: Jeffrey Schwarz.
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Great...but certainly NOT for everyone!!
planktonrules13 July 2014
The actor/singing/pop phenomenon Divine is the subject of this terrific new biographical film--but it's also NOT a film for everyone. After all, Divine's persona was offensive and on the fringe--and deliberately so. And so, if you can handle it, this documentary will be a treat.

Glen Milstead was a seemingly unremarkable kid. After all, he grew up in the rather unglamorous city of Baltimore and there was little about his early years that would indicate he'd be world famous by his incredibly premature death at age 42. But, from this humble beginning somehow sprang one of the most outrageous stars of the 1970s and 80s...and this film is his story.

Not surprisingly, the film begins with a lengthy discussion of his childhood and early adulthood. Much of this was provided by his mother, Frances, but many friends contributed as well. However, in his late teens, the sorts of friends he began associating with changed dramatically. Up until then, he'd been a rather nerdy, chunky kid with a long-time girlfriend who was also secretly gay---and with few other friends. However, when he met up with John Waters and the rest of his bizarre group of friends, Glen soon transformed himself. Some of the transformation involved drugs and parties, but the most outrageous change was his creation of a character Waters christened 'Divine'. And Divine began appearing in a lot of super-cheap, offensive and weird underground films by Waters. At first, no one noticed because no one was ready for such strangeness. But, slowly, the character's impact began to grow. How it went from playing in super 8mm films to a world- wide star is the subject of the rest of the film. I could say more, but frankly it's better if you just see the film.

The documentary, fortunately, is not just a list of his screen credits and discussion of his films, but talks about his stage and music career as well. Additionally, it shows a lot of genuine affection for Glen from all his friends, co-workers and mother. And, about the part of him that was sad--the part that ate compulsively to fill some unfilled void. This portion was actually quite touching--and let you know that off-screen and off-stage, he was very little like his insane persona, Divine.

So, why is this a film that I recommend that most of you don't see? Well, first it's so incredibly offensive--mostly because Divine was a deliberately offensive character. She curses, make a lot of crude remarks about sex and is a walking horror show in the film. If you got the joke--it is great. But many will simply be offended--especially when they talk about what he did at the end of the film "Pink Flamingos"! As a fan of Divine who has seen him/her in just about everything (including most of the old 8mm films), I adored I Am Divine and was thrilled to hear about Glen and Divine's successes...and oddness. I also have very thick skin and a love of weird films--and Divine's are a very strange assortment of movies--to put it mildly! If you are already a fan, this film is for you!! It's better than the other biographical documentary, "Divine Trash"--mostly because it just seems a lot more complete. Plus, it's so well made and informative--and it's exactly what his fans will love. If you are not, watch at your own risk!! In fact, I recommend in this case you do some film watching BEFORE you watch this bio. Start with his LAST film (the original "Hairspray") and work your way backwards!! Then, after you've become thoroughly indoctrinated (if you can make it that far because they get weirder and more offensive the farther you go), then try seeing "I Am Divine"! Seriously. Otherwise a lot of the character and folks' love of him/her just might make a lot of sense as you see this documentary and its weirdness might not make any sense. Don't say I didn't warn you!!

This film is currently available streaming through Netflix as well as for sale from many sources including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
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The Life and Times of the Filthiest Woman in the World
pengobox2 February 2016
I'm not sure what I was expecting when I watched this movie. Being from Baltimore, I knew vaguely about John Water and Divine, and really almost nothing about drag queens, so I viewed I Am Divine as a complete outsider. This documentary could have gone wrong in so many ways, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a sensitive and respectful documentary about a legendary figure.

As far as biographical documentaries go, I Am Divine was pretty standard, starting at the beginning of Divine/Glenn Milstead's life and concluding at its end. There usage of archival footage of Divine both in and out of costume was excellent, while the interviews of his close friends and family were very thorough. I found that the talking heads, rather than being too distracting, served to really painted a comprehensive picture of who Divine was. Though the documentary did touch on the issues that Divine faced throughout his life, such as his initial financial struggles, I would have liked to see the movie address them with more depth. However, on the other hand, I think that it's pretty understandable because I Am Divine was clearly meant to be a celebration of an influential figure's life.

