The Tribe (TV Series 1999–2003) Poster


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The Tribe – Childhood Memories At Work
fran-tasy5 June 2016
If I started watching this show today, as an adult, I would most likely consider it total trash. The acting is incredibly hard to bear at times (there are a few exceptions of course, but most of the actors could have used some serious acting classes); costumes, hair and make-up are insane (for lack of a better word); the music borders on annoying and the plot holes are big enough to swallow a fully grown person. Thankfully, there aren't any of those left in the world of The Tribe.

Eight-year-old me however could not have cared any less about all this. The show is a part of my childhood that still gives me this weirdly fuzzy, nostalgic feeling to this day. I remember re-enacting the show on the schoolyard with my friends and always being excited to come home after school to watch the latest episode. So, try as I might, I cannot bring myself to rate this any lower than 8/10. Doing so would be a betrayal of all these great memories I associate with The Tribe. This is eight-year-old me taking a stand.
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After years still one of my favorite TV shows!
JaneLovesMovies23 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have been watching The Tribe on TV since it first aired in 1999. During this time I was at the same age which also the actors were supposed to be at in the first season. That was just fitting perfect. Now, more than 15 years later, I am still watching my precious The Tribe DVDs every half year. I have to rate 9 out of 10 as I do not like some parts of the story which even become annoying in my eyes after a while. Best example would be the chosen taking over the city in season 3. It takes almost the whole season to fight and beat them, which is also kind of illogic compared to the seasons before or even after where the Mall Rats fought other tribes for a few episodes and then everything was over or settled. Also the constant dying and disappearing of characters causes too many changes in cast, which was of course mostly effected by actors having to quit the show because of school. The fifth and last season has an open ending as season six was meant to continue shorty after. However the filming of season six was not supported by the sponsors anymore as they said the show was not for kids anymore. I think that is quite sad as the audience grew together with the cast.
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One of my favorite cheesy young adult soaps
ellavemia1 November 2020
This show is nostalgic for me and my rating of it is influenced by that, but compared with other teenage series', it holds up as being no worse, and the concept was original.

Watching a newer young adult apocalyptic series Freakish got me thinking about this show, and how much more I enjoyed it and would like to see it revitalized, but not as a U.S. production.
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Post-apocalyptic wonder
sclub289 July 2002
I first stumbled across this show back in 1999 on channel 5 here in the UK. I must admit at first i didnt really take a liking to it, as it does give you the impression that its a silly show when you first see it, due to the wacky hair and strange make up. But you soon realize that these characteristics are there to add to the tribe's amazing mood and personality. There is a certain quirkiness to it that draws you in, and once you're there, you're hooked. It makes you laugh, scream and sometimes cry. The Tribe is a mixture of action, adventure, conflict, growing up and love. During my time watching the show, i have witnessed some of the most poignant scenes i have ever seen .Brilliant characters, brilliant actors, my personal favourite is Beth Allen who plays the amazing Amber. Well done to everyone involved on the show. Series 4 has just finished over here with a massive climax, fingers crossed for a 5th series.

Keep the dream alive :)
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Children's post-Apocalyptic pseudo-soap opera at its finest!
ryan-15120 February 2001
I happened upon this Kiwi gem one lonely night while flipping through my new digital cable. It's basically a teenage soap opera set some years after a virus has wiped out the adult population. Following a small group (or "tribe") of kids who live in an abandoned shopping mall, the show is deceptively simple and silly. It is, in fact, epic in scope and deep in emotion. It even throws in the occasional religious allegory for good measure. Like all soap operas, the dialogue can be trite and the stories melodramatic and overly concerned with sex (yes, teen sex), but it is also one of the most addictive television shows I've ever encountered, capable of being funny, poignant, gut-wrenching and thought-provoking all at the same time. With, I might add, more inventive hairstyles, makeup and costumes than any you'll see on American television.
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The best teen show around
MKing5525121 March 2004
This is the best teen show around cause it is special and different from other teen drama. when you watch this show you will become dizzy by the crazy outfits, make up, and no adults. It is the best way to show teens drama, no high school, populars and geeks, no running to adults. When you watch it go online so u can find out more about The Tribes.My favorite characters is Amber, Java, Siva, Dee, Selene, Jay, Jack, and Bray. the teens on this show is your adults then you got your little ones. You will love the way the city advance with only teens who know what they are doing. Watch it Please you will love it. And please buy season 1 on DVD so you can know who is who and what happen th this and this person past.
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Mad Max meets The Lord of the Flies
scavengr18 February 2001
This is a fascinating look into a world where all the adults have died from a mysterious virus, and the kids are left to fend for themselves. The remaining teens and pre-teens have formed tribes in order to survive. They must forage for whatever food and medicine they can find, and form new relationships both for protection and companionship. The Tribe focuses on a group that has settled in the local mall, and have come to call themselves the "Mall Rats". They hide out in the mall, hoping to avoid the violence of the other tribes such as the Demon Dogs, and the Locusts. Eventually their dream of building a new world where the tribes can work together in peace, force them out of the safety of their hiding place.

