Summer's End (TV Movie 1999) Poster

(1999 TV Movie)

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An easy-going tale of friendship and bigotry.
=G=4 July 2001
"Summer's End" tells the story of a retired black doctor (Jones) who buys lakeside property in Georgia and finds himself reliving a long buried but not forgotten past. With the look of a made-for-tv flick and a somewhat obvious screenplay, "Summer's End", an earnest drama built around the Jones character's relationship with a young boy, serves as a reminder that racial prejudice in American lives on. A good watch for all.
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My comments tell the truth, in my opinion
drell4222 April 2000
The acting was awesome by that brendan fletcher guy. James Earl Jones was unbelivabe and the story line was great. Movie fans, movie critics and just plain ordinary people, this is a must see. Others feel free to comment on my comment. thanks for reading.
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a real hit movie
Dakauna8 March 2005
This movie is the most utmost movie about a black man who becomes friends with this white family. The movie is very well planned out and thought of with a lot of creativity. If i had ten thumbs, i would give him ten thumbs up. This movie shows today how hard it is for black people to make friends with white people. In a way it is still hard but it's starting to progress slowly because there still is a little racism out there somewhere. James Earl Jones needs ten Grammies for this movie along with the cast. Now i have to go out and buy this movie on DVD hopefully if it's on there. I have watched this movie last Sunday it was so good that i thought i wasn't going to be able to go to church. But it went off though so i could go. thank you for letting me post my comment. Have a nice day
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Good little film
CBW-26 June 2001
Very powerful performances by James Earl Jones and Jake Ledoux elevate this film above the average made-for-TV movie. It's worth watching just to see James Earl Jones' controlled rage on the one hand and his tenderness on the other -- it's amazing to behold. I was also impressed with the acting ability exhibited by Jake Ledoux. I hope he continues his acting career, because he has honesty and an emotional range that many current young actor "stars" should envy.
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Outstanding performances in this moving drama.
David-24027 May 2000
This movie was a pleasant surprise for me. Expecting a sentimental and preachy TV movie about the evils of racism, I was given a beautifully acted and subtle movie about how racism can develop and consume people. This happened primarily through the journey of the older brother - played superbly by Brendan Fletcher (who I'm sure is destined for Hollywood stardom). His hatred for the James Earl Jones character develops from his jealousy of the relationship Jones builds with his younger brother. His jealousy makes it easy for bigots to develop racism in him. It's also fascinating to see how Jones (what a great actor he is) is also almost consumed by racism in a totally different way, as his persecution starts to make him bitter and angry to all whites (even his young friend) and even to his own family.

This is powerful stuff and the cast are all fine, including young Jake LeDoux and Wendy Crewson as the mother. The piece is also beautifully photographed, written and directed. I highly recommend this film - and look out for Brendan Fletcher!
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Sugar coated racism
housefull11 April 2010
The initial premise of the film is a little questionable. A single black doctor electing to settle in an all white neighborhood in Georgia is taking things a bit too far. But leaving that aside the acting of James Earl Ray, Brendan Fletcher, Wendy Crewson and Jake LeDoux as the little boy are worth mentioning. The story progresses in the only way it can, with all the requisite clichés that one expects to see in this genre of movie. It is beautifully shot in cozy summer colors designed to bring a warm flutter to mainly female hearts. But the fact remains that this film is just a confection wrapped up in sentimental syrup to make bigotry acceptable to the US viewer. This movie is 11 years old. America now has a black President, but Americans have still not learned anything yet. Time alone will tell whether they ever will. They like to discuss their racism in these beautiful sugar-coated easy-to-digest nuggets. This film left me cold, but after all it's made for TV... American TV. What more can you expect?
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One of my favorites for now one...
fergusrs9 September 1999
I've seen many movies lately, but this one won my heart. Summer's end brings to you the warmth of a sincere friendship between a man and a young boy, but more than that, it shows this friendship as it's seen by the boy, who is capable of anything to keep this relationship based on trust and love...

I can compare this movie to Mel Gibson's The Man Without a Face, where again we have a great movie about a friendship between a man and a boy, both overcoming all the hate that comes from the people around them.
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Great Family movie
iamluvd30 July 2003
This is a great family movie that deals with the ever important issue of racial bigotry in a way that is never "preachy" but instead, moving and thought provoking. The performances are outstanding making each character multi-dimensional rather than the standard fair of bigot vs. liberal. James Earl Jones is remarkable as always, drawing us into the life and history of his character and making us care. Another stand out performance is that of Wendy Crewson - who never ceases to amaze in that she can take a small part, and create something memorable from it. This small movie is a real gem that you don't want to miss. And be sure to share it with someone, as the message is always relevant and bears repeating again and again until this world finally gets it right.
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a heart warming tale of true courage and friendship
rebeccacoulby20 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
this is one of my all time favorites from when I was a kid I was nine years old when it first came out. up until today its been 16 years since I've seen it James earl Jones was a powerhouse I thought he was courageous and a good friend and mentor to Jamie he gave a powerful performance that blew me away and it even brought tears to my eyes. what was outrageous was how hunter's friend blamed the terrible tragedy that happened to their friend on William Blakely even though it wasn't his fault and he even tried to help prevent the tragedy and him being black and the ignorant way that others around them thought that gave them even more reason to hate him. I liked how determined James earl Jones character was in not giving in to hate the strength that he showed was amazing. Jamie's brother hunter refused to give William a chance because of the him and his friends actions towards him and because of his stubbornness it drove a wedge between Jamie and Hunter and he didn't understand how he could spend so much time with some'one that he considered an outcast and stranger. part of what compels people to racism is ignorance and their failure to see people of other races and religions as human beings and that's where people fail in moral judgment every day. this movie is a wonderful example of how getting to know some'one without prejudice and just being a friend can truly break down racial barriers if more people would show that kind of judgment every day.
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Here comes trouble...
camnowik9815 April 2014
Trouble comes in the form of a retired black man, to a small lakeside community. Almost immediately he is confronted by prejudice and hate. Two local brothers then come to terms with their hatred and tolerance over the racial situation. One brother wants to learn more about the man while the other couldn't care less. The movie is narrated by one of the brothers and proudly calls the black man friend. Its interesting to see how two brothers diverge and differ in their feelings even tho they are from the same house. Their mother too has an opinion of her own and in the end the black man is invited to dinner to meet her family and hear what he has to say. Altho the black man decides he can't live in a community that is openly racial, he does decide to give it a chance. Grade C
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