I'm glad that I watched this movie. I learned quite a lot about someone who turned out to be enormously influential. Divine had huge hand in shaping current-day drag culture from the prim, debonair queens of the 50s-60s to the loud and colorful drag performers we are familiar with today. I would have loved to see them explore Divine's contemporary impact more in the movie, but alas. I Am Divine could have so easily veered into something that was offensive and mocking, but it stayed so respectful to Divine and who he was as a person. Watch this movie!!
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Simply Divine
noway234-116 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Find me a documentary that better explores an under rated actor and I will be amazed. This was perfection in every way. I saw it at the Sydney Film Festival with a packed house. The buzz in the room was electric from the first moment and it never stopped. The film told Divine's story powerfully, they didn't leave a thing out and interviewed everyone. There was no shying away from topics like Divine's bad spending habits or his eating, they shone a light on everything and showed this amazing sympathetic actor in the most beautiful light possible. Filled with huge laughs (I know I missed out on several lines of dialogue simply because people were laughing so hard) and an abundance of emotional resonance. This is the movie about Divine that the world deserved.
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If you love Divine, you'll love this movie.
demolitionredhead14 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What an amazing movie. It far exceeded my expectations and didn't descend into sentimentality. The film explores the highs and lows of one of the top icons of America's underbelly. Divine and John Waters met as teenagers and soon started making cult classics including Pink Flamingos and Mondo Trasho. As Divine -- sorry. spoiler alert -- died he was on the cusp of hitting the big-time. My only niggle about this laugh- out loud feel-good documentary was how much of the film focused on his eating. We know he was fat and we know he died of a heart attack ahead of his time. Sometimes though the film veered off the celebration of a man who was a beacon for all outsiders and an under-rated actor and verged on ridiculing its subject. Despite that, this is a great film. It had the audience entranced and laughing from the start it was informative for all but the most dedicated Divine devotee. I'm ready to pre order the DVD now.
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Heartfelt... Sincere... Engaging
nitro7223 March 2022
Heartfelt & sincere portrait of a performer who was the personification of "larger than life". Fills in a lot of gaps for those who weren't aware of any "non-Waters" efforts. Not many surprises, but engaging nonetheless. #nitrosMovieChallenge.
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Truly Divine!
DennisHinSF26 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this on pay per view, and I'm only ashamed to say I missed it for as long as I did! If you've ever wondered what it was exactly that made Divine a star, all your questions will be answered lovingly and hilariously here! This is the perfect documentary, filled with interviews of friends, lovers, and family. If you are already a fan of The Great One, then this is essential viewing. The only part that brought me down some is that Divine is no longer with us, inspiring us to levels of "drag terrorism" and hilarity. The older I get, the more I realize it is our individualism that makes us precious beings, worthy of all the love and happiness we can find in this short, short ride that is life. Divine, John Waters, and the whole Dreamland gang, I wish I could thank you all for the laughs and insanity you have brought me.
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A fun, educational watch
AndreaWeaver19 March 2022
Pure curiosity lead me to this one and it was really worth the watch. Maybe I am incredibly stupid, but I never knew that John Waters wrote Hairspray and had Divine play the original Edna Turnblad! This is like any other bio-documentary; lots of interviews, some old footage; a journey through the life of someone meaningful. I enjoyed it, but this is one for a more specific audience. After seeing this, I will be adding quite a few films to my watchlist...
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DFClayton26 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
16 FEB 1988, Baltimore Maryland, at the Senator theatre, was the premiere of "Hairspray" and a simultaneous AIDS benefit. John Waters and Harris, Glen, Milstead sans his alter ego, "Divine," were the star attendees supported by many A-list celebs as well. This is a good place to start a documentary of the rich, stormy, sexy, and wild history of Divine. It was also considered a turning point as well as legitimizing a John Waters production by the "so-called" mainstream Hollywood standards. It's been a long road for the both of them who first met at 17 years old, doing a variety of independent, and counter culture projects. They didn't start out with dreams of big movie making deals rather, their efforts were purely for their own circle of influence. Only later, when friends and others liked these efforts, did this hobby develop into "Dreamland," an official production company. Further flashbacks reveals Glen's life as a not quite "out of the closet" gay child growing up in an uber-homophobic, late 50's East Coast Baltimore suburbia. At school, he suffered brutal bullying. He tried to fit in with a dress code that evidently didn't fool a rather sophisticated Gaydar in this otherwise Ozzie and Harriet utopia. He even had a girlfriend who still remembers him fondly. Glen had a loving mother, supportive in some aspects, recognized Glen's love of pretty things, style, and fashion. The family was affluent enough to get young Glen his own hair salon. He was the most sought out hair stylist in the neighborhood. Thru overheard gossip of customers, his mother had further evidence of Glen's true id. However, she chose to bury her head in the sand about his orientation. After deciding to make his orientation official, as well as his vices, mother and child parted ways. Now Glen was fully engaged with his film projects and new life. It was Glen's brutal treatment that would serve John Waters and Glen well as the two went forward. John tapped into Glen's traumatic past and channeled the best and worst Divine had to offer. "Making lemonade from lemons" is always a mark of real genius. Divine became an underground Goddess with a body of work that included quite of few music albums. This was beyond the Waters/Glen partnership. Not because of any ill feelings, John just couldn't make a film every year to keep up with the growing demand for Divine. In fact John expressed his happiness for his friend's opportunities. Glen proved his versatility when he went mainstream as himself in 1985's "Trouble in Mind" with Kris Kristofferson. Able to play both female and male parts, he went back to drag in 1988's "Hairspray." Now established in two different cultures, he was set to play a male role in "Married with Children." However, he died the night before he was to begin work. He and his mother had fully reconciled just before this. She and others have good and bad memories but all loved him greatly. These basics and greater details are told by excellent interviews with equally great stock footage denoting a well-researched and complete documentary.