For being a such a futuristic sort of show, The Tribe is surprisingly able to address current issues that face today's young people. Bulimia, teen pregnancy, peer pressure, and alcoholism are all subjects that some of the characters of this new world must face.

The Tribe is extremely well done. The story is fascinating, the acting is first rate, and the young cast is destined for great things. I fell in love with The Tribe from the very first episode, and it continues to get better and better.
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So fun
misse19773 July 2006
I have to say I always had a soft spot for these "kidsshows". Sometimes it's so bad it's good, but they are fun and relaxing to watch anyway. I watching through season 2 now and are amazed over how a show for kids can involve so much sex, teen-pregnancies violence and death. It's like a soap for grown people.

The acting are in some cases not so impressive. In other cases some of these kids are brilliant. Caleb Ross and Beth Allen comes to mind. I do hope those two continue working with acting because it would be a waste otherwise. Caleb Ross drinking scenes in season 2 are my favorite part of all the plot lines.

Give this a shot. It really is captivating, after you watched it for a while.
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please give us series 6!
lburridge13 May 2006
i love this show! i always have and always will! please give us a 6th season!!!!!!!!!. I was instantly hooked from the very first episode i saw!.what a shame channel five aren't going to commission a great show like the tribe again, what amazes me most is that they've commissioned the spin off 'the new tomorrow' which lets face it was truly awful!and not worthy of being linked in any way to the tribe!. I for one would like to see the tribe come back with a 6th series, they'd have plenty of story lines to follow, for one we aren't sure if bray is still alive! If you loyal tribe fans are still out there please please please get emailing channel five and tribe and demand another season of the tribe! Always a loyal fan Lauren xxx
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A charming little train wreck...
mreffgee24 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's not pull any punches here, The Tribe is an absolute train wreck. The acting is patchy (to say the least). The writing ranges from abysmal to pretty bad. The production values are both impressive on a dollar-for-dollar basis yet the production decisions are barely coherent.

However... despite all of its many and varied shortcomings, it somehow manages to deliver charm in spades.

I'm not sure I can put my finger on what makes this after-school post-apocalyptic teen soap opera "work" but I can point at a few things.

Firstly, the young actors really buy in to their roles. Sure, it's a mixed bag of talent but they all give it a proper go. And, the more talented actors rise to the top by the end to become more than passable. There's a lot of schtick and often very little sense in how the characters are written, but the actors give them some life and while they rarely become compelling they do become reliable.

The show is high concept. This is a rarity for shows that target this demographic. Sure, it often does a disservice to the concept but it's still fun. Why is there an infinite supply of makeup, hair gel and hair dye in the apocalypse? Who knows. How did society descend into anarchy in a couple of months? No idea. How do people living in a clearly sub-temperate region seem to always have ripe bananas? You tell me.

Finally, almost everyone in this show is a psychopath. They rarely show common decency let alone empathy for their fellow humans. Lex, a central character, is a braggard, attempted rapist, serial-adulterer, scheming conman, who would abandon his dearest friend at a moments notice for little to no reason. Yet, everyone just accepts his behaviour as if it's normal. Why? Because they are all equally as horribly flawed and oblivious to the utter horrorshow that is their personality.

So, yeah. I watched the entire series. As an adult. I don't regret it. I also don't recommend it.
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Mindless drivel
acidsikeo27 February 2020
Would be a good story if it wasn't about brats that need their a**es beat. I watched five shows in the first series before i finally got worn out from listening to the whining.
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Very, very good.
colinwii6 August 2020
The concept of The Tribe is brilliant! The whole atmosphere really is what does the work in this show. I remember watching it growing up and loving it, decided to go back and rewatch, not suprised that I found the acting heavily subpar, but very suprised that it was as enjoyable as all those years ago.

This is a brilliant show and although every season is worth a watch, I very much love season 1. It is brilliant!