Years ago I was never a hardcore Divine fan. Not because I disliked him. I just didn't venture down the path of counter culture. I vaguely recall glimpses and was somewhat interested. Then thanks to tremendously more age, slightly less ignorance, and Frys Electronics' vast DVD and Blu-Ray inventory, I recently got "Pink Flamingos." I became a fan instantly appreciating the counter-culture scope of Divine's performance. I appreciated the risks he and John Waters took considering a somewhat conservative time. Every one of the cast's performance was way ahead of society's acceptable norms as well. I enjoyed it enough to watch all the "behind the scenes" additional commentary provided by John Waters. Now enlightened, I put "Female Troubles," Polyester," "Lust in the Dust," "Trouble in Mind," and "Hairspray" on my wish list. I'm glad I didn't get them yet because my palate is better prepared and cleansed now to enjoy these features with this documentary. In fact, if you haven't seen these previous John Waters/Divine projects, I'm strongly suggesting this documentary as a necessary precursor. That is, if you're the type of patron who feels that knowing an actor's bio can enhance this enjoyment so much more (or less).
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The Freaks of The 60's
stefstars28 October 2020
I learned so much more about Divine through this documentary. I was aware of him and his cult following but didn't know much about him. This documentary showed me the profound impact Divine had on pop culture despite being a cult figure. I'm happy Harris got his wish of being a movie star granted. This documentary did a great job of exploring his early life, how he was always more feminine ever since he was a child and although it was obvious that he was gay from a young age, his family and those around him were in denial of it since this wasn't accepted at the time. Knowing this makes it more satisfying to see him succeed doing what he always wanted to do. The documentary shows how Divine was a trendsetter in so many ways, from the makeup to his music career, Divine truly is a cultural icon. They show interviews of Harris speaking for himself, so it's not just one big "he said, she said" project. This documentary truly gave me a new appreciation for Divine. I already found her interesting but now I love her and I'm happy that despite how short her time in the limelight was, her dream came true. She sure showed those bullies and her star is still shining to this day. Definitely worth a watch.
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Born To Be Cheap
strong-122-47888514 April 2015
Now, I would never, ever say that Harris Glenn Milstead (aka. Divine) was my kind of people - But after watching this bio-documentary, I was relieved to find out that there was more to this particular character besides being an outrageous, 350 lb., drag queen who once actually ate a real dog turd (on screen) as an obvious ploy to gain worldwide, cult-status recognition.

In "I Am Divine" - It sure seemed to me that just about everyone (and their dog) who ever met Divine came out of the closet to gush over him and paint an almost unrealistic picture of this entertainer who (though he had a real foul mouth) was, in reality, as adorable (and harmless) as a Care Bear.

To say that Milstead (born 1945) played the Divine character to the absolute hilt would be a total understatement. But one could easily tell that as he matured into his 30's, the thrill of constantly reinventing this in-your-face persona clearly began to wane.

I think it's the ultimate irony-of-ironies that, as an actor, Glenn really only played the role of a man once in his lifetime (as Hilly Blue in 1985's Trouble In Mind). And when he finally did achieve respectability as an actor, he up and died, at 42, from a massive heart attack.