Here is how I would rate each season and why:

Season 1. 10/10. Brilliant concept, beautiful execution! Season 2. 9/10. The Tribe takes a more "real" approach, and becomes more than what it was in season 1, however many episodes are filled with too much filler. Season 3. 7/10. The Tribe at it's worse, too much filler, some might actually get bored with the show here, but stick with it. Season 4. 10/10. Completely new concept, absolutely lovely execution! Season 5. 10/10. This series ends of very well! Although I would've loved there to be another season the way it ends is appropriate and will leave you with tears in your eyes after ~260 episodes!

All in all, a must watch.
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The Worst Thing I've Ever Seen
willard1230 September 2019
...and thar is an achievement as I watched Beef Wars. I mean, i criticized TWD for too many episodes dealing with how the survivors feel about the zombies, but this takes the dystopian cake. Who the hell has time for all that make-up and hair dye? Why are there no guns? I would enslave all of these kids and force them to find every dvd of this show and burn it for warmth.
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Totally interesting
nfmadprops041 September 2002
I came across this show during insomnia around 2 in the morning, and fell for it. This is an interesting premise that could have really blown, but they handle it so well, and its very interesting seeing teenagers and younger being forced to act like adults (getting married, arranging governments, and yes, having babies) so the world can carry on. It's absolutely addicting and I have often turned down plans to watch it if it rarely comes on.
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A guilty pleasure
Fontaine_Khaled18 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show, i can't explain why, but I just do. I love the characters, i love the story lines and I love the costumes. It's one of my guilty pleasures, I can't get enough it. I discovered the Tribe when the first series was being shown on Channel 5. The first episode I ever saw was the one where Zoot, leader of the nasty and destructive Locos, plunges to his death from the upper level of the shopping mall. Intrigued I continued watching as i was introduced to Bray, Zoot's estranged brother, Trudy the slightly deranged mother of Zoot's child and Amber, the brave yet bossy leader of the title Tribe, the Mallrats. Then there was geeky Jack, techy Dal, moody yet motherly Salene, dim but loyal Ryan, materialistic Zandra, the tribe's troublemaker Lex, and my favourite character, the manipulative and calculating Ebony. These characters and many more are all thrown together when a mysterious virus kills all the adults, and the kids are left to fend for themselves. The kids form tribes, which ultimately become like families, with the older children looking after the younger ones and everyone looking out for one another. There are wars between tribes as the kids fight for survival as food becomes scarce. The Mallrats are happy to hide away in the shopping mall which they have made their home, until a cruel reality walks through their front door. The virus is back and this time it is killing the kids. Forced out of their haven the tribe look for the answers to the virus, stumbling on a cure. But with the power of an antidote comes responsibility, and the Mallrats soon rule the city. But evil powers lurk to threaten their new beginning. Characters die and come back to life, there's underage sex, underage pregnancies, crazy cults who kill people, a techno tribe who kidnap people and put them in a virtual reality computer game. It's all there for you. Buy the DVDs and take a look. You won't be disappointed!
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A great Apocalypse Drama
jfcthejock14 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Tribe in itself is unique, a success despite it's low budget and non-prominent cast. While many have never heard of The Tribe, I did and when I watched it I wasn't disappointed. The fact that this has come from New Zealand is another thing, while there are many Aussie soaps like Neighbors and Home and Away. We never see much coming out of New Zealand, why? Because they are kept in the confines of the country, we only heard about The Tribe because British TV Channel 5 aired it, and so forth other countries took notice.

I think The Tribe is more than a Soap Opera, unlike other Soaps like Neighbors or East Enders, The Tribe is based in a period of time and situation that has never made it as a Soap before. The Tribe, even though considered a 'Kids Show' brought many adult fans to it's side simply because of it's storyline. The fact the cast are all teenagers, didn't faze me.

Each new season brings new challenges to the group, and the teenagers. New threats, new problems but also new relationships and friends. Ross Caleb and Beth Allen shone on screen despite their ages and experience in the acting world. I do hope they make a sixth series, I think it's time to revive a TV classic.
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This was a journey to remember!
typher15 December 2009
I love this show I live in New Zealand finally just finished series 5 I

must say it's very cheesy and the acting is bad but I loved it for some kinda strange reason.

I see some of the actors now days on NZ soaps and stuff and Outragous Fortune

I Also hear this is plans to bring back the tribe which I am all for but

I would love to see this show grow into something about more adult.

I will always love this show it is awesome

Long live the tribe!
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Why i like The Tribe!
Jharris-114 February 2001
One Saturday afternoon i was bored so i decided to watch the tv and i saw a brand new show called the tribe.From the moment i saw it i was hooked when the 1st episode ended i just could'nt wait for the next to begin.The tribe is a sereies were all the adults have been wiped out by a deadly virus and there are only children and teenagers left to survive on there own.What i think is good about the tribe is that some of the things that happen in it children and teenagers can realate to.Each of the characters have there own personality and its interesting to watch how they cope in a world without adults.The Tribe has its own unique style which also adds to the enjoyment.Overall the tribe is a fascinating series which i watch glued to the tv every episode.
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One of the best
deadrock-2057225 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit that there are times when the acting can be a bit cheesy, however I can over look it due to the impact on my life it has had. This was a show I watched briefly back in 2004 here in America on WAM! which was an Encore sub-channel. The basic plot of the story is that in this world in which all of the adults were wiped out from a virus and the only people left alive are children and teenagers. The show centers around a tribe called The Mallrats who are trying to make a better world for everyone even through all of the horrors. Some of the actors and actresses were on various other shows such as Xena, Hercules, a slue of Power Rangers series and most recently Fear of the Walking Dead. This is a great program in my opinion, again mostly due to the impact it has had on my life, worth watching since you are able to watch it on YouTube now since the only other way is to buy out of print imports.
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You gotta love it
Keiara_X13 April 2001
Talk about original. This show is available in very few countries, but it really is a gem. Not only does it deal with just about every issue under the sun (illness, death, heartbreak and teen pregnancy), combining it with wacky costumes, hairstyles, make-up, names you wish you had and some of the best talent New Zealand has to offer. There should be more shows like this on TV.
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Addictive, highly addictive!
YamaRaja2 May 2003
I bought the complete series 1 on DVD just out of curiosity, never having heard about the show at all. Well, my player has only been off for sleeping since I have started watching. At first I thought that I had wasted my money, but after the first one or two hours I got hooked. I am watching episode 40 now, and already wish, I could go out and get the other 4. For someone who loved reading `The Lord of the Flies' many years ago (Yes, I am an adult .... Have been quite a while), this show not only brings back memories, but starts working on a multitude of levels. It is fun at times, but also a study in social systems of interaction and development. The visual style helps emerging into the world of The Tribes, the acting ranges from fair to superb, the plot meanders between shallow soap and quite intriguing complexity ... For me, every minute watching has been worthwhile!
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Good Show from New Zealand
adamclarke198627 July 2004
I first noticed this show around episode 20 in series 1 and having the DVD it shows what is a possibilty if a Virus wiped out the entire adult population. In Series 1 it shows a group of children forming their own tribe and that they want to create a better world different to the current one in hich tribes fight for food, territory and slaves. However after Series 2 it begins to go slightly downhill because in Series 1 it is dangerous to walk outdoors by yourself and the fear of larger warlike tribes (e.g. Locos, Demon Dogs) attacking you. Now it is safe to walk down the street and everyone gets along but series 3, 4 and 5 have the same basic storyline of a large tribe taking over the whole city.

However this is worth a watch and shows many different characters which have their own personalities and dreams.
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A good part of a bad trip
mill18212 February 2001
I happened to be in London, England on a particularly bad business trip. One morning while flipping through the hotel tv, I caught this show. It was surprisingly addictive for what appeared to be a children's show. It had acting far superior to other fare of this sort and the plot lines seemed quite adult and well thought out... A great show... I only wish I can find it airing in the US
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The best I've ever seen!!!
amber_devries2 January 2002
I started watching Tribe World about a year ago and I love it. It is my favorite t.v. show now. I tape it every week, I subscribe to my email through tribeworld, and I visit their website all the time. All the characters are so interesting. My favorite is Micheal Wesley Smith (Jack). I recommend everyone, from young to old, to watch and support this amazing show:)
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Terrific Tribe
handyoaka15 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the earlier seasons of this show, it gave you a feeling of exactly what would happen to the human race if such a pandemic did break out. It makes sense - once the panic subsided, people would group together for their own protection. Leaders would emerge, society would start to rebuild itself. Regretfully, the later episodes started placing too much emphasis on science fiction. I mean, think of it. Virtual reality to the infinite power? Zapper ray guns? Come on. It would have been better not to introduce the technos but instead concentrate on the developing communities in the city. I noticed another problem - too many characters seemed to disappear too quickly. I heard a rumor that there were problems on the set with egos. Little children, behave yourselves!!!
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