All-in-all - I'd say that under all of that mascara and over-the-top behaviour, Glenn Milstead was probably an alright guy with irritating idiosyncrasies just like everyone else.
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Commemorating a Queer Legend
elicopperman1 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In light of Pride Month, it's great to acknowledge one of the biggest drag queen stars in cinema history, Harris Glenn Milstead/Divine. Starting from the bottom as a growing singer and drag performer in their teens and late twenties to then becoming a big star/collaborator with indie filmmaker John Waters, Divine's incredible albeit limited career proved to be a huge deal for both the LGBTQ community and the underground cult film base. With a legacy as incredible as theirs, it was only natural that a documentary on them would be created, and low and behold, one was made in 2013 called I Am Divine.

As indicated, the documentary summarizes Glenn Milstead's entire life story from the people who knew him, such as his caring albeit concerned mother Frances, his childhood friends, colleagues, peers and even business agent. Being an introverted queer kid from Baltimore with a weight disorder, his love of performance and out there comedies thoroughly inspired the young lad to pursue their dreams of doing outrageous acts as a draq queen with the nickname Divine. From then on, there were controversial cult classics like Pink Flamingos and Polyester, to Divine's drag and singer career, to their relationship with friends and family, to Glenn and Waters' breakout into the mainstream towards Milstead's unfortunate death. While the film obviously doesn't go into depth on every single event in his life, it manages to explore into many different layers of Glenn from all the different people who were interviewed, including John Waters himself. His view on Glenn is somewhat brotherly, as he was so close to Divine as both a star and a person that once can imagine how much of a toll the loss put on him.

Granted, the film might not win the hearts over everyone as it is made for somewhat of a niche audience. Given that the film goes a lot into the career of schlock cinema and Milstead's career, a newcomer might be well introduced to the film but might be lost on the specific references to all the different content Divine was in. Then again, it does have the length covered well at just 90 minutes, so it doesn't overstay its welcome in the long run. Besides, there is just enough affection given to not only Divine as a human being, but also to the importance of where fame can lead someone. As sad as it is to say, it can happen more often than not that a famous figure in show biz will be type casted for certain roles based on their presence alone, and Milstead stood the test of that from their early films to breaking out as a drag model. It's easy for fans of Divine to look up to Milstead as an inspiration for doing what they love and risking it all for the sake of art, yet the experience itself becomes the ultimate test for how much they can handle such a status.

In the end, caring documentaries like I Am Divine prove that it is possible to bring growth and warmth in a specific audience and inspire them long after the icon has passed on. To see just how far drag performers and queer people have come in being accepted in America, let alone worldwide, it shows that the path people like Milstead, Waters and more took was beyond worth it. Even though this documentary isn't too recent, it's definitely worth a recommendation for the month of embracing LGBTQ rights. Be it an overweight drag performer or otherwise, anyone can be a positive role model.
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Disappointing. All talking heads. Too John Waters heavy
sugarfreepeppermint19 February 2015
This documentary seems to be more about how John Waters supposedly shaped the career of Divine, than about Divine herself. We see lots of talking heads from the Waters camp and their anecdotes about working and living with Divine. Waters himself comes across as a bit envious, taking digs at Divine, with that glib smug smirk of his. I don't think he ever got over the fact that Divine, made his career, and not vice versa. Surprisingly, Ricki Lake comes across as rather unpleasant when talking about Divine, too. Mink Stole expresses genuine kindness for Divine on a personal level (she's adorable). For good, or for bad, their interviews make it all the more obvious that the only true film star / pop icon amongst them was Divine.

The film has a bit of television show feel about it. For my personal liking, there are too many clips from the Waters films, that Divine fans have probably seen a hundred times over. It takes up precious time that could have been dedicated to revealing something so far not seen or known about Divine. Everything is of course spiralling towards the "eat dog poo on camera" landmark moment. And of course, all credit for this "master stroke of genius" goes towards Waters (biased very much).

I was very much expecting the singing career part of Divine to be elaborated upon, as to me it was her natural progression from her film work, where her Drag persona was further polished. But that part of her life is severely neglected in this documentary. In Europe, Divine is more so known for her music than her films. Her television performances on pop chart shows were on a par with some of the best of 80s music videos (dare I say far superior to the Waters movies). But there is not much evidence of that in this documentary.

Probably there was only enough money to pay for the Waters camp to have a natter about the film years, and it's a wrap. Ready for the LGBT film festival circuit, and ready to be applauded by all the gullible fools who merely need an easy saccharine nostalgia fix. That's the unsatisfied feeling I was left with after watching it.
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